My weekend so far is ok.........ok it was great (so far) on friday i performed and these guys kept asking for my name, age, phone #, and one in particular my myspace!!!!! Well i didn't give my phone # nor my myspace thingy cause i don't know them (they were in 10th grade)
And there was this funny moment when we went to the restrooms and our dance instructor got these guys to chaparone us (outside the door) and two the girls went off somewhere and they (the chaparones)were getting worried. they were saying "man your instructor is going to kick our asses" and "DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!! IF YALL WANT TO GET A GUY'S ATTENTION JUST STAY STILL!!!!!!! eventually they found the girls and we started to tease them about it and threatened them that we will tell.
Then these other dudes offered me and a friend a ride but we, as "smart girls", didn't take it cause
1. they were drunk (or looked drunk)
2. they were going to make us sit in the middle and i was clasterphobic.
3. the car smelled like something had died
4. my parents were on there way to pick us up.h00rah!!!!
Then we went to WhataBurger and people started to stare at me (i was in my dance uniform; it is very shiny and it is a miniskirt with a big star) then these perves started to look under my skirt but to there surprise i had bikers on.HAH. then my friend he stated a fight with the perve and my cuz and i started to break it off but we were to weak.TT-T. so we called this dude out of nowhere and he broke it up.hOOrah!!
Well enough of that today was also hilarious my cousin called her boyfriend and then got this idea that i should say to her bf that i should tell him i am a girl that is after him (which i am not he.>__<.) and we made him mad and embarrassed but it was kewl. well here are the pics
