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At home, until fall. Yay!
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Student/Super hero
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Learning 90% of the hiragana system. I still can't read very fast. ^^"
Anime Fan Since
Forever ago, I suppose.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Pet Shop of Horrors, Gundam Wing (of course!), Demon Diary, Wish, Vampire Game...anything with bishies. ^^ I also like funny, pointless things like GTO and Azumangadioh!
Not kill any of the whiny bee-hotches on my route...though I'd TOTALLY be justified.
Collecting manga, playing video games, writing and doodling
Angering people, apparently. I'm also a kick-ass writer. ^^
| Una Maxwell 02
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Friday, June 25, 2004
Ain't I a stinker?
My #1 result for the selector, A More Meaningful Harry Potter House Sorter, is Slytherin: It's thanks to you that wizards and witches everywhere have access to the finest magical resources, spells, and mythical creatures. You bravely go where no one else dares, exploring long buried crypts and ancient ruins for the treasures of long lost magical civilizations. You see the advancement of the wizarding world as an important goal, so you continuously seek out bigger and more powerful sources of magic to aid your community. You aren't afraid of danger, and your competitive spirit drives you do defeat any challenges you encounter. You are rash and impatient and prefer fighting your way out of a situation than thinking things through. But beware, for more than any other House, the Slytherins risk stumbling across Dark Arts magic and falling prey to its temptations. Being fierely competitive, you prefer working alone than in groups, though you won't object to having someone latch onto you if it suits your purposes, or to doing a little ass-kissing yourself if it opens up new opportunities for you. You've worked hard for what you have, and won't easily part with any of it. You mistrust others, prefering to rely on your own judgements. For this reason, sometimes you disagree with laws and rules, and feel no qualms about breaking them. To you, the ends justify the means.
Barely escaped being in Ravenclaw. Phew! Now I have the hottest Head of House! ^^
Today was a pretty normal day. I went shopping with me mum (found the cutest little purse, huzzah!) and had Chinese food for dinner.
I've seen a bunch of movies as of late. Just saw "Secret Window" with Johnny Depp blew. I mean, it really, really, really blew! Like any other Steven King flick, it had some real mind-bending turns, but the way it was done just made it completely implausible and just plain lousy...and the movie just dragged on and on and on. Sort of like this mini-review! On a scale of one to ten, one being documentary-style boredom and ten being friggin great, I give it a 2...because I got to stare at Johnny Depp for two hours.
I saw Shrek 2 last Saturday. IT WAS SO ADORABLE! Especially Antonio Banderas as Puss'n'Boots (not that he wasn't already a sexy beast). But him as a cg cat with some serious attitude? I almost peed my pants I laughed so hard. Definitely an 8 movie (the lack of flesh-n-blood bishies knocked off the rating).
I know I've already mentioned seeing Van Helsing, but that' movies a frigging 50! Dracula was hot, the werewolf (human form of course) was mad hot (he's a dancer! Gorgeous, gorgeous legs!), and Hugh Jackman...oh my god! Normally I don't dig him (the Wolverine 'do just does nothing for me) but he was so lickable in that movie...especially in the last fight scene where he was down to nothing but a loincloth and his bronzed, oiled body...oh yeah...wandering off into Dirty-Thoughts Land...
Last but not least, I saw the third Harry Potter movie. It blew. Royally blew. It blew so hard, I almost fell out of my seat. The new director turned it into a German art film, and I HATE German art films. It was gray, and depressing, and Alan Rickman wasn't in it enough! I love Alan Rickman! That and I just got so bored. Everyone's hit puberty, and none of them are handling it the second movie Draco Malfoy is starting to look kinda this one he looks like the back end of a horse. Le sigh. The fourth one had better pick up in the hotness factor (IE Alan Rickman better be in the damn thing) or someone's getting a nasty phone call. Rating: 2.
That's it for now. I'll think up other random things to tell everyone about later. ^^
My #1 result for the selector, The Harry Potter Match Maker (or Find your true HP love), is Severus Snape
You have NO idea how long it took me to get this. They kept saying I should be with Harry Potter. I hate Harry! I love Snape!
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
If only my subconscious and conscious would merge...
![Megumi]( You are Megumi. She's a very ladylike doctor and really pretty. Besides, she gets fox ears!
What Rurouni Kenshin personality are you? brought to you by Quizilla
It comes from being subliminally sexy. Really, I'm not that brazen in real life.
Anywhoo, there's testing in tae kwan do on Saturday, but I can't. The doujo master won't let me because I haven't been there long. That's okay--he'll let me test privately before I go away to school. Yay me!
I have no plans for the weekend yet, because I have no money. If I can sell a kidney or something, I may go Goodwill-hunting with Sorccy for stuff. I'll definitely be working on s'more fanstuff for and other sites.
Still in live with the live action Kunzite. He's so very sexy-ful!
Nothing else to say. Now I'm going to fill the page with stuff.
![]( What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
I love Koga...he's so kawaii!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Sore, but happy.
Isn't this kawaii?!?! I saw the first episode of the live-action Sailor was so hysterically bad, Sorccy and I almost wet ourselves. But there is some sexy, sexy, sexy things to look at.
(the sexy beast who plays Tuxedo Kamen...he's a sexy sexy beast)
(sure Kunzite's become an Elrond knock-off, but that doesn't make him any less sexy!)
Not much else to say. I went to sparring today, so I'm sore and tired. Good night peoples. ^^
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Sorccy's home!
Isn't magic great!?
Find out what anime villan you are.
It's been a good day. My best buddy Sorccy is back from her show up at VA beach, I finally broke the board in tae kwan do, and I got to play with a cute lil toddler (follow this carefully: the toddler was the daughter of my friend Andrea's step-sister Shannon).
