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dude i've upgraded to sunny Cali boooyahhhhhh
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walking around looking crazed, being...occupied
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i lost my name tag...bird?
i...survived(?) boot camp
Anime Fan Since
i'm telling why?
Favorite Anime
Inu, YuYu, FMA, most DanyandDany works...fruits basket&Doujinshi
survive myself, become Kenshin's twin...WHAT??? ALL I NEED ARE THE EYES!!!
Hobbies safety from angry readers...
@_@ ummmmmmm..........drawing, losing my touch with reality....or is that a preferance?
Monday, April 11, 2005
Wasabi? (inside joke but you can guess anyway) i had a great time @ L.sesshy's bday party but right after i got home i had to paint a 7'x8' window...*whines* my arm hurts now... *sarcasticly* anyway it was my first professional gig *hyperlisticly* where i cameup w/ the design sketched it out on the window and my dad was asking ME for help. L.sesshy didn't want to help (BUT IF SHE CAME SHE COULD HAVE SAID "HI" TO BIG MIKEY!!!) but that's her choice... anyway at the party (random thought:i say anyway alot)we watched inorder King Arthur, Fruits Basket eps. 1&2, FMA, bull rideing, and then Inu...we were all really hyper and stayed up till 4:30am. we all woke up around 8am. (surprising...)i had sum ice cream that was flavored like a banana split for a brunch thing (breakfast/lunch) everyone else said it tasted like crap, i thought it was really good though...
Lestat: what did you stay up for? you knew you had to work.
Me: NO INTERUPTIONS!!! umm...sorry lestat, but i'm almost done.
anyway...we ended up watching king arthur again, mainly select scenes, then i went to go paint the windows around 12:30-ish i sketched out the design for most of it, the emporium cafe & the bullets on that window were the only things my dad did, then some friends from the M.N. state fair came (that's were my dad works as a supervisor) steve, mary-jo, and big mikey brought this paint booth thing (it just looked like a huge box covered in rust)so my dad went to unload it with them. i finished my 3/4 of the job and gathered the rest of the stuff to go. my dad came back finished outlining and big mikey did some lettering on the "yarn shop" window. we started after 12 and finished most by 6pm. that's not a real bad day...for us anyway. we still have to finish the chalk messege board, drop-shadowing the "emporium" and a quick outline on the bulleted list.(yay that's needs to be finished b4 5 tonight and we get started @ 4...) ok lestat what now??????
Lestat: where's your cd's?
Me: that's a bit trivial don't you think??? if it's not on my table it's at L.sesshy's house.
Lestat: why did you bring them there?
Me: Why are you asking so many questions??? you're acting weird...*shouts at top of lungs* MARIUS WHAT'S UP WITH LESTAT???
Lestat: why are you yelling?? he's out hunting w/ david.
Me: *runs to louis's now empty room* |
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