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in a world of magic
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most of my life; I was about 4
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
survive senior year
writing, drawing, reading, painting, swimming, cooking, etc.
everything I want to be good at
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
last day of school
I am so excited, yet so bitter. This year has been the best I've ever had, thanks to my new friends I met there ^_^
Today, on my way back to east, WE'RE HAVING A WATER BALLOON FIGHT!!!!!Yay!!!! I'll tell everyone about it this afternoon. see ya
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Monday, May 22, 2006
good morning ^_^
Only two days of school this week then we're out for the summer ^_^ I'll probably be home the entire time on the computer and phone. Is anyone going anywhere on vacation?
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
hello people. I'm actually posting in the middle of the week. That really is amazing.
Today was really interesting. During art, my and my friend, Melanie's, job was to clean the chalkboard's chalk holders and beat the erasers. It didn't turn fun until we were outside beating the things together. When we were out there, we decided to have an eraser sword fight. Each time we would hit each other's eraser, clouds of dust would start to swirl. It was really funny ^_^ The bad thing was that my friend Casey was watching us through the window. That was a bit awkward ^_^ Oyh well.
You know, I've been really depressed lately for some reason. My mind is clouded by darkness and shadows seem to be at the back of every thought. Does any body else always feel like that? I sure hope not. It's very miserable.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
I'm bored once again
I just got through watching some inuyasha so I'm happy ^_^ How's everybody's day going so far? Here it's sleepy. It's kinda quiet except for the tvs. I'm in the middle of drawing a picture, so maybe if I finish it, I can start on another one and it be less usual ^_^ I wish we were going to town or something like we had planned yesterday, but my dad's running a fever. He's been sick for the last couple of days, so maybe he will get better soon ^_^ ttyl
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hello ^_^

Hi everyone that is lucky enough to log in on a sunday!!!! Today is really different than yesterday. Yesterday was sunny here, but now it's about to rain ~_~ plus, there's no excitement wheeling around whereas yesterday, there was a bunch of kids running around. Oh well.
I finally go my piece of pineapple up-side-down cake this morning for breakfast. yummy! I love pineapple more than any other fruit. Sorry about being random today. There's really not much more to do than sit on the computer a talk gibberish, but oh well ^_^ Well, I leave to go draw and watch inuyasha. ttyl

Oh, I thought this was really funny, so I put it up. ALR
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Friday, May 5, 2006
These things are so cool. Well sorry again for not being on here in a while, and yes, I am still obseesed with fruits basket. Now, Cofie's gonna start reading it. YAY!!!!!!!!! Oh, I put up a new background. What does everyone think?
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Friday, April 28, 2006
I am so obsessed!!!!!

I am totally in love with fruits basket now!!! My friend Crissy(Sesshoumarus mate) has been letting me borrow them over the last week. So far, Yuki is my favorite ^_^ I totally love him and Haru, But Kyo ain't that bad. I just tell them that I don't like him to get on their nerves. It works ^_^ Well, sorry about not getting on here in a while. I'm once again grounded because I'm failing Honors Physical Science (66 average). I'm gonna go watch an episode or two of Fruits basket on you tube then comment on people's things. ttyl
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter Peoples!!!!!!
We are going to my aunts house for an Easter dinner and she owns and lives at a campground!!!! Yay, that means I'll probably go swimming ^_^ It will be really cold, but it will be worth it. I love the water and if I could,

