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New Hampshire
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Attempting to make it through Senior year.
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Getting my license.
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Chibi Vampire, Hibiki's Magic, Chobits, Ouran High School Host Club, .hack// series, InuYasha, Bleach, Death Note, Castle in the Sky, Howl's Movie Castle, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, & Spirited Away.
To get into Keene State College.
Reading, cooking, anime/manga, playing my flute, shopping, and music!
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| Twists Of Rain
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Monday, February 18, 2008
I'll comment at home. Promise. But thanks for the 5 comments I got yesterday. I wasn't even gunna post yesterday but I decided I didn't have anything else to do.
I'm in class, but I'm aloud on because I'm done and she is trying to figure out how to use the scanner. You would think because she's a computer teacher she would know how X_X
Hi Em McKenzie! I'm typing you a little note. So here's my note. I can't wait to watch Osmosis Jones tomorrow! Not -.- It's #1. Gross #2. JP makes the whole thing worse. He keeps talking and he never shuts up. *rolls eyes* What a lame, stupid little kid!
I have another story. It's a good one. So you all know how I fell, well, I fell again this morning at 5:30 am because I was helping my mom get her car out of the snowbank. So I fell, under the car, and got more bruises and scrapes. It really hurt. So I was coming from getting/eating breakfast and HE was comign down the stair, instrument in hand, and he accidently hit me -.- Right where all my injuries are too. He said sorry, but I was almost in tears it hurt so bad. =/ Ah well, I'm oay now.
Did I mention we had a two hour delay? Well, we did. But I still had to get up early to get my moms car out of the snow-bank. It was horrible. It took about 2 hours! X_X I was really cold when I was done, and I almost didn't have time to take a REALLY warm shower.
She's supposed to be over here, helping me and this guy Cory (freshman) but she's too busy doing her stupid scanner. Oh God, that sounded really wrong. She's just trying to figure out how to work it! Oh that made it worse! Shut up Keri. Just... Shut up!
Im going to the guys basketball game later in Milford! The last game was so good and half our school is going. Our main rivals basically. So it should be a lot of fun. I'll tell you who wins tomorrow. And someone *him* might be there!
I should go. I will comment after school later.
Comments (7) |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Parent's Computer
My computer was being so slow! So I had to come in here and use my parent's computer -.- Which is being almost as slow. I don't think I'll be able to comment today, but whoever comments today, I will comment you all later ^_^
So the party last night was really fun! When I get the cahnce, I will get those pics up. Especially of us girls (and poor Ian, who was the only guy. But he's a good sport and didn't mind). Oooo! My friend Jocey and her brother Ian (their twins, fraternal.. I think.) got their licenses! I was very proud of them XD And they have a car, that they have to share. It isn't a bad car though. Anyway...
I'm so tired. We didn't get home till around *thinks* 12:15am and then as soon as we got home I slipped and fell. So I have scratches and bruises up and down my right leg. And I was gunna wear a skirt tomorrow -.- Maybe I still can. I haven't exactly seen where the bruises are. *sighs* I'm tired.
Sorry that I won't be able to commeny you guys until either later tonight or tomorrow even. This is my parents computer and my dad needs to do some school work on it. He almost didn't let me post! X_X
Mood- Tired
Time- 3:36pm
Song- All Of You Love (HelloGoodbye)
Comments (5) |
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I gots some pictures!!!
*opens photobucket and starts to load pics* I'll just put the links up so you can choose if you wanna look. They're of me and Christina, and it's what happens when you don't get enought sleep XD I also have a picture from after the ice storm. So if you wanna look at that one, go ahead.¤t=DigitalPics035.jpg
That's Christina. Doesn't she look amazing in that beautiful make-up? XD We don't usually look like this by the way. We are somewhat decently pretty.
The other pictures won't load. So I'll post them tomorrow. Sorry everyone! =[
Thanks for the comments! I got like... 7 or 8. Not my usual 13 but that's okay. I was happy with them. I might not be able to comment all of you right now, but later I will.
