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| Twists Of Rain
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
omg hi guys. we lost our game.. again -.- but we got around 24 points instead of less then 18! yay! lol i got two points tonight, i usually get more, but thats okay. the other team had like 65 points *sighs* we'll win a game sooner or later.
sorry i am not able to comment tonight. it is 11 oclock as i am typing this and i just wanted to update. sorry its so late too. but i will make it all up to by commenting and such tomorrow ^_^
only 21 days till christmas! hurray! ive been such a good girl this year. i am going to get tons of presents from "santa" XD
my snow day was excelent yesterday! i played outside with my Buddy puppy ^_^ and he dragged me through the woods -.- i was like "fer. stupid dog." we ended up in my neighbors back yard XD she was like "what are you doing?" i was like *pointing to dog* "he dragged me throught the woods!" we both laughed and i took him home. but it was funny.
i had a Western Civ test today. i think i failed. but maybe i passed. i have a geometry test tomorrow. X_X i might pass that one. i am better at tests in that class but i like Western Civ better. I also have to throw together a quick outline of a non-thought-up essay but my last period tomorrow.
oye yoy yoy. oh well. ill get it all done. well, i have to go take a quick shower and go to bed. i am so tired. i tried sleeping on the bus home but i couldnt. X_X okay well my mom just came in and bombarded me with kisses *wipes off head* eww, mommy germs XD alrighty. im off. she was trying to read over my shoulder, how annoying.
time- 11:00pm
christmas song- the first noel (aly & aj)
mood- bushed/tired/sore/in need of sleep lol
no more snapple caps =[ ill have to get more snapple. so i will put something else.
Words of wisdom- mirrors don't lie
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Monday, December 3, 2007
OMG! So excited! We had a snow day today!!! Whoot! My dad told me this morning right as my alarm clock was going off, so I like... Smashed my alarm clock and went to bed. I stayed up until 12 lasy night because I was so positive we were going to have a snow day. I also wore my pj's inside out and put a spoon under my pillow. And I am sure you're looking at me like I am crazy, but it worked. So back off XD jk. It's a superstition kinda thing lol. And as you can see, it pretty much works.
Thanks for the comments yesterday guys ^_^ I had like... 9 I think.. Which is the most I've gotten in a long time. So kudos to you! XD I am so hyper due to having no school. I would be in *checks time* band, and then in four minutes I'll be headed to Geometry X_X Yay for no school XD. Our NEW superentendant (sp = wrong but whatever XD) rocks because our old one never called school off. Even if there was a foot of snow. X_X They were so stupid and they knew we all hated him XD
Okay I am trying to upload a button on but it is being stupid. So I"m gunna have to start again because it was going to be in this post -.-;
Anyway, I am listening to music, checking my email, drinking hot coaco, and being bored XD I'm going to play outside with my puppy laters. He loves the snow. I think I have a picture of him.. Let's see... *goes to check* Yeah I do but it isn't loaded onto Photobucket. So give me a minute *goes to load* Great. This will take forever. So what can I post about while I wait... Hmmm *thinks* OH! I know!
My church class last night was funny. We didn't really pay any attention to what the lady had to say XD She was boring. So we were all talking and drawing on the papers she handed out to us. And then when it came time to do this "fun" activity we were all like "Yay." -.- But we did it and We did pretty good. *checks to see if picture loaded* -.-
It's still snowing outside. Were sposed to get 1'6" - 2' ^_^ Fun, fun, fun! YAY!!! Here's my puppy. His name is buddy and he is a Jack Russel Terrier;

It's a big picture and it's from this time last year I think. Someone was walking down the road and so he looked when I was taking the picture. But I like it ^_^
This post is long now. So I'm going to go comment and such. I'll add the button another time or just on my profile later *rolls eyes* Stupid Photobucket. See ya later!
