Hey everyone well right now i am at school and it is sort of scratch that out it is boring all we are doing is review for some test but at the moment i have time to be on the computer. Yesterday was ok nothing special except that i was going crazy finishing a last minute project and my friend andrew he kept making us laugh and we really needed to finish the stoopid project which really suckes cause it is about the book "gathering blue" has anyone read the book? Pretty good huh? well it turned into a fighting cannibals of penguins that sacraficed humans to give to there god which we named Papuwa cause at the moment we were watching the show and it creeped me out in a good way. Speaking of watching an anime this weekend i am going to buy Negima and This ugly yet beautiful world. Has anyone seen them? and does anyone know how many volumes of Fruits Basket there are? the manga so far i know there are 14 out and volume 15 later this month.......and has anyone read Absolute Boyfriend? it is hilarious and romantic i read it yesterday and fell in love with Night.*SO HOT* well got to go b4 my teacher gets after me more for not doing my work.lol.
well hear are the pics of the day

I know they are comics but they are so cool especially the Hinata and Naruto one.