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in a world of magic
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most of my life; I was about 4
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Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
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writing, drawing, reading, painting, swimming, cooking, etc.
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
hello everyone

Sorry I ain't posted in a while. I've been really busy and my brother and sister have been on the computer a lot so it's hard to stay on here for more than a few minutes at a time. The good news is that they gave me time to load fan art and stuff, but anything long term is kinda difficult. I'm gonna try to catch up with everyone today, so be patient ^_^
Well, I'm obsessed with Neji this week for some reason. I don't know why, so sorry to everyone that I've been talking to through pms *puppy eyes* well, I'll talk to everyone eventually so until then have a happy day ^_^
Oh, ps, I wonder why Neji isn't trying to beat Naruto up in that pic. Oh well ^_^ ttyl
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Hello everyone
Today's been kinda boring, but I watched spirited away at least ^_^ I love that movie and my favorite character is, of course, Haku ^_^
Well, I'm in the middle of designing a pillow case for my room. It's red based so I'm gonna make it into a red and pink butterfly. It'll look really pretty when it's done. I might take a picture to show everyone when it's finished.
Well, I g2g. Katie will want the computer and I'm expecting her to come down from upstairs any minute and ask to have it back. ttyl
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
mwaa hahahahahahahahaha
I've got the house to myself! Yay! My mom, brother, and sister had dentist appointments and they decided to leave me here ^_^
Well, as everyone can see, I made some changes ^_^ I totally love it now even though it's completely pink ^_^ I think I'm probably gonna add some more pictures to the scrolly thing just to give me something to do. well, I'm off to go visit people *flies away*
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
what magical carreer is yours?
 Dragon Tamer:You'd make a Dragon tamer because of your logical thinking and your optimistic outlook. You're hard to anger but quite stubborn when it comes to your opinions and perspectives. Powerful, and emotionally stable, you are always looking out for those you love Take this quiz!
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
4th of July!!!!!!

Today is gonna be so great! Fireworks!!!!!! Yay!!! *laughs* well, everyone have a Happy Fire Works Day!
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
Hello ^_^
Has any one ever watched blood: the last vampire? I've been watching it, but unfortunately my little brother can't because he saw one episode and started yelling in his sleep the other night. Poor thing.
Well, anyway *thinks for something interesting to say* I'm sleepy. It's 11:10 here but 12:10 on the myo. *yawns* well, goodnight everyone ^_^
Hitomi bg code ^_^
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Happy Birthday to Kyle!!!!!!!
Kyle, if you get on here today, Happy Birthday! I promise I'll get you a present eventually (aka: the begining of school when I don't have to send it to you by mail ^_^)
I'll be on here on and off all day. I have to help my mom cook *yayness* Then I have family coming over for supper after their big fishing trip ^_^ I'll have to lock my bedroom door when they get here because I don't want them in my room playing video games and messing up after I cleaned........
Well, good news: When I went to the library, they had the manga book series. My brother and sister checked them ALL out and they are now on the table behind me, begging to be read ^_^ along with ten other books I checked out. I have a lot of reading to do ^_^
Well, I now shutup and leave a pic I drew dedicated to my best friends ^_^ I hope ya'll like it even though it kinda messed up in the scanner (it looks better on the paper) well, tty in a few

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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hello Everyone
I have to clean my room today. Joy. We have people coming over this weekend and they haven't been here in years or something and we have to go around making everything spotless, so that means like yesterday, I'm not gonna be on very much, but I'll try to get to everyone later. We're also gonna go to the library and get books for the summer reading. I'm hoping they'll have Cronicles of the Cursed Sword manga back. The last time I went, they had taken it off the shelves. Figures. Well, everyone have a good day and I'll try not to get eat by the evil bed monster ^_^ ttyl
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Monday, June 26, 2006
Hello Everyone ^_^
Nothing much going on here. I got back last night from the river. 3 words: car-break-down. We were gonna go to walmart on saturday morning and we discovered that the car battery had melted what seemed like a connecting rod. So the car died, but fortunately it didn't happen while we were in town but in the campsite boat trailer parking.
Yesterday on our way home from he river, we had to go to a party at my grandparents house that was for my cousin Justin who came back from Iraq two days ago. It was a lot of fun and everyone mugged him as he go out of the car ^_^ There was literally a line forming to give him hugs. Luckily I wasn't caught in it because I was one of the first to get to him ^_^
Well, nothing much more than that. ttyl
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Meery Christmas!!!!!!! lol

I pulled this on my mom the other day ^_^ I told her Merry Christmas and I wish I could have taken a picture. She looked so funny!!!! ^_^
Okay. I won't be on much today. It's my sister's day to be on the computer -_- I'm only on now because the stuff she was watching on youtube isn't finished downloading. Figures. Well, if anyone is interested, I'm gonna post the beginning of a story on shadow huntress (my other site) and I'll be around to everyone later if I don't leave for the river first. It's supposed to storm though, so we might not get to go at all. well, ttyl and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a good day lmoa ^_^
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