Time- 10:59 am (I would be in Geometry X_X)
Song- The Great Escape (Boy Like Girls)
Snapple Cap- The first spost to be filmed was boxing in 1894 (I don't like boxing XD)
Comments (8) |
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Dead to the world.......
Hello hello! And how is everyone on this fine Sunday early morning XD It is 12:34 am here and I am so tired. I'm debating on going to bed. IDK how tired I am. But as soon as I put my head on the pillow I'll know.
I decided to post now because I am sure I won't have time the rest of today. Soooo... Yeah. Thanks for the comments yesterday. I actually commented everyone who updated yesterday because I had nothing better to do.
Me and Sam enjoyed the movie. It was so funny, and I couldn't stop laughing! Actually I did becuase some parts were sad too. But on the way home, I was laughing hysterically and my mom literally asked me if I was on drugs! I was like "HAHAHA! No."
Dude, I just heard this noise and I am wicked sketched out XD I am so paranoid at night, it's not even funny lol. Well, that contradicted myself. *sighs* Whatever it's gone now. And I have good self defence, although no one has ever broken into my house before, it was prolly just my dad getting something to eat *rolls eyes* pig XD JK!
Wow I am so bored. I'm watching these vids on youtube about all these things people were dared to do. They're really funny and some are really crazy. I would never do them XD
Can't you tell how insanely tired I am. 2:00 am a re-run of Inuyasha is on. I am debating on if I should watch it or not. I think it was a good one if I am remembering correctly so I am gunna set my alarm for 1:57 am so I can get up and watch it. Then I'll go back to bed.
Meh, I have to go to church tomorrow *sighs* It's boring. Hopefully that cute kid will be there again XD I also have my confirmation class tomorrow night. I really don't wanna do that but if I wanna have the choice of being married ina church one day (wich I already know I don't wanna) I have to be confirmed, which means, I have to go to the class. *rolls eyes* So annoying, but whatever.
I need to start my Christmas shopping soon. It takes me forever. Me and my dad usually go for my mom and auny around the 8th. So that's next weekend.
My Christmas concert at school is in a week from Tuesday. I am so nervous because we haven't worked on one of the songs very much. So we dont know how well it will turn out *sighs* But I love the concert because #1- I get to miss my first and second block classes to set up for the concert. #2- On the 12th we do a concert for our school and so I get to miss another day worth of English and Band (which I am in the concert sooo... lol).
Changing subject again as to what I am doing tomorrow; I might go to my friends Chior Concerts. They've been asking me to go, so I might. They've worked hard, so I am going to ask my mom if I can go.
I am on the last month of my Tinkerbell calender. *sighs* I am going to frame all the pics though lol. I love Tinkerbell, she is my favorite Disney character!
23 days until Christmas! I am so excited! It's my favorite holiday, next to my Birthday of course lol. I will be 16 in 1 month and 24 days! Awesomeness.
*yawns* This is a long post for being 12:42 am. It took me a long time to type because I am so tired XD So I better go get my sleep before you all tie me down to be bed and tape my eyes closed so I can sleep lol. I'll get on later to comment those who updated!
Time- 12:44 am (it took me 2 minutes to type that paragraph I am so tired XD)
Song- None
Mood- Tired (if you haven't guessed lol)
Snapple Cap- A hummingbirds heart beats 1400times a minute (wow, that's a lot of heart beats, isn't it? lol)
NIGHTY NIGHT ALL! Or good morning/afternoon for those of you reading this XD
Comments (6) |
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Lost... again.
Okay now I feel stupid. I just hit enter from the "Subject" box and I hadn't typed anything here yet *rolls eyes* I'm so tired.
The reason for my tiredness is because we had another game last night. Hence the title of this post "Lost.... again." But the score was so bad I'm not telling you what it was X_X sorry lol. But I scored the first 2 points and then later in the second half I got a foul shot. So I got 3 points! Yay me! Our defence wasn't too tight. Oh well. Better luck next time.
