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Thursday, January 10, 2008
I finally got a break from homework and decided to post a day earlier than I originally thought ^^
In English, we were introduced to The Crucible and tomorrow we begin to read it.
In A.P. History, we went over the business enterprises of the late 19th century and early 20th century. There was certainly some big stuff going on!
In Spanish, we took a quiz and watched the ending of a movie. I've gone back to disliking the teacher, too. On the quiz, he put a bunch of words that we hadn't even go over *fumes* then said there would be no retakes *curses* He needs to go back to Venezuela or wherever it is he came from and learn how to teach.
Lastly, in economics, Mr. Dickson went over why a girl demands a diamond ring when a guy proposes. It was really funny, especially with all the other girls saying how it represented their eternal relationship/love, how it was romantic, etc. In my opinion, those reasons are bs ^^' but hey! Whatever!
Well, I g2g. We're about to head to wal*mart in a little while and I have reading to get done.
Everyone have a good day!
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I think my English teacher is trying to kill me lol. I have, like, four reports to do tonight. One is for English and I have to finish three for A.P that was due the day before Christmas break! *sighs* I'm going to die from sleep deprivation ^^' At least I don't have to worry about Trig anymore. That would be the final straw.
Over all, school's been good the last two days. My Spanish teacher is nuts (he finally learned how to work the Smart-board thingy and he has filled his lesson presentations with lots of annoying noises and stuff.) but he's in a better mood than before Christmas. It must be because he got married a week ago *laughs* I'd certainly hope he'd be happy. I wonder how long it'll be before my class breaks him again, though.
Let's see, what else? Oh, I've nearly beat Kingdom Hearts ^_^ I'm facing Maleficent's dragon form and so far I've only died twice and nearly had her this last time. This weekend, I'm gonna have to go around Dickson looking for the second ^^ Then I might go and get some other games. I'll need to go to the bank first, though.
On another note, I've been working on my story ^^ I rewrote the prologue (for the ninth time)and finished the second draft of chapter one. Mrs. Womble would be so proud *cries* Oh well, I'll get Mrs. Castleberry to read it if Colton doesn't get to it first ^^'
And I changed my mind on the summer reading book. "The Sound and the Fury" wasn't even written in complete sentences (I hate bad punctuation in books) so I read "A Farewell to Arms" by Earnest Hemmingway ^^ It was really good but really sad in the end. Well, anyway, I think I did really well on the test. There wasn't a single question I didn't know ^^
Well, that's about it. There's a storm coming and we'll have to turn off the computer. It'll probably be a couple days before I update again. I have no clue what is on the agenda for the rest of the week ^^'
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
Well, I'm too lazy to change today's song, so hopefully it won't get on anyone's nerves. I haven't been on the computer to listen to it, so the excuse stands firm ^^' Plus, my computer doesn't like Imeem at all. I'm on it for about two minutes then it freaks out ^^'
Well, as for school, the two days we were back went well. I hate getting up at six though. Too early and too cold ^_^ My house is freezing in the mornings (actually all the time) and it's hard to convince myself to leave my bed ^^
My schedule is pretty good, at least: First is Honors English, second is A.P. History, third is Spanish 2, and fourth is economics ^_^ So far I'm enjoying all of them, even Spanish ^^ Cofie was moved into it, but the problem is, the teacher moved her two rows away *cries*
I've also almost perfected laziness as well. Both my first and second period are taught by the same teacher and I'm now trying to rig it where I sit in the same seat both class periods ^^ The only thing is that with my A.P. seat, the sun shines directly on it during first and it gives me a headache ^^' Oh well, I'll go work on the curtains again on Monday ^_^
It was really funny during lunch yesterday. The vice principal threw on some music and some dude got up from his chair, walked to the front of the cafeteria, and started dancing XD It was hilarious! The only thing that could have made it better is if he would have stood on a table during the "strip" part or the Michael Jackson impression XD
Well, I have to go finish my homework. ttyl
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Well, it's the time of year to forget all the mistakes you made in 2007 and embrace those that will happen in 2008 ^^' Yeah, I'm being really optimistic, now ain't I? Don't anybody wash clothes tomorrow, or I'll hunt you down *shakes fist threateningly* lol. If you have no clue what I'm talking about and are interested in the insane superstition, you can check two posts ago ^^'
Well, let's see... I usually don't make resolutions (I never keep them anyway), but I guess I'll make one that can be kept: I want to be happy ^_^ *drags out pink confetti and throws it on Moonshine7* *laughs maniacally* and that did it ^_^ Although, I think I'll promise myself to actually finish one of my books this year, too ^^' I swear they take forever, but I have a good start on the one I'm working on now ^^
So, what was your best memory of 2007? and the worst?

Everyone have a good day. See ya in the New Year!
ps. I'll probably update again around lunchtime ^^' I'm about to get in trouble staying up to midnight like I am, so, I guess I'll comment then. Good night!
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Mario Party Eight!!!!!!
Well, let's see, I won't be able to go around and comment for a while ^^' My sister's boyfriend came over this morning to hang out and all of us have been upstairs for the last hour playing Mario Party 8. I really like it, but unfortunately he's whipping us all at the mini-games *laughs* and Katie took one of my stars *cries*
Oh, and I've been working on a portrait of Aiden (the girl from my story) so when I finally post the pictures of the bubblegum trees, I'll add her to the list as well ^_^
Well, everyone is wanting to go crank up the dune-buggy, so I'll ttyl.