I'm going to a Valentine's (White & Red) Party at 4, so I still need to take a shower, get dressed, put make-up on (not like the picture don't worry, I actually look really pretty) and all that awesome girly stuff.
Last night was so much fun! Me and Christina were off the walls. We watched No Reservations & Stranger then fiction, ate a lot of junk food, and played some games. It was an excellent girls night. My dad went to bed early, saying we were annoying and loud XD We win ^_^ Oh, and of course, we talked about guys XD What's a girls night without doing that?! I mean, seriously, a sleepover, without the walk of boys?! Impossible XD Anyhoo.
*opens year book up to page 148* Ah, my favorite page. Not for any reason at all cough. I was telling Christina all my stalkerish things I knew about a certain person. Then she told me stuff about her certain person. It was fun XD
I need to go shower and get ready. So I'll comment all of you tonight as soon as I get home!
Mood- A little tired, but too excited for the party ^_^
Time- 2:17pm
Song- The Curse Of Curves (Cute Is What We Aim For) *dances along with music*
Comments (8) |
Friday, February 15, 2008
I'm in class, but I'm aloud to be on!
Thaks for the 11 comments! It was the worst Valentine's Day ever though. Like, even worse then before. -.-'
My parents were so dumb. They actually made me go out to dinner with them, and grochery shopping. It was horrible. I wanted to go to the movies instead be seen with them, on a couples day, and be stuck with them, in the center of the room, where there are a bunch of people sitting around us, and staring at me X_X I hated it! I had a calzone that was filled with cheese! The sauce was to the side so you could dunk it. I loved it. But other then that.... X_X
I have another story!! Is everyone ready? Good. Because it's one of mine, and your, favorites! Yes, it involves HIM.
So I was going to P.E (this is like, the only time I actually run into him), and I was grabbing my stuff from where I left it. I stood up and I was waiting for all these people to go by me, and then he stepped up, right next to me. Yeah, I know, awesome XD So he looked down and put his hand forward and let me go ahead of him. I said thanks, and kept walking. Then I went to get a drink, coughing fit again, and he was standing behind me! I was like "O.o OMG." Not out-loud, but I was in shock. So it just toally made my day.
Even when I found out my fone was broken (the screen cracked) at lunch (which is where I just was) I was still thinking about my early part of the day. So I have to go to art and tell Christina because she will be so excited! XD
Speaking of Christina, she is coming over tonight and sleeping over. We're going to rent movies, get pizza, and stay up all night being hyper! Haha, it's a girls night. My dad is going to lock himself in my room. My mom will prolly just watch sappy, romance movies *bleh* So she won't bother us much.
I'm in class, but I'm done with it, so I don't have to worry about it. It's our final Word project, and she said it was good. I just have to bring in a picture (or e-mail it to myself) and I'm done.
I'm changing my layout, so if you can't see it let me know, and I will change it back. If you can see it, tell me what it is, so I know you can see it. XD
I should go, class is almost over and I've posted enough. I will comment after school because the school computer won't let me X_X Sorry I didn't get aroud to it yesterday, I was not home -.-;
Mood- Very tired
Song- None
Time- 12:40 pm
Comments (8) |
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day (bleh)
Thanks for the 6 comments. From 13 thats really... Low, but that's okay. I posted late.
Happy Valentine's Day, or Singles Awareness Day, as my good pal Emmah says XD But I agree with her more then anyone else. This is only a holiday so Hallmark can make more money. So it's stupid.
My plan to go to the movies tonight has been corrupted. My parents won't let me -.- Der. I wanna go see Step Up 2!! It came out today! *sighs* Ah well, beggers can't be choosers.