Me and my friend Sam are going to a movie at 6:25 pm. Fred Claus, which has good reviews this week so.... Yeah lol. It better be good, or I'll be so annoyed. She didn't wanna see some of the other movies that were playing and we both wanted to see that. So *shrugs* I guess thats what were seeing lol.
I woke up at 12:30 today. I was out like a light in the attic. I watched that Avatar the Last Airbender; The Black Sun or whatever it was. It wasn't bad. Kinda cute lol. I really like that show, it's adorable! Momo is like... The coolest XD
*logs into email* Damn. I have 27 emails. Some coupons from Aeropostale, a couple from my aunt, Sephoras! I haven't gotten one of those in awhile. *opens* free Christmas gift with next purchase. Awesome. I'm now going to the mall of NH lol.
I am frozen. It was so windy this morning that we lost power X_X I hate losing power because then I can't take a shower until later. Which will be after I post this.
My dad was starting to put in our new spiral staircase this morning and so it was so loud I could hardly fall back to sleep at 10:36. I was like "SHUT UP!" *rolls eyes* Which of course didn't work. But thats okay. I did fall back to sleep for a bit.
Alright mom needs me *rolls eyes* I spose I'll take a shower instead, which will lead me to cleaning the bathroooms *sighs* Stupid chores. Oh well. As long as I get to go to the movies, it's so worth it... Maybe.
time~ 3:01 pm
mood~ bored/tired
christmas song~ we three kings (tim janis, wind ensamble)
snapple cap~ the oldest known animal was a tortoise which lived to be 152 years old (wow)
25 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! (which means that ABC Familys 25 Days of Christmas starts tonight. OMG! I haven't started my Advent Calendar!!! Ahh! *goes to find calendar*
Comments (4) |
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hello Everyone!
hi guys! thanks for the comments yesterday! i appretiate them *smiles* (this is a long post)
so i dont have practice till 6 X_X which really sucks cuz it goes till 7:30. pain in the ass! *glares at guys team* they just had to have the gym first today. oh well. hopefully by the time we get there they will be scrimaging... and you know what that means *smiles* shirts VS skins =D lol but im still mad.
Western World Heritage story! YAY! lol okay so. today Mr. Bowman comes in and our entire class is always joking around with him so this is normal lol. he comes in and he's like "happy thursday everyone" and were all like "afternoon bowman." and my daily routine is "hi" in this dead like voice and we joke around about it all the time. so today he says "hello miss fitzpatrick. your sounding deadbeat today." hes such a good teacher. yesterday he was telling us a story about this kid Johnathan.
So Bowman, he used to tutor for when he was 22 and this kid was like 11 or 12 and how he got beat up by an 11 year old girl. the kid did. and he was a nerdy black kid (no racism intended) with big rimmed glasses, his school stuff, books, paper, etc. your average nerd XD and how this girl beat him up 2 times (this was new haven conneticut) and when bowman was driving by one day he saw a huge crowd around him while he was on the ground and he was like "oh great" and so he went over and the kid was beat up and rolling around on the ground and when bowman went over to the police cruiser and saw the girl he was like "Johnathan... really... an 11 year old girl?" and the kid was like "yeah thats her" X_X haha. i was lmfao. it was so funny. and there were so many other details i cant even remember XD but it was good. he usually tells us a few stories like that a week.
hmm. idk what else to say. i might go to the movies with my friend Christina this weekend. idk what were gunna see. there are a ton of good ones out! i cant decide. i emailed her the link so she can look and choose and then well agree on one. i also have to get new shoes X_X i have some but i want a pair of regular sneakers, like pumas. not just my etnies.
