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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I must be super lucky ^_^ we didn't have that notebook test today either ^_^ Oh well, gives me another night to check over my homework answers and study. I'm gonna try to do really good this year and stuff so my mom won't be threatening me with an all-girls Catholic school because of my grades again. Last year, she even had the outfit ordered and stuff and partial enrollment. Joy.
well, anyways, I can't wait till next month because we're all going on a laser tag field trip thingy ^_^ I'll totally stink at it, but oh well ^_^
Well, I'm gonna quit rambling so ttyl
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Monday, September 18, 2006
hiya peeps
You know, I really could go for a peep right now. There's nothing better than super sugary marshmellows ^_^ except perhaps some peanut butter lol.
okay, well everything's going great and has been and this weekend has been the best ever ^_^ too bad it's over though. Oh well, I have a test in second period geometry to look forward to, but luckily its a notebook/homework check thingy so I know it'll be a piece of cake because I always do my homework ^_^ Well, I'll talk to everyone at some point today so patience until then. ttyl ^_^
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

hiya!!!!! Well today is the big homecoming dress up day! Yay!!! No real work all day long ^_^ plus, I'm gonna have a tail for a day. Gee, that's kinda weird after I think of it lol. Well. I'm gonna go get ready and I hope to talk to everyone later. Bye
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
hiya peeps!!!!!
hehehehehehehehehe I actually got around to most people yesterday, or at least I think I did ^_^
Not much going on, just another tiring morning of my life, although things have been getting more exciting around here. Last night I had to go help my mom feed the dogs in pitch black with only a tiny flahlight and I nearly fell in a hole lmao. Yeah, that was really bright, wasn't it? It kinda hurt my ankle, but now it feels better ^_^
Well, as for the school newspaper, everyone has been given new assignments that we'll begin who knows ^_^ At least we each know what we're supposed to be doing and who to work with lol. I've got to cover our school's cross country (some kind of racing thingy) team and help with the homecoming results story.
well, I better go before my mom wakes up and realizes I'm not getting ready for school ^_^ I'll talk to everyone when I'm in fourth period. ttyl
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Monday, September 11, 2006
Hello meh peeps!
How is everyone this morning? I was restless all night, so I'm a bit tired but otherwise I'm looking foreward to later this week ^_^ Homecoming!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!^_^ On Thursday, the war between the classes competition is to dress up as some singer ^_^ I plan as going as a cat from the musical ^_^ I just hope no body tries to hurt me (we're the bulldogs and playing the cats in football) because I'll feel sorry for them while they're on the floor. I'm not afraid to deck anybody.
Well, g2g before I'm late for school. I still have to get ready ^_^ ttyl
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
hello peoples
good morning! I am so tired and everything is spinning @.@ I woke up a little while ago, tried to get up, and had to lay back down because I thought I would fall over. Well, I'm gonna leave ya'll alone so ttyl
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
hello Chicken Wings ^_^
good morning and good afternoon after this thing hits lunchtime ^_^ Nothing much going on here other than sleepiness lol. ummmmmmmm....... well, nothing much more to say I guess, so tt everyone later
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
good morning to everyone. You know what? They should make it illegal to go to school when it's still half dark lol.
good mood's still here today and couldn't be soaring any higher ^_^ *pokes* So, how does everyone like the place today? I redone it last night for some reason or other ^_^
well, ttyl
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Hiya Chicken Wings ^_^
hello everyone!!! I'm like really, extremely, majorly hyper and happy ^_^ Don't ask why, it's just the way I feel today lol.
Well, my three day weekend was a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed Saturday and yesterday, but I guess Sunday was okay a little bit other than the fact I was bored and lonely all day down at the river where I went camping *sigh* It was torture.
But hey, I got to listen to my cousin Jordan threaten to beat my cousin Andrew to death with a cracker *bursts out laughing* I wish that would really happen sometimes. Yesterday they were even chasing a turkey lol.
well, I'm gonna high-tail it around to other people. See ya around
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
I love ramen, especially beef ramen, and now I'm talking like Naruto when he's obsessed with ramen and waiting for ramen to cook on the stove ^_^ Sorry this post is random ^_^
Let's see, today has been majorly off. I woke up at three in the mornng when my leg cramped up then couldn't walk when I got up at six and I'm having to wear a wrap bandage all the way up sand down it. It kinda looks like Neji's attire.
well, g2g. Things are needing my attention ^_^
Oh, and how is my new theme? I love mirrors ^_^
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