So I hope those who have plans, have fun. Those who don't... I love you all. You're all my Valentines!! XD *hugs*
School was okay. I'm WAAAAAAAY ahead of everyone in my computers class, and my teacher doesn't know what to do with me. She said that she should've had us all take the test if some of us were gunna be so far ahead.. But she didn't think any of us would be. She also said it was too late and I would have to finish the class X_X Otherwise, I would have a damn free block for 3 period!! Lunch period!! I would be able to see... *cough* That person! =[
Speaking of him, I hardly saw him today! I saw him coming in, as I was leaving Band when he walked right by me (dude, he wears axe vice, yeah I can tell, because it's the only one I don't like. But sometimes he smells good XD), and then for like 5 seconds after school. I usually see him more. So that made today worse.
You should all see what the trees look like around here! They're beautiful! They are covered in ice, a light covering of snow, and with the sun gleaming off them *sighs* Pure beauty. I have some pics on my new camera so as soon as I figure out how to plug it in and get the pics up I will ^_^
I got a Valentine's card from my aunt. Guess where it's from *hears someone call out Hallmark* Bingo! We have a winner! *watches as confetti falls and people clap* Yeah, money makers. I wish I was the inventer/creater of HM. I would be rolling in green XD
I suppose this is long enough. Seeing as most of you are prolly not reading this because you are out with your little BF's/GF's. So why am I even posting? Prolly to rant *sighs* Bye!
Song- Don't You Dare (Alexz Johnson)
Time- 4:24pm
Mood- Lonely
Snapple Cap- On Valentine's Day, there is no charge to get married in the Empire State Building's Chapel (heck, I didn't even know there was a chapel there).
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hello everyone! Thanks for the comments, I got 12 ^_^ I like reading them. They're sometimes (or always) very funny. And I am glad you all loved my cute little cow!
Last night after drivers ed, I was waiting for my dad outside (and I literally had just stepped outside) and I was shaking uncontrollably! It was cold, and snowing, but I had just stepped outside! So I went home and I asked my mom to take my temperature, and sure enough, it was 101.6 X_X So yes, it turns out that, yesterday when I said I was sick, I was.
Today was a snow day, and I’m sick. So I can’t do anything fun =[ But that’s okay, I’ll feel better tomorrow I hope, I must go to school! I can’t fall behind yet, I’m too far ahead to fall behind XD If that makes any sense... I also want to go because it’s Valentine’s Day, not that I’m going to get anything, but still.. It’s always nice to go to school on the most depressing day of the year, lol.
I went to bed at like... 10:15 last night, because I was watching the dem/rep primaries in Maryland and whatever states they were in. Obama won, which is cool, because I like him =] Hillary is.. Okay I guess... But I don’t want her to be my first women president. Anyhoo, I know you all don’t care about who will be president or whatever, so next topic!
I missed Kyle XY Monday night -.- But I guess seeing that game was so worth it. It’s on Friday (I think), so I’ll catch it then... Whatever time it’s at... I’m not quite sure yet. But I won’t miss it... Wait.. Maybe I will. Crap! Dance is Friday... But I’m not gunna go. I think I’ll have Christina come over, and we’ll rent some movies ^_^ YAY MOVIES! I’m not sure what, but we’ll figure it out.
I'll be off to comment you all now. Or almost all of you. I might lose power, so if you're not commented by my, then I'm sorry. It's because of the stupid snow and ice X_X
Mood- Sick =P
Time- 6:22pm
Song- Dirty Little Secret (All American Rejects)
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Thanks for the comments. Still got 8. That's only because I didn't comment everyone. I had to go to the basketball game to play in band. IT WAS SO INTENSE (more about that in a minute). I decided, since I don't have too much to post, I shall do a few comment replies. I'm all so glad you loved my little crush klutz story XD
Pinksilhouette- Um... Sexy dream? O.o
Wolf of Sorrow- Well, you HIM didn't laugh at you. So =P
Kyofanatic13- Yeah, alright. You were 100% correct. And I'm also very klutzy most of the time so it's not just in front of HIM XD
Anyhoo, so I was sick today. And I am now worse thanks to my dad making me go to school! He's just like "You have driver's ed tonight, I think you can tough it out." And so I went to school, and died. X_X Which me being sick leads to my new chapter in life.