SO BORED! i wish i didnt have practice. *sighs* oh well. i better go so i can comment all of you and such. oh! here are some of my other buttons (bottom). i think imma have a vote this weekend on which one i should have up. X_X i think i have... 5 that i made & like. so this should be interesting. lol
song- everytime we touch (cascada)
mood- BORED
time- 3:32pm
snapple- there are over 61000 pizzerias in the US
(that would explain a lot XD)

okay 2 is enough for today.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
okay. to start out with.... JV lost our game =[ 55-19 (yeah shut up it was our first game X_X) but i scored. i went up for a shot, missed, but i got fouled so i went to the line for 2 shots and SWISHED them both. i was proud. lol Varsity did better. they had 42-40 (loss on us) but my friend got 13 points! YAY SAM! lol she rox!
sorry i couldnt comment and such yesterday. i didnt have time to get on. dancing with the stars finale was yesterday @ 9 and i got home 32 minutes late and it went till 11. helio and julianne won.. for those of you who car lol. i liked him but i wanted mel and maks to win. maks is awesome. and quite cute X_X lol no joke. but anywho......... XD
then today i felt sick so before practice i came home to relax. my ankle might have tendonitis (sp)so i have to see the school trainer before practices everyday X_X dammit. lol but yeah my ankle was all swolen when i got home so i went to her before practice and she told me after poking at it (and killing it!!) for about 5 or 6 minutes. but im sure ill be fine. so dont worry. my starting spot on the team hasnt been given up yet (and if the coach does give it to audrey ill be damned).
BUT before i left for practice my puppy escaped!!!! he's a jack russel so he goes nuts and he isnt aloud to be outside without a leash or he... welll... runs away. he comes back (which he did, no need to worry). but when my mom found him... HE HAD MY NEIGHBORS CHICKEN IN HIS MOUTH!!!! my dad told me the story on the way home. i was like "OMG! BUDDY!!" lol. and he killed it! my neighbor didnt care (shes from china or japan my neighbor went and married her last year.. kinda like a mail order bride {no rascism meant of course}) and she slaughters them... hopefully you dont have weak stomachs... if you do sorry. and when my mom told her she was plucking a chicken.. how ironic.
okay well. i have to go *glares at parents* who needs them anyway? theyre not always needed. X_X but i love them all the same (sometimes) thanks for the comments (two) *sniffs* i would like more though *smiles* please lol
song- for you i will/confidence (teddy geiger)
time- 6:49 pm
mood- tired/sore/bored
snapple- in 1900, 1/3 of all automobiles in NYC were powered by electricity
Comments (3) |
Monday, November 26, 2007
Well hello.
Hey everyone and thank you for your comments yesterday. *.*
I am so happy because today i got to come home from school! My basketball practice is at 5 pm instead of 4 today. So I will leave around 4:30 pm. But I can't leave school till 9 pm because there is a stupid sports parents meeting. So im stuck there. =[ Oh well. My friends will be there and so will a lot of other people =D
Okay so today in English we did absolutely nothing X_X We are starting to read a book called "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. It itsn't that bad. I've only gotten about 15 pages in. *shrugs* I guess it should only take me about a day to read. @.@
In band we are getting ready for our Christmas concert (December 11). Meaning we are going bocou crazy with practice X_X but it's fun. My band teacher, Mr. Aines, is a funny guy and loves to kid around. But when it comes time for the concert *pictures the stern look on Aines' face* he can be quite scary. In a good way of course lol. ^.^
In geometry we are going over the Pythagorean Theorem.... Again. I learned all this in 8th grade! But it's fine. I'll prolly pass every test though.... Hopefully. So that should help me get my grade up to an A- or B+. Goody, goody gumdrops! lol I haven't said that since I was about 10 O.o
Then in Western World we started the Napoleon Trial! It isn't as bad as I had thought. I haven't gone yet, the prosecuters always go first, so I am going tomorrow. Which is okay because then I can worry more about my game and just say what I have written down on my paper and not really pay attention! Hurray! lol I'm kinda hyper XD
My first game is tomorrow. Nervous & wicked excited. I can't wait, especially because I am prolly a starter! YAY! And also I wanna get lots of points. Which I prolly will because I am post (down-low right under the basket. Perfect for lay ups! Which.. Aren't always my strongest X_X). So thanks for wishing me luck! And keep wishing it XD I'll need it.
