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New Hampshire
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Attempting to make it through Senior year.
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Getting my license.
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Chibi Vampire, Hibiki's Magic, Chobits, Ouran High School Host Club, .hack// series, InuYasha, Bleach, Death Note, Castle in the Sky, Howl's Movie Castle, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, & Spirited Away.
To get into Keene State College.
Reading, cooking, anime/manga, playing my flute, shopping, and music!
Being myself.
| Twists Of Rain
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thanks for the comment Night shade 2 I am glad some one had some time to come and post a comment for me ^_^
I am so tired! Last night I even went to bed early! 10:30! *sighs* I am a hopeless cause. So I'm going around and tiredly commenting people lol.
Tomorrow night is our Pops Concert!!! I am so excited. My mom and I have been working on the certer pieces for the tables for about a month and they look really cool. Plus I have a soli (multiple person solo) in one of the songs. Even though I play the second part, it sounds really cool.
My mom just came home, came in my room without knocking on the door, and asked me for papers I brought home for her. Where in there do you see the politness? Yeah, I don't see it, so I kind of exploded at her. I have asked EVERYONE nicely to KNOCK before they come into my room incase I'm getting changed or whatever, but the only person who ever listens to me is my dad. So now she's all pissed at me like she always is *rolls eyes* She's WAY too over-dramtic.
Anyway, school today was okay. I found out I have a D for a homework grade in Algebra which isn't possible because I've handed in all but one and I got a three on one but all the others are fives. I don't get it. But I have a B- in the class so I am not complaining. I have B+'s in all my other classes though.
OHMIGOSH! I got this nomination and only a few people from each school get nominated and I got one! It's from like, the National Young Leaders Conference or something and it's held in DC over the summer for 10 days. I really want to go, but it's like $3000! So I can't go. If my mom and I hadn't been going to Florida with the band during April Vacation I could've gone, but *sighs* They should've contacted me about 3 months ago lol. It would've been really fun to go.
Have you all heard of the Triangle Shirtwaist Facorty fire of 1911? Well, I had to do a little research on it for History homework. We're moving into the "Guilded Age" which is one of my favorite times and I already know a lot about everything that happened during that period of time.
Oh so I dyed my hair again XD You people must think I'm weird. It's darker, but not as dark as I want it... So in about a month I'm going to dye it almost borwn and see how that goes lol.
I've got some pictures for you!

My front yard/drive-way right after the 7 inches of snow we got Monday.

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