Sunday, December 17, 2006
hiya ppl long time huh?!?!?!?
hey everyone well long time no posting huh?lolf. well alot has happened some funny some painful and some just plain weird. the funny one is too embarrassing to say so if you want to know pm me all righty then. let just say i am not going to abercrombie and fitch anymore.lol. well today was fun cause it was Neko Luver's birthday. wish her a happy birthday you guys. we went to her house and ate alot of pizza, ice cream, cake, chips, etc. we said we were going to leave rolling home.lolf. we played dance dance revolution and i sucked at it i play better when more people are around me. don't know why? and i took some analysis too. allergies i am basically allergic to everything.lol. on january the 8th i will take what i call a mental test. and also something else that i forgot and oh yeah i was poked with a knife in my widdle finger and blead.TT^T well i will post later. and where are my manners......how are you?
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