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Friday, May 28, 2004
a next day

hey ppl sup? well just in cast you should know i don't want a long post i delete one of day(posted up) when i start a new one.
i only keep two days at a time...the rest of the day i want it to be fulled with anime pic's and info.
today was...wat do you say?..weird
i got up 7am to listen to rock..i did that till 10...obsession...and i went by my friends house for like 12:10pm(leeann)....and i started to get to know her, you see me,kitty,sasha(another friend but not that close)and leeann was suppose to go to school to fix there classroom for some competition(note that it is not my class, but i used the excuse of helping them to see kitty) ^^
yeh i like her that much, i really don't care if we're doing long as she is near me i feel good..and i miss her now,-_-,....and she wore this tight pants today(Yuck :P)i'm sry i don't like skin fitting cloths...they distrack me alot i wore this sleevless shirt and actually dressed without the massive black, kitty says i looked really really good in the shirt but i think she is teasing we went in class in school and i meet this awesome child..leeann sister who is six years old named diane....omg this childs heart is so pure....she is so sweet and now i want a real daughter...=(...this child laughts at everything and i love the fact children are so happy off of little things...i mean yeh they make mistakes everyone does but you should'nt get vex...they mean no harm to you...all they crave is attension and love...the purest creatures on this planet is little children(my f'g father never did shit to make me happy).
i am sry i love and kitty was talking bout them...ya'll who read this..remember they aren't only the future..they are grown up in the image of YOU so set a good example
as i was saying now...yeh so i help kitty's class and i love the fact she is good with children...when all was done we carryed leeann and diane home while me and kitty travelled...i want to spend more time with does'nt have to be romancing but just to hug her and know the fact someone loves me deeply(atless i hope so)@_@
i just want to be near her...and as for my ex sonia...i no longer hold the failure get to my heart...she is with someone i know and finally released the moron that kept her and i apart...i wanted those two to separate cuz he was'nt good for her and would mistreat her....and well now...she is in good hands...and now she can live her life fully without having that soul is at rest now knowing i helped her some way...god you actually answered me....i'll keep my word is my word and i thx you
i miss my love.....and i wish she was with me now...i don't think she knows how much she means to me...and for one time in my life i am actually with someone i want to be with and someone i really like..unlike my other gf's...well i have to go do some quizes..i won't be on till tuesday so i'll keep you posted bye...

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