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Attempting to make it through Senior year.
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Chibi Vampire, Hibiki's Magic, Chobits, Ouran High School Host Club, .hack// series, InuYasha, Bleach, Death Note, Castle in the Sky, Howl's Movie Castle, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, & Spirited Away.
To get into Keene State College.
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| Twists Of Rain
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Day off.
Well, first I would like to say thanks for the comments ^_^ I gots 8 of 'em! Lol.
Next I would like to say, while you are all at school, I am enjoying a wonderful day off *sighs* Four day weekends rock! We had Friday off because of finals (which who ever missed finals, had to go in Friday. I didn't ^_^), Saturday and Sunday (well duh! That's a usual weekend XD), and today, prolly because the teachers need to get there lesson plans ready. We all start new classes. This is my schedual;
Biology- 1st block
Band- 2nd block (45 minutes)
Phys. Ed.- 2nd block at the skinny (45 minutes)
Intro to Comp.- 3rd block (QTR 3)
American Government- 3rd block (QTR 4)
Art Foundations- 4th block
I hate P.E. and I don't think it should be a required class X_X
Anyway, enought rambling about stupid P.E., and on to more important things!
*crickets* Okay, I don't think I have anything that is very important to post. I guess I'll go comment. And finish my chocolate banana smoothie ^_^ Yummy!
Song- Welcome To The Black Parade- My Chemical Romance
Mood- Content
Time- 9:52 am
Snappl Cap- Only male turkeys gobble (*gobble gobble* lol).
Comments (10) |
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well, today is my first day being 16 ^_^ Thanks for all your comments! Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, I woke up late XD
So anyway. For my birthday I went to the mall with my friends Christina and Sammy for like... 4 hours XD I bought socks, lotion from Bath & Body Works, and a few other things. It was fun.
Then we went to the movies to see 27 Dresses! It was so good and it made me cry, 3 times. One of the guys in it was from Hairspray and when I noticed it took all my energy to not scream "OMG! IT'S THAT GUY!!!" Lol. James Marsden, hosted the Corny Collins show (I know if Emma is reading this she's prolly like "obsessed much?" My answer, yes. But anyway, the movie was so good. I would recommend it ^_^
Then we went out to dinner. This was so annoying because we were going to go to Olive Garden, no parking. Georgio's, no parking. Elisha's, smelled like brussel sprouts and I didn't like the looks of it. Then we went to Longhorn! Yippee parking! So we went inside and my friend and I were like "Table for 6 please." And we thought the lady said "That's a 45 minute wait." And were like "All righty." and sat down. When my parents came in like 30 seconds later I ask if I can go to Staples to get supplies for next semester, and they say yes. It's freeeeeeeeeeeezing so we run, all the way across the parking lot. Christina gets there first ('cause she's really fast) then me and Sam pull up the rear. I get in and my mom calls and tells me they've been seated and that we have to come back. I was so mad XD
So, I'm sure some of you are interested in what I got for my birthday right? Right okay. So I got 16 beautiful pink roses, a new digital camera, one of those Irish rings that have hands holding a heart, socks, PJ's, gift cards to Dunkin Donuts (That I prolly won't use), a Tinkerbell poster, a Zac Efron poster (XD), and a few other little things. I enjoyed all my gifts and I am very happy I got them. OMG I GOT MY BLENDER!!!! *can see people looking at me weird* Okay yeah, most people ask for a car or something cool like that. But I wanted a blender so I could make smoothies ^_^ So I got a blender for my birthday lol.
So I'm 16. I don't feel any older, But I'm not sure if I'm sposed to XD I'm sure I will later lol.
Best be off to comment! I feel bad for not doing that for 2 days now. Have a good weekend! I still have one more day after today, I got Monday off!! *ducks from the attacking crowd*
Song- A Million Years (Teddy Geiger)
Time- 11:05 am
Mood- 16 BABY!!
Snapple Cap- The mouth of the Statue of Liberty is 3 feet wide.
Comments (8) |
Friday, January 25, 2008
Last day being 15!!
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
OMG! My last day being 15! I would just like to say a few words; THANK GOD! Lol, just kidding. I think 15 was a good year for me.
So my game against Steven is in 3 hours and 20 minutes. I'm so nervous, but I think we'll do good. It's an hour and 20 minutes bus ride X_X So I have to be to the school by 3 o'clock to leave. So I have limited time for posting and commenting. I will comment again when I get home ^_^
So today's gift from my mom was a heart shaped box with a cow on it and inside was a little key-chain cow flash light that, when you push the button, lights and says "Moooooo!" It's so cute and I love it!
