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Saturday, September 30, 2006
¢¨ú hI eVeRyBoDy ¢¨ú
Hi how is everyone doing? Is life treating you well? Well this week was awsome cause i danced, i cried and got hurt.....................AGAIN.lol. Well i cried cause since i missed 2 weeks of practice; so yeah i was in pain but it was cool since we are dancing lyrical with the song "my immortal" and my choreagrapher says i might have miss 2 weeks but he says that i am one of the best and most flexible ones in the team. Well anyways I got hurt.......AGAIN but this time it is my knee and my back; my choreographer says to take it easy but i already missed so much why take it easy so yeah he thinks i am a bitchy when i made up my mind.lol. And it was hilarious when he said he will call on us and we had to do a dance. I was up there and i froze and after the first 4 seconds i danced i jumped made a C-jump and my awsome leaps and fell but i made a fuckin c stand and it hurts when i landed on my knees so yeah i have EIGHT FUCKIN BRUISES ON MY LEFT KNEE!! enough about me tell me about yall; how are yall doing? and here are some picks.
¢¨úp.s i don't like Sakura-san i think she's ok and i can relate to her. But i have alot of her in here cause i have cool pics of her.lol
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
hey every1
hey everyone how are yall well me i have been a-ok my ankle is better and i can dance again.iyay! like today i dance folkoric and hip-hop too. ^__^ and they got me out of class..........................again yay me. today has been pretty cool i was called out for something and i don't know why i forgot why? and for peer mediation training which was boring but kewl also cause i made everyone laugh with my "incredible acting."lol. well here are more pictures for yall
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
hey everyone well right now i am in pain i sprained my ankle today will doing a split jump and it hurts at first it did not occured to me due to shock well the point is it hurts and i can't dance T___T well thanxs for the comments yesterday yall made my day well here are some pics

People keep asking me if sakura is my favorite character and to tel you the truth no i just seem to have alot in common with her that is all (and i have really cool pics of her ^_*) well laterz
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Starting point
My depression started around sixth grade and it didn't really hit hard just rumors and crap like that. Well my now ex best friend kept telling my crush back then liked me so yeah she put me in a lala dream world but when i told him if it was true he said no and that he didn't even saw me before then so yeah I went up to her and punched her in the face and we started to fight the fight wasn't about the guy it was more about lies and being a bitch about it. A week later my depression started i had suicidal thoughts and ranaway for the night. I attempted suicide alot of times by taking pills, cutting myself and etc. My mom caught me cutting myself many times and it hurt me seeing her like that so I thought to myself if I am causing this pain why am I here living a life that causes nothing but pain so I left for a little while and by the time I came back my mom called a therapist and made the appointment without consulting me first wich sucked at the time but now I am glad my mom did it so yes i still have depression but I am going to make it in the end and my thought were like this    
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
turning point part 2
hey wuzz up me well my life is at a turningpoint now i have a boyfriend my friends are there for me and my family are taking to get some help cause i have depression for a while now and i know what yall are thinking why am i telling yall this? Well i am an open person and i feel better when i let it all out (my feelings) so yeah to some this is a load of bullshit and to others (like the one that have been pming me since friday) are glad about my turningpoint well thanxs for reading my post for now and god bless yall
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
wow hey ever1 guess wut.........................................................................................i have a BOYFRIEND now he is so cool, sweet, and just plain awsome to put it in short words well here is the same pic again

i luv this pic so much maybe cause i am in love
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Friday, September 15, 2006
hey peeps

Hey well seeing this picture cheered me up a little since this week has been sad for me one of my friend's mom died 2 days ago and I didn't cry in the funeral but i cried today at school and a little while ago then i heard that Ann Richards died and i cried even more cuse she was a nice lady not only to me but to my whole school well hopefully next week will be better
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
wow school has been a bummer lately i have been flunking one class, i am not dancing like how i used too, and i think my bf is avoiding me well i guess i should look at the bright side huh well other than that i am ok i guess and thaxs sasukeisMINE for your help in finding the AMV well lat3rz you guys
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
I luv these pics