Story again! About... HIM XD I had a coughing fit before my 2B class, so I went to get a drink and I didn't realize anyone was behind me until I almost killed them with my backpack. Guess who it was?! -.-' Yeah, I was like "Oh, sorry." And walked off. I think he thinks I'm TRYING to kill him. My bad XD
So in P.E we played dodgeball. It was fun and I did really good for being sick. I got a TON of kids out! First it was Freshman vs. Sophmores & Juniors (we're so mean I know XD). Then it was kids in my class vs. kids that were there from another class (where we kicked ass again). So it was fun.
So like I said, I'm sick, I have drivers ed tonight, and I'm "trying" to kill someone *sighs* My life is horrible right now. I keep getting in the way XD I need to write my story down! I need to keep track of all the klutzy things I do that almost kill people so I know not to do it in the near future! XD
Off to comment! Love you all! No hugs! I'm sick. Sorrys! =[
Song- Cyclone (Baby Bash) *dances, has coughing fit, and dies* X_X
Time- 4:05 pm
Mood- Sick =/
P.S- I put my "Valentine's" theme up. no I did NOT make it. I found it on Google XD Also, I think it was Emmah who was saying something about her dad and this Brain game for the DS. And it was something about a kangaroo. So I decided to post a cow picture! XD It's my specialty. I made it myself.

Comments (12) |
Monday, February 11, 2008
No more BASKETBALL!!!! And STORY!!!
Okay, I shouldn't be excited, but I am. Shut up! I'm not playing next year, instead... I am joining a gym in a few weeks because they're fun ^_^ Lol, I like tredmills!
Thanks for the comments! I got 8 ^_^ I used to get 13 but I haven't been on, so hopefully my numbers will go back up. I love reading what you all have to say!
I have to play with the band at a game tonight. I don't wanna.. But there may be a certain person there... So I'm going! XD
OMG! Did I mention I got a job?!?! Well, I did. I work Thursday's & Friday's 4:30pm-7pm then Saturday's and Sunday's 7:30am-2pm! I start a week from Thursday. I'm so excited. I'm not sure how much I'm making. But it's very easy. Oh right, it might be helpful if you knew what I was doing *laughs to self* Wow Keri, you're so out of it today XD
I'm working at a retirement home *hear's all the snickers* Yeah yeah, shut up! But it's a good paying job. I'm not sure how much, but's it's more then min. wage! I set the tables, serve food, clear the tables, and re-set them for the next meal! I also have to put the dishes in the dish washer, but that's stuff I do at my aunt's apartment! So I'm thinking this will be fun ^_^ They're totally independent, but they just need people there. You know? And... *looks around* THEY GIVE TIPS!!! So I'm going to dress nice and be on my best behavior!! ^_^ *smiles sweetly* Nice old people =D
Other then that, I don't have much to post about. I'm just about to go and comment you all. OH! MY STORY! I might as well tell all of you.
So today, when I was headed to P.E, Michelle was standing and talking to some friends. We split 2nd block 45/45 and I now have a 2B class. Anyway, I was trapped between her and the guys bathroom door (this sounds akward, but it isn't what some of you might be thinking). So I turned to face the br door (I have no idea why I was that stupid) so I could try to shimmy past. It didn't work.
