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Occupation engineer
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too much
Anime Fan Since
8 years old
Favorite Anime
Tecknoman,Roruni Kenshin...too much to list
i want to become a Animator
watching anime and listening to rock
Drawing,song writing,poetry,dark magic
 You are a six-winged Halfbreed!
You belong neither to Heaven nor to Hell. You are doomed to wander the Realms That Are In Between for all eternity until the Judgement Day. Your fate is absolute loneliness. You are punished for a crime you did not commit and redemption is not within your reach. Your powers are unknown - it's said that a halfbreed will be the end of everything one day. Therefore you are feared and hated. Your only hope is to find the other half of your soul - it is your only solace.
What kind of supernatural being are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Animation from
Ritualistic Self Abuse brought on by the sounds of screems from an uncertain future, let me take you down to were it all makes sence, there is notting here to hold you, come with me far away from the fragrance of burning flesh, from moral idea serenity, were free thoughts a bondless and free will is not chained by anything
were bloodstains adorn only our minds.
Broken Fist Our Only Weapons, blood soaked lands our only pleasure
we shall be reborn
Saturday, July 24, 2004
this gone be long
from Saturday,july 8th,2004
Thursday 8th, july 2004
ok well today was raining like hell cuz we have some kinda tropical wave in the area and i was suppose to meet kitty in town and i did even if i got soak...i was'nt sure if she was coming cuz her phone was one way and my comp broke down......when we saw each other we needed to decide were to go...our original plan was to go to the zoo...we went by her dad but her was'nt there so she had no money...we still ended up going to the zoo.
we saw loottttt of animalsss ^^
but unfortunatly only one lion(-_-)
then after we went in the batanical gardens..and spend the rest of the day....
tuesday 13th,july 2004
ok here i had to go trinicity to meet my pal justin and kris..rosh was suppose to come but didnt...i had to meet kitty to travelle with was'nt all that good cause i was ignored alot..we reach and saw justin then kris and someone called nick .
i was playing with kit and she told me leave her be cuz she come to spend time with justin and that i always have her...that kinda hurt i did what she said for the whole day..thats why i was and kitty went and see shrek2 cause justin was waitting for his gf stacie and kriss and nick left
shrek2 was really good....after e came out i distance myself from them again cause i felt really unwanted..untill i saw my friend arri who BY THE WAY "WAS HAPPY TO SEE ME ALOT" and i lime with her and ask her a favor which i can't say cause certain ppl who read this like elena will trip...while they went from coffee i went outside to lime by myself for about hafe an hour...stacie buy tickets for me and kat to see notebook so i did even tho i didnt want to see it...after that me and kat travelled home by the time we reach town it was dark and she reach home late..with my jacket on her!!!..........
19th july,2004
alrighty then...most my post only bout me and my girl? strange because whenever i go out i go out with her, beside for today cause i went with my bro to see spider man and white chicks(which was very funny by the way)..AND SONIA WAS THERE!!! O_O last person i would expect to see..and surprizingly enough she hug me and we talked good...she was there alone but i went and sit in the back by myself in the dark so no one could see me...and sonia my ex came and sat next to me.
during the movie she bit me on my neck...i tryed to pull but it would rip my flesh and she gave me a first thought was....if kitty see this she gone kill me..but i called kit before the show and told her the sit.
sonia try to kiss me and touch me..mind you it was very hard to hold back because me and her were real close before..but i keep thinking she could never gave me true love like kitty...i did'nt get to enjoy my show..i told sonia she had me before and she mess up plenty..she got two chances..but now i have someone who truly loves me..and i love her too so get your hands off me and go fuck yourself and trust me i was the most scary looking person wen i said that you even saw a demon in me...i told kitty bout it went i reached home..and right now she hates sonia to a core..but i am glad she understood the hickey thing...but i think she wants to kill sonia and so does my sis cuz my sis real like kitty
20th july,2004
today i saw kitty and i had alot of activitys planed out for her...we went batanical gardens again and i took her hiking^^ no i not mean!!!!....cause i made up for it after ~_o we spend the day together without much kissing besides for the evening..i just wanted to see if i would have fun without the romance and we did...we was suppose to fly kites but i forgot the thread...she got angry evrytime she saw the marks sonia left...but i just kissed her alot to calm her down..hey i dont know wat else to do
friday 23rd,july 2004
if ya'll read all this then alyu seriously bored or very fast on my life...remember about the sit. that happen with sonia?...well the same thing happen to kitty..except with my best friend..but i saw it coming..she went cinema with him....see drop by me in the evening which was a surprize....and we were just talking and she told me she want to be truthfull and she told me and she didnt know how i would take it..i replyed by kissing her and telling her how much i loved her....most fella's would fret ironicly the same stuff happen to me happen to her...its called karma
she didnt do nutting bad and i believe her so why would i be angry?
