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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
*takes a deep breath* HELLOOOOOOOOO lol
School...... the only place I can get on the computer without my sister (Casceta) peeping over my shoulder the entire time lol.
I'm so bored and sorry for not getting on here and commenting as often. I've been pretty busy and it's hard to go around to all eighty something people's sites ^_^ So, how's everyone doing? I'm still in the Naruto craze of course and I think it's taking over my life ^_^ It's all I ever think about lol. well, I'm gonna leave everyone alone and hopefully I'll be able to get to everyone today ^_^ so, ttyl
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Naruto quiz ^_^
Good morning peoples!!!! my brother woke me up tis morning. Yeah, his tapping on the camecube remote woke me up lol.
Well, any way, please excuse the cuss word in the quiz. I guarrantee that I probably will never put something up with it again, just this once. ttyl
Oh, and is Kisame tries it, I'll throw him in a deep fryer.........
What Would Naruto Stars Think Of You? (36 characters tell you what they think!)
 Hair: Silver Eyes: Byakugan Age: 21 Weapon: Twin Ninja-to Rank: Jounin Attitude: You're a kind soul! Though you may seem stuck up sometimes, it's only because you're quiet. You'd rather have your head stuck in a book than you'd be out with your team. You're more of a follower that takes after her best friend, but is an important part of any mission. Usually a smile is on your face, even when someone makes you mad. You only use violence as a last resort when not on a mission. You have the Byakugan like the other Hyuuga's of course! Your ideal guy is Iruka or Hayate! You get along best with Haku, Hinata, and TenTen! Your enemies are Orochimaru, Kabuto, and the Sound Five! Village: Hidden Leaf Village Most Admirable Trait: Calm Nature and Warm Smile Least Admirable Trait: Hesitation at Using Force Naruto- Thinks you're annoying because he can't ever get you to laugh at him. Sasuke- Is indifferent as ever... Sakura- Hopes you won't ever be like your little brother. Kiba- Thinks Akamaru should bite your books in half... Hinata- Admires you secretly. Not only are you of the Branch House, but you aren't a mean and cold person, like Neji since you're dad was... well you know... Shino- Is mad because you hate bugs. Ino- Well, you never really got an answer because she annoys the hell out of you. Shikamaru- Finds you to be okay since you don't annoy him. Chouji- Wants to fatten you up! Mwuhahaha! Kimimaro- Want's to kill you for chunking a book at his master. Tayuya- In her words, "you're a fucking dumb shit!" Sakon/Ukon- Believes existance is wasted on you. Deidara- Swears he will blow you up one day! Itachi- As indifferent as Sasuke. More indifferent than Sasuke. Neji- Thinks you're an annoying sister because you hate leading. Rock Lee- Wants to marry you, but can't flirt because Neji always gives him that look! TenTen- Thinks of you as her sister, no matter your brother is the guy she secretly adores! (Neji) Temari- Thinks you're pretty cool. A bit of a snob though! Gaara- Wants to crush you under a sea of painful, smelly old man sand. Kankuro- Will one day hold you up to that promise and put his makeup on your face! o.O Haku- Finds you to have kind eyes and admires you for it. Sasori- Thinks you'd make a good puppet. Kisame- Wants to roast you like a chicken! Iruka- Thinks you're sweet. Kakashi- Wants to hug you because he's seen you secretly reading Come Come Violence! Zabuza- Thinks you need to die. -_-* So blunt... Kurenai- Will one day get you in the 'little Guchi dress'! Jiraiya- Vows to see you in that 'little Guchi dress'! XD Orochimaru- Thinks you're an annoyance that needs to die a slow painful death. Tsunade- Wishes you would actually drop the goody-good act and get drunk once in a while with her! Sarutobi- Thinks of you solely as a grand daughter. Yondaime- Thinks you're a kind person and actually nice to be around. Kabuto- Wants to poke you... with his needles... of pain... and DOOM! Asuma- Believes you to be one of his good friends. Genma- Thinks the same as Asuma, but makes fun of Hayate for his crush. Hayate- Thinks you're cute... but doesn't want to admit it. Take this quiz!

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Friday, August 25, 2006
hi everyone
For some reason I feel kind of off today. Everything's out of it and I can't even follow basic instructions *sighs* I think it's because I'm sleep deprived ^_^ Oh well. I hate these school computers. They're soooooo slow compared to mine at home. Well, tt whoever whenever
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
good morning everyone!!!!!
I'm about to head to school in about half an hour *oh joy* and I guess I wanted to say hi to everyone before I left ^_^ It's been kind of annoying because every morning I go through the same routine of boredom during first and second period (honors English then geometry), but today there's a perk: right after second period, I'm gonna meet Kyle at the lunchroom sohe can sign my yearbook ^_^ YAY!!!!!!!! And I'm gonna hunt down a coupe other people as well lol. I may have to tie them up to get them to sign it though *pauses* How would they sign it if they're tied up? Oh well, figure it out later...... The next best thing is that we finally get to be on the computers during 4th period keyboarding class *pauses again* It's weird going to a typing class and not getting on the computer the first week of school lol. Well, talk to whoever whenever!!! bye
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
I'm having the time of my life. First of all, I AM ACTUALLY ON THE COMPUTER!!!! My mom didn't exactly want me on it during the week because she says that if I get into something on here, I stay for hours getting wrapped up in it, so I couldn't stay on here or anywhere else for very long -_- Stupid Homework!!!!!