I'd turn into a mermaid so I could live in it ^_^ I'm being serious. All of my little cousins will be there(Joy)*groans* , But at least I may be able to con a few pieces of chocolate off of them, especially my ten year old brother ^_^ He always gives me some because I'm too old to hunt and he takes pity on the candy deprived me every year *hugs Matt-Matt* He's my buddy.
What is everyone else doing today?
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
It's about to rain ^_^
I love the rain(just not the storms) so yay!!!!!
Okay, back to my own world ^_^ It seems all of my friends have split personalities or the products of some unknown thingy that give them the urge to create another self or a little animal to annoy them. I decided I want one ^_^ So there is now a pixie flying around my head. I'm gonna have to draw her and give her a name though. Oh well. that's always fun ^_^
Sorry for the absence, but I'm grounded again through weekdays and I can't get on the computer. That's why I haven't commented on anyones things in forever. well, g2g before my mom has a fit. see ya!!!
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Friday, April 14, 2006
I love taking surveys. they're so much fun
Reflection of Self | Basic | Name(Nickname):: | on here, Unicornrain. At home, Sissy | Gender:: | female | Birthday:: | oct.25 yay!!!! I'm a scorpio ^_^ | Current Location:: | at home onthe computer | Marital Status:: | single: I'm only a teen | Occupation:: | ummmmm, writing I guess | Religion:: | christian | Siblings:: | 2, both younger | Pets:: | 1 that's completely mine. | Get along with parents:: | yep, but we do have our fusses | Have a lot of Friends:: | yeah, but only a few of them are really close | Emotions: How Often Do You | Cry: | not much. Only when I'm really angry and I can't stand it | Tell someone you love them: | not very often, even when it comes to family | Hug or Kiss someone:: | people usually hug me; no kissing | Argue with someone:: | all the time, mostly with my sister | Make a joke:: | not very often unless it's really sarcastic | Feel: Sad: | all the time when I'm not around my friends | Hyper: | after eating chocolate | Angry: | annoyed, more like. If I get really angry, I don't ever get over it | Happy: | when I'm around friends | Alone: | most of the time | Most common emotion:: | calm, in my own little world | Appearance | Hieght:: | 5ft 9in | Body Type:: | ummmm......150 pounds. ~_~ | Natural Eye Color:: | brown with a yellow twinge | Natural Hair Color:: | golden blonde | Color Contacts:: | nope, but if I had some, they'd be amethyst | Dyed Hair:: | nope, but I would like silver streaks one day | Tattos:: | nope, too painful | Piercings:: | nope, too painful | Glasses or Contacts:: | I just got contacts ^_^ | Accessories:: | a white crystal necklace | Make-up:: | foundation and mascara(eyeliner included) | Lable:: | ummmmm..... me | Favorites | Musical Group:: | Nickleback | Singer:: | Toby Keith | Color:: | blue and silver | Season:: | fall | Animal:: | real: a wolf fantasy:unicorn | Book:: | Rapter Red by Robert Bakker | Movie:: | Pirates of the Caribbean | TV Show:: | Naruto | Music genre:: | country/ rock | Genre of film:: | acton/fantasy adventure | Actor:: | Adam Sandler | Actress:: | Whoopie Goldberg | Thing to do:: | draw and write stories | Place to be:: | in my room | Do you | Drink:: | no, bad habit | Smoke:: | no, a worse habit | Curse:: | not very often | Like to Party:: | not really. I like to watch from the sidelines | Want kids (unless you have):: | when I'm older | Want to get married (unnless you are):: | yeah, eventually | Sing:: | yeah, but not very well | Dance:: | no!!!!!!!! I fall over | Draw, Paint, or some other artistic talent:: | draw, paint, write, calligraphy | Play an instrument:: | saxophone and a little on piano | This or That | Health Food/Junk Food: | health food | Eat in/Take out:: | eat in | Wendy's/Buger King:: | mcdonalds | Water/Soda:: | water with a soda every once in a while | Coke/Pepsi:: | Dr. Pepper | Dark/Light:: | gray | Day/Night:: | day | Walk/Ride:: | depends on the distance and how depressed I am | Angel/Devil:: | angel, although faery would be my real choice | Crowd/Alone:: | alone | Warm/Cold:: | warm | Simple/Complicated:: | complicated | City/Isolated Home:: | isolated | Dog/Cat:: | dog | White/Black:: | gray | Fantasy/Reality:: | fantasy | Book/Movie:: | book | Romantic Night In/Wild Night Out:: | night in | For or Against | Bush:: | sometimes either | The War:: | for, I agree with it | Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy of Military:: | against | Gay Marriage:: | against, but don't really care as long as it's away from me | Gay Adoption:: | just don't let the kid know that who ever is gay | Abortion:: | against. It's murder | Death Penalty:: | for, and I think they should allow torture under certain circumstances | Fur:: | for, but only with certain animals and I don't think it's right for something to be hunted only for its fur | Sport Hunting:: | for as long as you eat the meat in the end | Gun Control:: | against. not everyone with a gun is out to kill someone. There are those that hunt and they shouldn't be watched like a criminal for it | Free Downloading:: | for | State Testing:: | for, on certain things any way | Juvenile Penitentiary:: | for | Last Minute Randomness | Fears:: | going splat on the ground after falling from a great heighth, insanity, and hell | Weaknessess:: | chocolate | Strenghts:: | my imagination | What country you want to vaction in:: | Greece | Regrets:: | no regets, only learning through my mistakes | Favorite Word:: | okay | Favorite Letter:: | L | What do wish you did more often:: | hung out with my friends | In your group of close friends, you are the:: | one that looks at them and says that they're crazy ^_^ | Around people, you are the:: | calm one | Favorite culture:: | greek | Favorite style:: | anything but pink | Desired Job:: | novelist | Anything I left out you want to add?: | ummmmm, I love faeries and unicorns and anything to do with fantasy | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
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