I better end this so I can go comment you all! Have a good day and I will post tomorrow morning (it being my birthday and all) and I'l make it quick, I promise. My posts have been quite short for the past few days... Huh. I'll have a long one soon ^_^
Using my parents computer so my stats *below* are a little different today.
Mood- Bored
Time- 2:13 pm
A Cherokee Feast Of Days; January 25- Giving up robs us from drawing up gold from our own depths. Imagine having a well, a very deep well, that is topped off with several feet of tainted water. But deeper down, the water, the a ma', is clear, and down even farther it is a spring, a spring that bubbles cold and pure through deposits of gold. Should we give up because of what we saw in the beginning? Or would we want to tap the depths and clear away the polluted water and get down to the very best? If it is true that we only know five percent of who and what we are- then, it is possible that we have untapped depths, where our being is pure and free of contamination. Should we give up such a rich experience because of what we have seen on the surface?
We give you this belt to clear away all clouds, that we may live in bright sunshine...
- Hendrick 1754
Comments (11) |
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Finals are over! Whoot! My geometry final was quite easy. I'm sure it's from all the luck I got from you guys XD But thanks! I also didn't have to present my Western Civ final! I was so excited! We ran out of time so I handed it in and he's going to read over it and I might have to go back and present it BUT not in front of a class ^_^
Thanks for the comments and everything! I love reading what you all have to say ^_^
So, hope everyone is well ^_^ I am! I have a 4 day weekend, it's almost my birthday, i have a game tomorrow, and my aunt is on her way up! Yippee!! I am so excited! I'll be able to comment everyone and post before my game tomorrow and sleep in and everything! *sees everyone who doesn't have tomorrow off glaring at me* Uh... So uh...
Best be off!
Song- Fabulous (HSM2)(Haha, Emma's fave song XD)
Mood- Excited
Time- 3:13pm
Snapple Cap- In 1900, 1/3 of all automobiles in New York City were powered by electricity (Yay NYC! XD)
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I've reached 200! And today is the day!
The second part to my title sounds a little awkward *gives you all time to think about it*
So I've reached 200 GB sigs! Yippee!! Thanks everyone! And Today is my two year anniversary on MyOtaku!!! Yay!
Thanks for the comments everyone! And accoring to little miss pinky I have a four day weekend! Yay! Perfect for my 16th birthday! Which is on Saturday!
My mom has been leaving me a gift on the bathroom sink so when I wake up I get it.
Sunday- I got a hairbrush & hairties
Monday- I got a little rocky thing that says Love and has an angel on it
Tuesday- I got a mini Ralph Lauren Romance perfume
Wednesday- I got gum and an iron on (for T-shirts)
Got one of my finals over with today. It was English. I think I did quite well ^_^ I already took my band final so I had a free hour & 45 minutes. It was cool. It was also a half day. I had practice at 11:45-1:15. It was bad ^_^
I have to do some last minutes fixes to my final project which I present tomorrow. I also have a Geometry final tomorrow. So wish me luck! I'll post right after practice again tomorrow.
Sorry if I don't get to commenting all of you! And sorry I wasn't able to comment for the past few days V_V I feel bad =/
Song- Stronger (Kanye West)
Mood- Content
Time- 2:30pm
Snapple Cap- Gah! None left -.-
Comments (10) |
Monday, January 21, 2008
*yawn* Morning.
Hey everyone! I only got four comments yesterday, but that's okay. I posted late. Thanks for those of you who did comment!
So anyways. This is the last day of my three day weekend, and all I've done is study & work on my project. I'm so bored! I wish I didn't have to take finals. My goal, when I'm a senior, is to have all A's in my classes, so I don't have to take finals ^_^ That would make me very excited.
Aww. This is sad;
The 15-year-old girl who ended an interview to Amnesty International with this plea was
forcibly abducted at night from her home by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), an armed
opposition movement fighting the Ugandan Government. She was made to kill a boy who
tried to escape. She saw another boy being hacked to death for not raising the alarm when
a friend ran away. She was beaten when she dropped a water container and ran for cover
under gunfire. She received 35 days of military training and was sent to fight the
government army.
The use of children as soldiers has been universally condemned as abhorrent and
unacceptable. Yet over the last ten years hundreds of thousands of children have fought
and died in conflicts around the world.
Children involved in armed conflict are frequently killed or injured during combat or while carrying out other tasks. They are forced to engage in hazardous activities such as laying
mines or explosives, as well as using weapons. Child soldiers are usually forced to live
under harsh conditions with insufficient food and little or no access to healthcare. They are
almost always treated brutally, subjected to beatings and humiliating treatment.
Punishments for mistakes or desertion are often very severe. Girl soldiers are particularly
at risk of rape, sexual harassment and abuse as well as being involved in combat and other
Well, I didn't include her plea, but it was just for you to tell the world about the child soldiers and what not. But the little story after it was sad =[
Huh, I supposed I'll go comment everyone, if you've updated at such hours in the morning.