Second, I'm writing an article for my school newspaper and I'm gonna give my teacher a gag article about how shadow nomes are plaguing the school and how the inter-dimensional help faeries are gonna save us *bursts out laughing* I can't wait to see his face!
Third, I'm working on a comic called "War of the Peanut People" that's based on all my friends and other people I know. It began out as a random sentence yesterday in Journalism and Cofie practically begging me not to do it. PICKLED MONKEY BUTTER (geeze, I'm hyper lol) Everyone has thought the comic funny so far, especially my mom after she saw how I drew my brother lol. I'll post the characters up when I get them done ^_^
There's not really much more. Anoter big thing was that yesterday during the school pep ralley, I got to see Kyle(solidsnake91) for like the first time in a week, along with some others like Crissy(Inwe the great). That was so much fun!
Well, g2g. I'm about to starve and I'm gonna go round today (yeah, amazin, I know) so I'll talk to people in a few ^_^
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Friday, August 18, 2006
As anyone can tell, I've made quite a few changes. I love Shino right now and I thought the dash of Kiba was a nice touch because I love him as well.
Well, school has started back and boy has the english homework piled on. I have a mini project due next week and I spent three nights working on it from the time I got home till I went to bed. Joy. Plus, my first two classes are miserable. In first, Honors English, I just want to shrink back in the far corner of the room because the teacher is so loud and, ummmm, hyper. In second, no body knows I'm there and I haven't said but two sentences in there the entire week. *sighs* The rest is good though. 3rd period is Journalism and Cofie's in there, and as for forth, it's typing, but unfortunately I can't get on the internet or anything in there until it's cleared through the office.
In other news, I submitted a Naruto/Hinata one shot(not every word has a voice) to a girl on quizzilla and I won!!!!!! Yay!!!!! I just discovered that a little while ago and I've been practically jumping up and down ever since.
tty later
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Monday, August 7, 2006
sorry peoples
I don't have much time to be on here. My mom got mad and disconnected the internet and hid the modem yesterday and if I stay on the computer for more than a few minutes, she'll do it again. (I don't think I'm supposed to be on here right now even).
So I'll talk to everyone when I can and stuff and to those I know on here, if I don't get back to you through pms, just call. ttyl
Oh, and before my mom did that, I was able to change things around. I hope everyone likes it ^_^ bye \ kunoichi bg
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Monday, July 31, 2006
sorry about the absesnce
I've been really busy (and still is for that manner ^_^) plus my computer went out and stayed down for a day or two. Oh, Joy. I was having a fit because of it too, but luckily my mom is very smart and VERY kind and fixed it even though she hates that the internet is my main entertainment.
Nothing much going on. I went clothes shopping the other day. Oh, man. I hate shopping because you have to try stuff on and it takes forever, but fortunately she also bought the Naruto: Clash of Ninja for my brother and I got to see my friend Colton in the game department ^_^ I wound up getting a couple hugs from him too ^_^
Well, don't get mad at me if I can't do much on here this week. I have to help my aunt with stuff for my grandparents 50th anniversary that's going on this weekend. She's a professional cake maker, so guess what her job is? lol. We were also looking at the wedding cakes books ^_^ I found mine if I ever decide to get married: it's a cinderella thing with the cake as a winding staircase with a carriage and at the top is a castle ^_^ It just needs a dragon on the side of it and it'll be perfect ^_^ I told my mom that I thought I'd get hitched just to have that cake, so they decided that my aunt would make it for me anyway so that I wouldn't have to go through the trouble lol.
Well, I've chatted long enough. tt everyone later and if anyone is interested, I have a Naruto story I'm writing on Quizzilla if someone wants to read it. ttyl
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
good morning everyone
hi hi!!!!! I'm feeling much better even though I got about as much sleep last night as the night before. I stayed up to around 1:30 ^_^
Well, not much going on here at the moment, but later I'm going to a big BBQ party ^_^ Yay for BBQ!!!!!!!lol. A friend was wanting to go with me, but we don't know if he can and the possibility is looking kinda down -_- oh, well, I'm gonna have fun anyway. It's hard not to when there's a creek at the place ^_^
If anyone is really good with computers, I need help putting up a background on my quizilla thing's quizzes. I can't figure it out ^_^' thanks
Oh, and if anyone is interested, watch the second video up there *points up* It's really good and fun to listen to ^_^ well, I'll talk to everyoone if I can but I have no clue when I'm leaving so don't be mad if I domn't get it done. Well, ttyl
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Sorry everyone for not being on in a while. I've been doing a lot of political stuff with my mom and haven't really had time to do much on the computer because she was doing research.
well, nothing much has happened. My mouth and ears hurt and I have a headache from hell because I went to the orthodonist yesterday and they gave me a stronger wire and couldn't get it in easily. I honestly didn't know until the braces come into play that you could get headaches because of your teeth. Figures. PLus, I'm sleep deprived so it doesn't help any.
Well, I'm gonna end the complaining here and try to go tto everyone today if my head allows it. So talk to everyone in a few *waves*
Oh, and I changed things late last night when I was feeling good. I like Hinata and Neji so it's now dedicated to them ^_^ ttyl
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