The door suddenly opened and... HE was there. That kid.. That I perhaps like.. Came out. And he starred at me, as I tried to go by, and I tripped, and my head almost hit the wall. Then I fixed myself up, and looked back, he was still there... Looking at me. Then, he shook his head, with this little "Wow, you're so weird." smirk on his face and walked away. I wanted to cry. In a good way. I don't know how that works, but it does. Yeah, weird. I know. So that was the HIGH-LIGHT of my day =D That just made me feel really, happy? Something like that. *sighs* His eyes are wicked sexy.... Oh uh... Hi! Sorry about that XD
HI EMMA (pink)!! Last night, I forgot to tell you this during lunch, I had a dream! Lol, well duh, but it was about *gulps* BUGS!! It was so sketchy! I only get like 3 hours of sleep a night, so it didn't help =[ But I thought I would share with you. You were in it too. You were COVERED in all different kinds of wicked gross bugs! So was X-tina and I was too. It was BLEH!!!!
Well, I best be off to comment. *hugs* Fairly well! *smiles & waves*
Song- Don't Forget To Remember Me (Carrie Underwood)
Mood- Happy
Time- 4:12 pm
Comments (8) |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Hello Everyone!
Okay, so I had a small post yesterday saying how I would post today. So here is my really long post.
Friday was our last game, we lost and I only played for a total of 4 minutes. So When it was over I cried. I cried all the way to the rock-a-thon (I'll tell you about that in a minute), and when I got there I had to pull myself together. I was okay though.
Friday was also the start of the rock-a-thon! A rock-a-thon (r-a-t) is when the band gets together, in rocking chairs, and we rock all night to raise money. It's usually for our end of the year trip, which we're not going on one this year, but we will next year. So anyway, we're thinking about going to London!!!! Isn't that WICKED cool?!!?
I was kinda depressed when I first got there because someone who I was hoping would be there, wasn't there. But then I was happy, because he came in about 15 minutes after I got there! So I was pretty good.
We had about 4 different T.V's for Play Stations and Wii's or whatever they had. Then we had two big projector screens for movies on the walls. I watched Bourne Ultimatim (sp?), this Shakespere thing that made all his piece into a comedy, even the tragidies. It was funny. I also watched Hairspray, which I've seen 500000 times XD But I had to do something. My iPod died, and my fone died. So I died XD
About 6 am (yesterday morning) I fell asleep for 5 minutes. And then the guy (XD) accidently hit my chair, my arm fell, and then I almost fell out of my chair! I was so embaressed X_X He said sorry and I was just like "No problem." I couldn't sleep the rest of the time.
So it was pretty fun. And as you can see I was very happy ^_^
Okay, so right now, I am trying to get Jonas Brothers concert tickets. But it isn't going well. I'm like, fighting for them, no joke. I'm doing this, posting, and commenting all at the same time. Soon I will just be tiket-fighting, and commenting. I will get to everyone today! Except MyO is being weird and not showing whose updated or anything, so it might take me a little while. Sorry again for not commenting in awhile, I feel really bad!
Mood- Bored
Time- 10:01 am
Song- Pick Up The Pieces (Alexz Johnson)
P.S- I am modifying this post because this is so important!!
For those of you who haven't check on the Stephanie Meyer Official Website lately, then you wouldn't know that the release date for Breaking Dawn is AUGUST 2, 2008!!!!! You really have NO idea how excited I am! This is really amazing! ^_^ *jumps up and down* I have already pre-ordered it on Barnes & Noble .com, so I should get it by the 5th of August!
P.S.S- Hey Em, find and bugs in your hair lately? *shutters* Gross. I took like... And hour shower this morning XD
P.S.S.S- Modifying again! Twilight (the movie) will be coming out DECEMBER 12, 2008!!! And The Host (another book by SM) will be coming out May 6, 2008. So this is a very big year for Meyer.
Comments (9) |
Saturday, February 9, 2008
shortest ever!
short post. im not bothering with gramtics or anything either. sorry.
i am going to comment you all tonight and post tomorrow morning what happened at the rock-a-thon because it was too amazing to post now. it's too late for my post anyway, not everyone would be able to read it.
so come prepared for my LONG post tomorrow! and if you don't wanna read it, that's okay. so, im off to comment!
thanks for the comments by the way. i got 12 ^_^
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