Well hello there first thing first the guy i keep talking about well he has a girlfriend [not me] when i first found out i was like "oh ok cool" but when i got home i cried cause seriously wouldn't you cry if the guy you like alot tells you that he loves you then you find out that he is with someone else. Seriously i even wrote a crappy poem of him. here it is
I hate you to the core.
I hate you because I bleed for you.
I hate you for being you.
I hate you for alot of stuff.
I hate you for everything that is happening.
You are just playing me.
You think I am your toy.
You know you can manipulate me.
You are never going to change.
You are now inept to me.
I will curse your name.
I hate you
I will always hate you!
Why did you came into my life!
Answer me.
So I cut my wrist everytime when I see you online.
Just so I can sleep easily to know
That my pain will never be soon forgotten.
What I will do to be with you.
Yet you are not even noticing me.
Fuck you!
Go away!
I never want to speak to you again!
And if that happens
I will feel like a piece of me will be gone.
You said I LOVE YOU
But to me it is just another eight letter word
So it is BULLSHIT!
Prove it!
Everytime I talk to you IM, whatever
And everytime you are gone
I cry for what you said.
You try to avoid talking to me
I just wished you would just tell me "I LOVE YOU"
And actually meaning it.
Not through IMs
Tell me.
I know it is cheesy but true
I hate you for everything
I wish I could erase everything
The things you make me do
The things you don't make me do.
Everything of you
but if that happens i would feel empty
I hate you
crappy huh?
well in other news i lost in the science fair regionals because they vandelised my board.
Well i will comment more when i get the chance maybe all week since i have spring break.halaluya!excel wooh!and oh yeah i got a new look wooh! i will post pics laterz.
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Monday, February 26, 2007
hiya i am alive!
hey well right now i am at skool doing m lame ass project that sucks lemon balls like hell.
>-<. more than likely i will post later or after regionals like around saturday midnight f i am up.lol.i will! i try to post but alas i am lazy.
<(o.0<) <(o.o)> (>0.o)>
well laterz ppl
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
I love him but will it ever happen?
OMG RIGHT NOW I AM SO HAPPY!!! I FINALLY TOLD HIM HOW I FEEL AND FEELS THE SAME WAY. but sadly it will never be an us just him and me not a couple but 2 ppl that like each other alot oh well ::tear:: i really do love him ever since 3 months ago i really do love him but he even said it won't happen even if he feels the same way. TT^T.
well anyways how are yall? good i hope well alot has happened like what is up there.^^^^. well i am doing science fair regionals and the stress is killing me like alot der.lol. i don't know what to post right now because i am happy and sad at the same time so message me or something to let me know you guys are alive. kk.
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Friday, February 2, 2007
ok i don't have time to post so here is a pic it is funny

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
omg i am at school and so effin bored like alot well today is horrible because a friend is mad cause i am mad at her for breaking or rather ripped my suspenders and now she was talking about it behind my back well i say " she who spreads bad karma will get it 3 times worst" which is sad cuz i am not that mad and she is making a big fuss about nothing. well i update more on my site later so what you think so far? i am still adding stuff so no worries loves well i shall watch naruto episode 218. :D and maybe b=deathnote since i finished my work and have 1 hour of freedom!!!! yay!!!!
well g2g talk to you guys later [♥] yall bye.
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
Break my Sanity Since You Are So Controversial
Well first of all hi ppl lately I haven't been online and if I was I was too lazy to post. I know lazyness got to me.^^. Well in other news I am sane!!!! I got my results and I am sane!!!!!!!!!!! Me so proud.^^. This week has been stress for me 1 my science project [which is due on monday.] And my teacher was getting to stressed out she was like all over the place. And student brought food to class. Vienna Sausages? Jelly? Bread? Cabbage? It was too weird on the other hand I was not counted tardy for it due to her going insane with the class.^^. And omg we had a cold front and we still went to school which sucked lemon balls big timez. We could at least could have gone later but no.grr. on friday it was funny like alot. My friends Tetra q945 and Neko Luver well went to Barnes&Nobles to buy what else manga!!!! Well we were minding our own business when we noticed we were being followed by these peoples we didn't know. I say it had something to do with us wearing anime like I was wearing a Gaara shirt and the sand village headband but kakashi style Neko Luver was wearing a Kakashi shirt and the leaf village headband hinata style [she envied me for the fact I could do the Kakashi style with the headband.^^. And Tetra was wearing well going punk but still standed out alot. And we
KNEW We were being followed where ever we went they went we even went to the bathroom and the 3 girls were following us!!! [note: there was 7 ppl in total 3 girls and 4 guys] So we let it go.^^. That was my friday Saturday was more funny I was with my cousin and well she has this cousin [no blood related to this one] that wants to talk to me well I didn't know that at the moment and well she left me alone with him and well we hit it off [no like that as in friends] he is nice and funny. And I hope we talk soon. After that we [my cuz and I] made burgers mine was tofu though I am a veggie.^^. well that's about it
1.] what should be my new theme.
2.] theme
3.] THEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry I don't know what to ask and I want to make a new theme I am thinking of deathnote but pleaz your opinions matter to me.
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