OMG TOADAY WAS STRESSFULL BUT IN A GOOD WAY!!!!! Well first of all people kept staring at me due to my hair since i had my hair straighten and I had my hair hippie style (ribbon was on the forehaid) and i kept saying save the humans, whale, penguins, cockroach, butterflies, and etc. Well everyone thought it was cool then the next minute everyone had my look. So i took it off for a while then my instructor ask well rather bossed me to put the make-up on the dancers (i was supposed to go but i did not feel like it)guess he tried to get back at me i guess and it was cool cause i got to show off my creative side with make-up very exaggerated and he liked it.
penguins:HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sucker that basterd deserves it!!!!!
me: Gah shut up let me post DAMN IT!!!!!!!!
penguins:Fine *wabbles back to secret layer*
Well anyways i also had to do there hair and it was also cool. I stayed there and taught the 7th graders the dance i am doing and i have a new rival *YAY*
monday: was cool i made a new friend and *yay* and talked to one that i haven't talked to in a year. and i also had the day off.
tuesday: i was too lazy to get up and mom had to drop me off *blaust it* then i had a miserable day there at school *i almost got in a fight.....again*
wednesday: was kind off akward the guys kept asking what is my biggent pet peeve *i got 2* but i didn't answere cause i know they will use it against me. so yeah they kept bugging me.
*penguins jump behind me*
me: GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?
penguins:we ¢¾ you!!!!!!!!!!
me: i love yall too!!!!!!!!!
penguins: us too
Sorry you had to see that folks.ejejeje.
well anyways thursday i was bored and i flunked my science test and my math teacher made fun of me as usual and i got him off topic and he kept bragging about his child prodegy his son.
friday well i already told yall.....
here are the pics of the day

1. what do you like yaoi, yuri, or hentai?
2. make new door into one word
3. if i took 2 apples from 5 apples how many apples do i have?
4. are we the only living things on earth?
5. i am thinking of a hinataznaruto theme what do you think?