hey how are yall well today i am sick as a dog sick of life, headaches, stomach problems, sore throat, and weak immune system my doctor said or rather yell "EAT MORE GRAPES DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i was like "what the hell man don't yell a i have a fucking headache" and he was like "NURSE DO YOU HAVE THE SHOTS READY!!!!" yall should of seen me i was like "shots? doc you said nothing about shots! i hate shots!!!!!!! well he got an evil smirk then said "then this will be interesting" i started to go then i saw the nurse then i ran to the restroom to hide of course she knew me but i hid to another room then another until she found me and i yelled at her "PUT THAT NEEDLE INSIDE ME AND YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WILL CUT YOU AND YOU WILL BLEED!!!" of coarse she got closer and i got further until this other nurse came from behind and sticked the needle inside my upper right arm and that was not the end the injected me with 2 other for the FUCKING FLU SEASON!!!!!!!!!>__
well so far this is my day and so how was yours?
1.) ok i am down with 3 themes yall are going to choose for me k.
a.) NarutoxHinata
b.) Kakashi
c.) Fma
d.) gaara
e.) sasuke
2.) wanna join DemonicAssasin's myo family i am a little sister.^__^. if you wanna join pm her ok or me
3.) should i put my cbox again?
p.s what other animals besides penguins will rule the world
here are some pics for you
