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myOtaku.com: twinsoul

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

Tadashi (09/12/04)

Hi! Ummmm.... BY! JK I like you site and I really like your avatar. Okay thats it, well see ya :3

beyblader (09/10/04)

Ha, cool thanks for signin my gb, and visiting my site! Urs is cool I find! yup yup. ttyl.

dark moon fox (09/05/04)

hey! thanx for signin my gb! ill add u as a friend too^^i love ur site tooand inuyasha rocksXD!

DemonMessiah (08/26/04)

hey, just stopping by to say thanks for signing my guestbook. well, i really don't have a lot to say, except i like the colors. they go nicely together. oh well, that's it. bye *waves and runs off*

inuyashagirl1 (08/22/04)

cool site !!!uhuhuhuhuhuhuh!you wrote a long times worth of writing ther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i can never do that !uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!you should visit my sit some at inuyashagirl1 ok!!!
-take care!
p.s. im new so my site isnt good yet!

xosweetpunkox (08/19/04)

hey nice site im signin cuz u signed mine and really there should b less preps lol.
Anna Banana

SILVER TIGER (08/15/04)

Hey, welcome to MyOtaku.Enjoy your time here. I like inuyasha too, he's cool man. Well anyways, if you want, you can stop by my site and sign my guestbook and add me as a friend if you want to ok. Well, I gotta go, see ya laterz.

no one (08/15/04)

You're posting as much as me, and that's a bad thing! But maybe not as bad as falling off a fifty story building with a bag of bowling balls strapped to you.


Anyway, hi... and see you later...

che lee (08/15/04)

cool site

CuddleBunny (08/07/04)

Hey! I'm the first one to sign! So Welcome To MyOtaku! Enjoy your time here^^ you like Inuyasha?Me too! Well anyway check out my site if you want later..
See Ya!