Song- Wake Me Up When September Ends (Green Day)
Mood- Bored
Time- 10:09 am
Snapple Cap- The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out (um eww).
Comments (11) |
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A good loss ^_^
Last time we played Oyster River we lost by 65 X_X This time, we lost by 15 ^_^ Shows how much we've improved *dances*
Thanks for the comments, I shall get to you as soon as I post, promise.
I have to work on my project, I only have *counts on fingers* 3 and a 1/2 days to work on it... I haven't yet started X_X I hate finals... I hope I pass!
Hope everyone who has a three day weekend is enjoying it so far ^_^ I'm not -.- I went shopping yesterday, didn't find a thing I wanted that I could afford, then today I slept in until 12:30 pm and no one was home! I was like "Oh joy. They left me here without asking if I wanted to go." -.-; Then my dad comes home from the grochery store and makes ME go outside, make about 6 trips back and forth to and from the car to bring in all the food! It was cold =[ Windchill is like, 3 degrees I think the weather dude said on Channel 9 Morning (or afternoon) Weather. So I was like.. Brr. Haha.
Thanks to koon for recommending I should use the FOB video for my project, I will think about using it ^_^
*randomly takes out fluffy stuffing and glues it to a piece of paper* CLOUD! *looks around* Uh, hmm. I'm not hyper or anything, where would you get that idea? *opens itunes*
Um. I lost my list again, of the buttons XD So again, if you asked for one (or would like one) please PM me and I will let you know about it.
Oh! Question! Can you all see my background? Sometimes it doesn't load on my computer. So please lemme know if you can't or can. ^_^
Well, I hould comment, and work on my project *sighs* How boring.
Song- She Will Be Loved (Maroon5)
Time- 1:29pm
Mood- Bored & hyper, not a good mix
Snapple Cap- Beavers were once the size of bears (that is one huge ass beaver lol).
Comments (4) |
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Game later, post now.
Hey everyone! I'll post the scores of my game later. But first, I would like to thank you for all the comments. And just to make you feel better pink, yes I swallowed the styrofoam, just to prove YOU wouldn't choke if YOU had swallowed it... But I'm sure with your luck you would've anyway XD
Anyhoo, I'm still working on some math, but the studying is going well. I have to work on my Western Civ. Final Project later. That's all we have to do is a project and mine is about Boy Soliders in Africa, so this is going to be interesting ^_^ Then on finals day, we have to present! *dies* I seriously can't present, and it's supposed to be for like 5-8 minutes. Mine will last about 2 or 3 X_X I'm going to die.
Our game is at 1 o'clock, so I have an hour before I have to be there. *finishes math problem* That was easy. Anyhoo, we play Oyster River, I don't think their records have been too good. *thinks* Maybe two games they've won? I don't know.
I've noticed that there are a LOT of January birthdays this week (including yesterday all the way to next Saturday) So happy birthday to all of you! Because I am sure I won't be able to comment on your birthdays. I won't even be able to get on the day of my 2 year anniversary on MyO! *sniffs* I will try, but I have finals the next day. I'll sneak on from school lol.
I've gotta go. Talk to you all soon! I'll try to comment later tonight after my 'rents have gone to bed. So whoever comments today, I'll comment you back tonight ^_^
Mood- Exctited
Time- 11:33 am
Song- Hey There Delilah (PWT's)
Comments (8) |
Friday, January 18, 2008
I ESCAPED THE HELL OF STUDYING!!! *looks around at all the confused faces* *sighs* I was studying for finals. And it was dinner time, so my dad let me get online. Little did he know I'm not getting off XD
So my few days without MyO have been, oddly, good. Had practice at 6:30 pm last night and then I had practice at 2:30 today. It's jumping around so much!
Thanks for the comments (6) which is about 2 times more then I thought I would get ^_^ And that you koon for informing me of what Ashura is (which began at sundown today lol).
*takes sip of cram soda* Oh yeah! We got our sweat-shirts, sweat-pants, and t-shirts for basketball that we ordered awhile ago! Yippee! They fit perfectly and they're soft (sweat pants/shirt) and the t-shirt has my last name on it! Whoot! Right across the back it says "Fitzpatrick" without the quotes ^_^
Huh. There seems like something... I wanted to say... OH! Bowman gave us a test today *rolls eyes* But I must've passed. I did 3 key terms (deffinitions [supposed to do 4 but I didn't know the others lol]) and an essay (supposed to do 2 but I didn't know the answers, again) but I think I still did good ^_^
Jeesh, for not posting in 2 days, I completely forgot what I would post. *sighs* I think I have short term memory loss. *nods* Yup, I'm a cool kid like that. I really do think I have it though, because I don't remember much that happened in 5th grade and most of my others except freshman, that I remember quite well.