i love her god damit and love conqueres all(i can't spell)
and thats all that really matters in the end...but after awhile it did bother me..not bout her..bout my other friend..i wanted to smoke..but i didnt in so long time my body got unaccustom to i can't i won't see my love for awhile until august...once she knows i care
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Friday, July 16, 2004
hey all you who i didnt get to sign ya'll guestbook yet i am computer is down and i dont have access to the internet but i'll add you and do comments when i get my comp back...ttys bbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
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hmm hate to admit it but its true
 .:You live your life: ~watchingly~:.
You are an angel of Earth. You never take a day off for yourself. You live for your loved ones and believe that their love is enough for you in return. You will be shocked when reality kicks in. Be careful, people are the ones who cause havock and they will hurt you over and over again. Don't stay naive.
How do you live your life? (with pics! ^.~) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
oh yeh bakura rules!!! die yugi die!!!!! muhahaah
 Youre Yami Bakura! Youre insane and mean not knowing who you really are and always playing mind games with others. but deep within you have some soft side and is strongly dedicated to your friends. you like blood XD
Which YuGiOh chibi are u?(boys n girls!) brought to you by Quizilla
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well i got these test before and forgot were the code was
 How evil are you?
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
really now??? thats actually true
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
C+M forever

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hmm i wonder who is the other side?....who just type that? What is Your Anime Zodiac?
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 Heavy metal! You rock! It's mostly about the music instead of lyrics for you...but you channel most of the emotion through the lyrics! Mosh pit for you! Just be careful you don't give yourself a concussion with so much headbanging...
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Katana! Traditional japanese sword!
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday,july 3rd,2004
Saturday, July 3rd, 2004
I am so freaked now, i always knew that i would fall deeply in love and be very close with them, but never did i know the person would know me so body ever really figired me out. but this one person knows me so well its scary..its as thought we're one mind, i have never introduce anyone to more than two of my family members and here kitty meets nerely all of my important family members....i mean its not a problem but it is a change, today i invited her to lunch but everything was crush and i was in a big sis got really sick and my always drunk uncle came down by me so i had to try and keep her outside so i wont kill him.
everything just went so bad, well not everything i think she understands the way my family works...since i am the most hated in the family but yet still the one they depend on...ironic isn't it?...everyone is always at war down here and it was just bad planning....but hopefully monday she can come again and i could let her get to know my two close ppl my sis and her bf....when she touches me it feels like the world can end and i won't be harm...i actually feel like i have some purpose when most of my life i thought i was just a servant for ppl to walk over, and i have lived my life accepting that fact hoping i would somehow die, and one day i totally lost it, and thats why i am the hated way i am today.
I HATE MY FAMILY!!!! everything falls on me...i never asked for it....oh yeh but i am so important to them that they forget my happyness.
god sometimes i wish i could spend everyday with kitty cause all bad things go away when i am with her....i decided that she would be my last serious gf, if i ever lose her iw on't be me anymore...i would turn inside out and burst my rage against the world. hating everything and everyone...holding only my friends in my heart
but for now things are great, i have love, i have kitty...wha more can i ask for?
maybe freedom but that can wait.........i want to spend some more time with her.........i am thinking bout going out with her thursday...but then again she might be busy......hmm...i will see wats going on....on my other hand i gotta start back training in kendo cause i dont even remember th i wrote alot byeee
K+M forever
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