OH! HOW COULD I FORGET?! I made a button... kinda. But I am very proud of it. I still have a few more but I like that one the most. *smiles* hope you like it! And it is in with my info. So I guess if you really want a button and you don't have one I can make one for you.... But you'd have to send me the link of the pic (and what part of the pic you) you want me to use. But I'm not sure how good they will turn out. I can post my others... Just so you can see how well they turned out. Sooooo... Yeah. lol
So now I am at home. With nothing to do. I already did my geometry homework... For once. So after I post this I'll make my way around and comment you guys. Then I will go and read soem of that English book, although we weren't sposed to start it till tomorrow. Oh well. Better to get a jump start on things (this comes from the mouth of a girl who always procrastinates XD)
Time- 4:28 pm
Mood- Happy & hyper! (haha)
Song- Stronger (Kanye West; who recently lost his mother. So some of my prayers head out to him and his family.) <3
Snapple Caps- The city of Los Angeles has 3x more automobiles then people (wow)
An ant can lift 50x it's own weight (i wish i was an ant XD i would be ripped lol)
last but not least;
Honeybees are the only insects that create a form of food for humans (hurray honeybees!!!)
Well that's three snapple caps. And now I believe I am up-to-date with those. So I shall now post 1 everyday.... Until I run out of snapple and I have to buy more XD or I can get them from my secret resources *smiles evily* We'll see. Hope you all have a good week!
p.s- I just noticed how much I posted X_X Sorry if you got bored peoples lol I can get carried away. Haha. Omg didn't realize how late is was! Gunna be late to practice. Byes!!!!!!
Comments (2) |
Sunday, November 25, 2007
okay, okay. i shouldn't be posting because i have 3 project like things due tomorrow.. actually 2 were due last tuesday but i never did them and i said i forgot them at home (X_X), so i have to actually do them now. but i just had to post.
so today my mom wakes me up at quarter of 11 (am) and was like "common were going to church." and it starts @ 11 and she is waking me up and i dont have time to take a shower or anything. i was like "haha no. i have no time for a shower. im not going." and so what does she do? she grabs my FEET and PULLS me out of BED!!! and says "youre going! now get up!!" i was just like O.O wtf? my mom is so stupid. but i am glad i went. this really hot kid sat next to me *smiles* damn he was sexy lol. and his hands were really soft..... XD that sounds a bit weird.. perhaps i should tell you why i had to touch his hand. well im catholic and at my church, toward then end where we get the bread and wine of christ we give peace to the people around us and we have to shake their hands. thats why i had to touch his hand. X_X hope you werent thinking naughty things lol.
yeah... so..... i got home, ate waffles and eggs with ham and cheese in them (which i cooked. i love my eggs lol) and then i watched some hannah montana (i know lame. but it was either that or the stupid spongebob square pantis in atlantis or w.e it is movie).
*sighs* i suppose ill work on my mock trial paper and my map & other paper thingy now. i will be on later to comment you all. i got to 3 people this morning... or afternoon w.e. thanks for the few comments i recieved yesterday!
song- lose yourself (eminem)
mood- bored
snapple cap- only male turkeys gobble
time- 1:20pm
p.s~ haha i just noticed how all a ranted about was church! thats stupid. hmmm... idk i dont think there is anything else to rant about though...
OH YEAH! my first basketball game is on Tuesday. wish me luck! i am a starter so i am very excited.. and wicked nervous! i was thinking about what i was more nervous about. the mock trial tomorrow or starting my game tuesday. the game won X_X
okay byes!
Comments (5) |
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hey everyone! Just finished dinner. We had pasta. And I cooked.