Not a bad finish to a day that started off bad. I had this uber creepy nightmare like you wouldn't believe...anyone ever heard of The Brave New World? It's an uber creepy story written a while ago, all about bio-engineering, brainwashing, and the total loss of individuality and it was uber creepy...anyways, I dreamt that a bunch of my classmates and I went to Germany (and our parents were with us to)...well some of us figured something was odd, so we'd start sneaking into the evening classes. Then the faculty caught onto us and started busting some heads if they caught us out--the only way we could wander the campus after dark was to pretend to be rowdy German students.
Well I went into this one portable (infiltrated it, actually...go me). The class was doing all these weird excercises--group thoughts and weird, weird stuff. Well this one dude started hitting on me, and I was trying not to mark myself as an outsider, but then he started putting his hands on me, and I said "Dude, get outta my personal space." Busted.
The woman leading the class takes all of us (eight, including myself) into this cop car, and I dunno what was going to happen next cuz I made myself wake up. It was alot scarier than it looks...the loss of my freedoms and individuality petrifies me.
What Anime Critter are You?
This comes from being uber cute. ^^
![]( What anime cliche are you? The Second time around.
And so is this. ^^
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Big news, hit it! B-I-G-N-E-W-S!
![Elisa]( You are Faust's spirit - ELISA the faithful lover!
What Shaman King spirit are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I actually fixed my own computer problem! Me! I have trouble programming the clock on the microwave, but I managed to fix my own computer problem! Yay for me! ^^ What happened is some euro-dweeb from who-the-hell-cares put out this nasty worm with an auto-dialer attached, and I caught it. Well it wrote itself into system 32 on my windows program, and kept rehatching and rehatcing and rehatching. Well a friend of mine said formatting the hard drive would take care of it and he explained it to me...but he forgot I had windows, and you can't DOS command a format with windows because Windows is a royal biz-nitch. Not the point--his advice was a starting point, and I managed to reformat the hard drive by reloading the OS and then I reloaded all the software and voila! My laptop is back to normal. I felt so proud of myself...I fixed my own computer problem! ^^
Even more good news; I went to Target today and got the cutest pair of pumps in the world! They're black round-toed high heels with pink stitching. And they fit nicely! It's been a good weekend for me. Now it's time for more quizzes.
The deranged inner child in all of us
Find out what anime girl you are.
Find out what anime character cliche you are.
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
What wisdom is there in teeth?
Tuesday I had all four wisdom teeth taken out, and I've been okay thus far, but for some reason the pain med I was taking is making me really, really, really nauseous. Go figure!
Been wandering around the web, looking up vampire stuff. You know there's a whole bunch of 'em out there and they've formed a gazillion online communities? is a good site, and the vampies there are actually very polite. I pop up on the message board to bother them with questions, and no one's called me stupid or told me to sod off. That's nice of them. ^^ Now to fill up the rest of the space with quiz results.
![snow fairy]( You are the snow fairy, she who is most beautiful, but Vain, she who doesn't care much for comfort. all you care about seems to be yourself, but it's not true, but you do not know how to express love so you leave it alone.
**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**! brought to you by Quizilla
This quiz is absolute crap. I do too know how to express love...I'm just picky about who I express it to!
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Gothic Lolita Stylings
It's been forever since I've updated...sorry for everyone who's been anxiously waiting (I know the two of you are a bit upset with me) ^^ J/K. My friend Sorccy and I are mad over gothic lolita fashion...we're trying to learn how to sew (better, in my case) to make our own since neither one of us is rich and Billy Gates doesn't believe I'm his kid. She found a pattern for a skirt and I'm looking for inspirations on the web. Damn Japanese people and their amazing/wacky fashion sense. Ah least their men are hot, and so are their boy bands! L'ARC~EN~CIEL ALL THE WAY!
![Metamorphose - Temps de Fille]( Metamorphose Temps de Fille:
You're so retro you've ventured into millenia to come! You genuinely enjoy being with friends and looking your best. Lolita is simply who you are; finally, someone figured you out!
Which Gothic Lolita Fashion House Is For You?! brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, May 17, 2004
Two More Days Until Graduation!
Isn't that fabulous? ^^ The money's still rolling in too...I'm really surprised; I wasn't like, demanding money in the grad announcements my mum sent out, but here I am, able to fill up my gas tank. Scary scary thought.
Check out the love of my life! Tetsu, the bass guitarist for L'arc En Ciel. I love Hyde too, but I'm willing to give him up for Tetsu...that's just how sexy that man is. We're talking Campbell's soup! (Ya know, mmm mmm GOOD!)
Saw Van Helsing last night. That is just about the most frigging awesome movie EVER. There was so much man-pretty and explosions and pretty, pretty costumes...I loved it. Especially the masquerade ball scene--not for the vampires, for the lovely costumes! I'd love to hit a big fancy-schmancy masquerade ball like's soooo classic and soooo beautiful!
And I love Dracula. I love him so. He was
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Over at the fun place
Over here at my friend Sorccy's house. It rules over here; her little sister Hayly is a monkey-butt and incredibly amusing. ^^ My house is so quiet compared to this one...Sorccy says she's going to kick me out of mine and take over. My life is so amusing.
Last night I had a brilliant flash of inspiration, so a self-insertion fanfic is under construction. Sorccy's going to be in it too (not that it matters to any of you as you probably don't know who Sorccy is). Visit us at (under the name Elven Labyrinth)!! ^^
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
I have a new friend!
She knows who she is; I just signed her guest book.
![Blue]( You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Nothing else going on...just raking in the dough from graduation. Virtual strangers are sending me money because my mum sent out announcements. That rules like you have NO idea.
![Goddess of Wind]( Goddess of Wind, calm and cool and under control. You don't like getting personal with too many people.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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