Okay, I think Emma (school Emma, not MyO Emmah) was on crack (or coffee) this morning lol. In English she kept sending me random texts (she sits right next to me too). One said coffee over and over again so at the bottom of the text she said "haha, it looks like eecof" *rolls eyes* then she sent me another coffee one with a ton of EEEEEEE's at then end, then she sent me one that said styrofoam =] and I sent her one that said "Emma, I think you need some help" and so she replied with "Emma sad now. Sad Emma. This is a mournful Emma =["... I thought it was kind of funny. Did I mention she was eating the styrofoam? lol There are some weird kids in our class XD
Game tomorrow against Oyster River. Nervous mucho! I don't think they have good records, so I'm not too worried. But wish us luck anyway ^_^
Also, finals next week. I think I need more luck for that please. I got my band final done yesterday during lunch, I missed lunch, and messed my final up so bad. It sucked. I missed 5 notes on my cromatic and I didn't even bother couunting out my rests XD So I didn't do too well.
I guess this is a long enough post. Sorry if I can't get on that much this weekend. I am going to comment right now, letting you all know. And I will try to post tomorrow's score from our game. I will post Sunday and Monday if I get a chance, if not I will comment.
Song- Hate (I Really Don't Like You) {PWT's}
Mood- Bored
Time- 6:45 pm
Snapple Cap- The only continent without native reptiles or snakes is Antarctica.
P.S- Here is the poster thingy for, you guessed it, the up-coming movie Twilight!

Had to post it lol. Huge fan ^_^ Found it online, can't wait for the movie!
Comments (10) |
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Double Sorry
Okay, turns out, I can't comment today. So if I don't have a lot of comments tomorrow, I understand. I might not even be on tomorrow. I have finals to study for and a band final to practice for. *sighs* I'm quite nervous. So I might not be on until Thursday of next week after basketball practice. I'm sorry I won't be able to comment for so long *sighs* I feel bad.
Well, school was okay. I wanted to sleep in all my classes XD But I didn't. *sigh* Emma and I got our project on Marulyn Monroe back. We got an A+ (100%!)!! I was so excited ^_^
OMG! I should've put this before my English thing buuuuuut; My dad and I were driving to school this morning, and a car was turning into the middle school and my dad didn't wanna pass in the side lane, but he started to, and the car behind us blew there horn because they were lazy and in a hurry to go no where, so my dad throws his hand up in the air like "What jackass." And then kept driving. Then he put his hand on the horn, next thing I know (right in front of the middle school!) My dad and I are in a mini road rage! The guy next to us was passing on a double line and my dad blows the horn the whole time he is passing. Then my dad gets on his bumper and starts honking again. Note that I'm sitting in the car like "OMG, HELP!" It was quite exciting and scary. Haha.
My mom is so stupid! She emailed my teachers and asked them about my grades and shit like that! And my teachers are stupid because they replied! I hate them! Everyone! My parents are pissed because I have a 75% in math, 78% in Western Civ, and a B in English! I'm like, so mad because I don't give a crap what my grades are before finals! I just want the B average! I already have a B average! As long as I do good on finals I will be fine. I always do good on finals. So I don't know why they're worried.
I'm supposed to be typing a wicked late essay for Western Civ, but I don't wanna because I already have like a zero on it and my parents are still making me. I don't even remember what the essay was supposed to be on so I guessed lol. I'm going to get a good grade on this one! I prolly won't pass it in. But then Bowman will tell my 'rents and they'll be pissed. *sighs* it's a lose-lose situation.
Well, I should go. I need to finish and I still have my shower, Geometry HW, and other stuff to do. *sighs* I'll miss you guys if I can't get on! Sorry again I can't come and comment y'all. It makes me feel bad because I've been getting a lot of comments and I can't comment you all back, and usually I can! *sniffs* Don't miss me too much! *hugs all* Wish me luck on my finals!
Song- Hey There Delilah (Plain White T's)
Time- 7:25 pm
Mood- Pissed and really bored
Snapple Cap- In 1926, the first outdoor mini-golf courses were built on the rooftops of NYC (Haha, I can only imagine;
Mother *looking up*; "Huh?" *gets hit in head*
Little kid; "Mommy? *shrugs* Oh well!" *runs to shop and play*)
I do have ONE question. Does anyone know what Ashura is? I think it's a Jewish holiday *shrugs*
Annnnnnd 10 days till my birthday! Annnnnd 7 days till my 2 year anniversary! Annnnnd 13 days till driver's ed starts!!! X_X
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