Anyway, I had basketball practice today. It was good. Didn't have to do too much running which was good because I still feel like crap and I am still full from all the turkey. All we did was go over plays and stuff. Our first game is this Tuesday and I am wicked nervous *dies*
Okay so yesterday this weirdo IMs me. His SN is cinatec1254 and idk who it is. But I think it's Emma or someone because.... idk I just do. Also it seems like something she would do. But he keeps telling me I'm cute and what not and he also says he's a junior and he won't tell me his name. So I'm just gunna keep playing along like in angel. He & his friend "Gabe" are talking to me in a buddy chat right now. It's somewhat amusing. lol
I'm so bored. Omg. It's also wicked cold here. I wish I was somewhere like Florida. Where it is warm. But then idk what I would do for my birthday. And I wouldn't be with all my friends. Just a few of them. *reads something in TeenVogue* The-N is going to have a channel where they are on all day everyday. Awesome. Now I can watch Instant Star XD It's one of my favorite non-anime shows. <3 I just love it so much.
Anyway. I'm sure you're all sick of my boring post by now so I shall end it here.
Snapple- the temperature of the sun can reach 15 million degrees F (holy shit)
Mood- amused
Song- none (i should put some on)
Time- 7:02 pm
Comments (4) |
Friday, November 23, 2007
Hello, hello!
Okay so today I woke up at 5:10 am, took my shower, got dressed, watched TV till 6 am, got in the car with my mum and dad and headed to Nashua for Black Friday Shopping! OMG the people in the mall! IT WAS CRAZY!!!!!!! the first store I went to was Target. I bought The Santa Claus 3; The Escape Claus and a sweater. I was waiting in line by the back wall of the store for 10 minutes and then I heard a police officer talking to a family saying how the lanes were moving faster upstairs... So what did I do? I RAN FOR IT! everyone was leaving the line and running and I beat them all! But I was still quite far behind. The officer was right though. I only wait for 15 more minutes (I would've been waiting about 35 downstairs) and I also found that sweater! lol
The other sotres I went in weren't as bad. Except for Aeropostale. That line zig-zagged through-out the store. And it's quite a small store. But for once I couldn't find anything in there! I was shocked. *shrugs* Probably because I shop online so much at their store haha.
Then we went to Barnes & Nobles Bookstore where I baught a couple of mangas (Case Closed 1-3 {I heard it was good and I couldn't resist}). I also bought TeenVogue (magizine) that I am going to read before bed tonight. My parents don't unserstand why I like reading manga... Or how I can stand reading a book right to left. All I can do is shrug. It's just good reading lol.
Okay so we stopped at Khols (clothing store for you who don't know what it is) and I found these awesome boots which were originally $36 and they were marked down to $20 and with my coupon the would have been $17! But I only had $16 and I also didn't wanna wait in line for 2 hours to buy them. This was another store with a CRAZY line! I wasn't surprised though. *sighs* I want those boots. They were black and all cool and soft inside. I loved them.
Then we went to Wal*Mart. Which I didn't really find anything there. Just helping my mom out. IDK what she went in for.... But of course she came out with a ton of stuff we didn't need. *sighs* I give up trying to tell her what we do and don't need.
Finally we came home and I made my way to the computer where I watched Hairspray (which I got from my mom yesterday for Thanksgiving!!!) and then I got on MyO and read my PM's, GB entries, and started slowly typing my post which has picked up speed lol. Now I'm just gunna go comment some of you and start researching for my mock trial thing in Western Civ for Monday and working on my map (also for Western Civ.)
I am gunna fail both. Especially because I'm not sure where my map went to. *looks around frantically* Crap. This could take awhile *sighs*
Mood- Frozen
Time- 3:49 pm
Snapple Caps- The first jukebox was located in San Francisco in 1899
A crocodile cannot move it's tounge
Bamboo makes up 99% of a panda's diet (hurray for panda's! they're so cute lol)
Yeah I promised awhile ago I would start posting more then one Snapple to make up for the ammount I've missed lol. So there you go! Have a good weekend!
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