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in a world of magic
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most of my life; I was about 4
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
survive senior year
writing, drawing, reading, painting, swimming, cooking, etc.
everything I want to be good at
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006

I totally love Van now. (gee, I sure do get obsessed with these people)first, there was Sestuna, then Kiba, then Toboe, and now Van!!!!! I think I'm gonna have to take a break from all of this. *laughs* Like that could happen. Seriously though, I'm very obsessed with him ^_^ That's why I have that "Kissed by a Rose song" in my profile. It's my most favorite song and has my favorite anime guy in it. He has wings for heaven's sake!!!!! I wish I had wings...... Please don't think I'm nuts *pleads*
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hello to a very early morning:6:30
sorry I ain't been on in a while. I haven't had any time to even get on the computer because my siblings took it over after I finished Escaflowne, which by the way, I'm totally in love with it. I don't much like the background though. I imagine I'll change it when I get back from an orthodonist appointment. Oh joy.
Well the world didn't come to an end yesterday. I was expecting hysterical phone calls from a couple friends lol. well, if I can comment and stuff later on today(if I get back anytime soon:we also have to go to centerville because my sister has to decide her classes for next year), I'll go around to everybody. well, ttyl
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Friday, June 2, 2006
This weeks obsession is Escaflowne.
Okay then, we went to Borders bookstore in Nashville and it was really entertaining. We had gotten in the store and had been shopping for about ten minutes when my mom called me on the cell phone. It was so loud, I jumped and Cofie had to tell me that it was mine. My mom just had to put it on the highest volume and scare me half to death. Then we got smoothies after travelling up the stairs to look at the manga(which I nearly stopped breathing when I saw it all), and I got brainfreeze which was the cause of the headache I had for the rest of the day.
Well, it was almost time to leave and I had the major decision of what to buy. I had narrowed it down to Angel Sanctuary, Wolf's Rain, Tsubasa, Escaflowne, and a Kyo backpack(I was already getting the 13th fruits basket). Well, I grabbed the backpack and was in the checkout line when I changed my mind. I was headed up the stairs and was at the very top when I changed my mind again and headed back down. This happened about three times and I finally had to call Cofie to come and get me because I was in the middle of a panic and couldn't think straight enough to move. Well, I finally went back upstairs after talking to her for a while, put down the back pack, grabbed the escaflowne shonen box set and checked out. Okay, that was wednesday.
Yesterday, I had an orthodonist appointment. Joy. They put in separators and now my mouth hurts so much I can't eat or talk much. It really sucks. I even woke up at 5 in so much pain I got up and took some medicine.
Then at 10:00 this morning, I got a wake up call from Kyle because he was really bored.
So, how has everyone else been doing? I'm sorry this was long and I'm complaining, but I can't complain out loud because I'm making my mom feel bad and it hurts. Well, I'm gonna go around and say hi to everyone. ttyl
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
hello!!!! I'm felling much better!!!
I'm not sick any more. I woke up feeling really good. But I'm still gonna put this picture up. I think it's so funny and Toboe is so cute! He's my most favorite character, followed close by Kiba ^_^

Well, my sister's best friend is coming over here today, so that means I have to clean my room again. I SWEAR I CAN'T KEEP THE PLACE CLEAN FOR MORE THAN A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I'm gonna go around today, so tt every one in a few.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
I'm not gonna be able to get to any sites today. I don't feel good at all, so please don't be mad. I couldn't sleep again last night and I spent all day in the sun. Not a good combination. tty tomorrow
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
I didn't get any sleep last night. I stayed up till 11 on the computer, went to bed,couldn't get to sleep, got back up an hour and a half later to check on my dad (who is sick), and went back to bed. Then, dog on, I had to get back up at 4 because I had caught a mouse in a sticky trap (the same mouse my family tried to catch yesterday morning), and then it took forever to go back to sleep. Luckily my mom decided to let me sleep this morning. I was so mad at the mouse. I was having a realy ood dream and the dang thing woke me up lol. Well, gotta go. I have some stuff on you tube to watch. Take a guess at what it is. ttyl if I don't go to the river. bye and have a good day!!!!!
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
Wolf's rain

I stayed up till 11 on here last night watching Wolf's rain. I totally love it now ^_^ Kiba's so cute, almost as much as Sestuna from Angel Sanctuary. I just realised something: I'm crazy. Usually I'm not like this in the mornings ^_^
On a really really happy note, me and my mom are gonna finish my new room in the next three weeks, starting today. I want a dark blue paint for the walls, but my mom won't let me. She says that dark colors are too bland and makes the room look small. She's now threatening to paint it white because of my complaining. If she does that, I swear I'll go buy some other color and paint over it. Dark paint ain't gonna make any difference because my room will look huge either way.
Well, anyways, I plan on painting a mural in the hallway leading to it. I'm thinking faeries if it's not obvious. I'm hoping people will come over htis summer and help. I can think of a ot of friends who would like to help with it.
Well, I'm gonna leave ya'll alone. Oh, and to the people I go to school with on here (about a third of my friends list), I am still covered in glitter from the last day of school. How can I get the stuff off?
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Faery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

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Thursday, May 25, 2006
what is your guardian angel's soul?
 Your angel is loving. No matter what you do, he is always there just for you to confide in. He will never lead you astray and always tries to make you Malachielement: Aircolor: faded pink Take this quiz!
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hello summer!!!!!!
Hi peeps!!!!!! Good afternoon to everyone and I'm sorry about not commenting on some people's things. I really am trying, but nearly my entire friends list updates everyday and it's hard to get to all of them. Figures.
Well, I've been talking on the phone and playing the most awesome video games for the last two days. My favorites so far are Shadow of the Colosuss and Soul Caliber 3. Both are great ^_^
Hows other people?
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