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Sunday, June 6, 2004
My Friends!!!!!!!!
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yeh yeh yeh i do have friends
but the ppl i surround myself with is pretty weird, these r my closes friends............
rosh(rau),Catrianna(forsaken angel),Kevin(???),Capil(3d),justin(system zero),kris(???),anupa(enigma)..and well leeann is reaching there...did i leave anyone out?
strangly enought my nickname is biger than all of there's
ppl who i never meet but are close too...steph(devils daughter) and sheri(demonica)
my friends are basically my life, without them i would just be a mass of destruction, living for one purpose only(i'll tell you about that in the above post......)
i love my friends but latly its like i am losing them,
-(justin) was and still is my closes friend he knows me better than any person in this world,he knows how i think why i think that way and he is the person who is alway fighting next with me and standing my side,me and him always fight but that brings our bond closer, he is closer than a brother to me no matter how far away he is he will always be my best friend,(he is the adviser in my life)
-(rosh)ah my next close friend,rosh is like the good/childest side of me and i am like his darker side....we bring out the hyperness in each other when we are together we are like two children playing no matter how old we are, rosh is my other hafe, i talk to rosh about any probs i have he always inspire me, but lately its like we are drifting apart cause i don't have no time to bond anymore with him which is really worrying me..justin move away, rosh is getting diff., anupa droped out off school..all i really have left is kitty, because she is the only up to the level of rosh and justing
i will bring rosh back but it will be hard,the day someone breaks his soul i will murder that person,(rosh is my support)
-catrianna(kitty)ok with this child is alot of things diff,i say i love all of my friends equally, but there are two types of love,one wit friends and one with your true love, she have them both, she is me true love and yet still my friend...which gives her great avantage above the rest, now you see catrianna is really simple to understand, but like me has ALOT of mental walls, i can't help but feel she is so fricking like me, we are both f'd up children that love each other, what is strange is that i liked her to a limit were i refused to believe it and always hid my feelings cause at that time i didnt believe in love in that way i was caught up in my hate and was kinda threathen by her that we were always fighting i mean i didnt like her head...well i did i just pretent i did'nt so i was fooling myself, and very recently i guess i thought the feeling were gone so i started to talk with her real good..annd well i think me and her got a little too close...and then everything just clicked, and u know i am glad cause i am actually happy being with her.. and i will do everything in my power to keep it that way, she is the only person who knows the real personality of me(kitty is my strenght,support,inspiration,hope,soul and love)
-(3d)he is my sis bf....he got me into the rock,and from him i learn alot i respect him alot,basically he is a real living giant, no body can mess with me because of him,but i can handle everything by myself(he is my stronghold) and kevin aint got noting in common but we are really really close which is strange not much to say bout him(i am his adviser and support)
i kinda tired now i will modify this a little later cause the music just confused my head
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