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
good afternoon ^^
Well, not much has been going on. Yesterday, after I posted, I went and helped my parents grind hamburger meat, some people come over, and I began reading on Remaking Eden by Lee M. Silver for Biology II this semester (if my schedule will allow it. I still need to get it changed) ^^ I really like it. It was kind of confusing at the beginning, but now it's making plenty of sense. It's really good ^_^ Heaven knows I would rather read that than the book for Honors English. That book is going to take forever ^^'
Let's see... Oh, and I just realized this, but New Year's Eve is tomorrow ^^ And I know this sounds stupid, but would everyone do me a favor? Don't wash any clothes on New Years Day. You might wash someone important out of your life ^^
What else? I have to babysit for an entire day this week (Wednesday, I believe) so I probably won't be on then ^^ Sorry! I'll be exhausted by lunch ^_^'
Well, that's about it. I'm going to go read and paint. ttyl =^.^=
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sorry about not updating yesterday. I was gone to Nashville for a part and when I got home, I had no interest what-so-ever in getting on the computer ^^' First me and my dad went to his work to pick up his check, then we wandered through traffic for twenty minutes trying to get to Border's. It's a good thing he knew the way because I have no clue how to get there from anything other than Downtown ^_^ Then we had to circle their tiny parking lot a couple times looking for a space (it was dog eat dog out there) and on the fourth round we snagged one while no one was looking ^^'
We went in and shopped (I bought volumes 2,3, and 4 of Angel Sanctuary; volume 1 of Cross; the fourth Inuyasha Movie (I needed to complete the set); and a prequel to The Mists of Avalon called The Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley.) And my dad bought a book with a picture of a new motor on the cover. I can't remember the name ^^'
After that, we went to the coffee bar on the other side of Border's and got strawberry smoothies ^_^ They were really good and the people working the counter were really nice *number 1 and 2 for yesterday, Cof* lol. Sorry, inside joke ^.~
Well, anyway, then we navigated home through what remained of lunch-hour traffic ^_^ Before we got here, though, we stopped by the bank.
So yesterday afternoon, I spent the rest of the time reading then went out for Mexican ^_^ When we got back, me, Katie, and Matt-Matt went upstairs and watched the movie, then we all tried our hand at Guitar Hero (which I still stink at, but maybe it would help if I would actually play it more often?)
Well, anyway, that was it. Now I have to start on my book for Honors English. Oh joy.
Sorry it was so long and ttyl ^_^
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
good morning?
Well, it's morning while I'm writing this, but it won't be for long ^^' I slept in to 10:30 and now I'll be tired all day long. Oh well, I guess that means I can stay up to midnight ^^'
Nothing much has been going on. I imagine I'll go paint some more, then find something to do on the computer. Gaia is calling me... wow, I sound like Hitomi from Escaflowne. I think she says that at one point, but I can't remember if its in the anime or manga ^_^' Well, anyway, they've got this adopt-an-orphan thing going on and my little person in a box is kinda unhappy with me ^^'
What else? Oh, as for my bubblegum tree paintings,
I can't really get the pictures to upload from my mom's digital camera so it will be a while before ya'll can see exactly what I'm talking about ^_^ Relax though, Cof, they don't really look like bubblegum. They're just pink ^^ like everything else I'm associated with this week. *takes a look around* I think I've lost my mind to tell you the truth.
Well, that's about it. Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to post tomorrow.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Hello everyone ^^ How are you?
Well, Christmas is finally over so that means everyone in my house goes back to being unsocial ^^'
My sister is babysitting today since I decided that I didn't want to work the day after Christmas, so it's quite quiet. My parents are watching some documentary on some murder, my brother is playing Madden 08 (which I am about to kick him off), and I've been trying to fix up my Imeem acount so I can put music on here ^_^
Ummmmm, what else? Oh! My dad gets the week off from NADC and this friday we're going book shopping ^_^ I have a ton a Christmas money that still needs to be spent, so I won't be limited to just one or two books this time around ^O^ I just hope we go to Border's. Barnes and Noble's stuff is more than what I want to spend ^^'
I also hope that I get well before then. I've had a cold for about a week now, and for the last three days, my ears have hurt. One's about to kill me ^^' I talked to one of the girls I babysit a little while ago, and her loud voice almost made me fall over lol.
*sighs* I suppose that's about it ^^' Oh, wait a minute! If I can, I'll post some pictures up here later ^_^ I've been painting a lot lately
and some people might be interested in seeing my bubblegum trees lol.
well, ttyl
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Well, so far the morning has been going well here. My brother and sister nearly freaked when they saw the playstation 2 and the Guitar Hero gig. They're in the living room playing it right now ^_^' I tried my hand at it and discovered that I really suck -_-' Oh well, there's plenty of time to learn hand-eye coordination.
Last night we went to my grandparents' house... It was so much fun! For the first half hour, me and my cousin Jordan stacked up dominos then knocked them over over and over again ^^ Then we ate (I consumed more sweets than I did anything else), then everyone sat around until "Santa" made an appearance to talk to the little kids (there are tons in my family), then we unwrapped presents ^_^ I think my favorite thing, though, was when I kidnapped my little one-year-old cousin, Harley, for about five minutes ^_^ She's so cute =^.^=
Well, sorry about the last post. I've been thinking and have decided I really don't want to leave ^^ It seems like everything is resolved and the depression is finally over. Cofie ought to be proud *shakes fist at her computer screen* Soooooooooooo, Merry Christmas ^_^
Favorite things under the tree:
my Escaflowne series dvds, my painting easel(and the canvas from my mom), my new pajamas (I'm wearing the pink ones with clouds now ^^') and of course the PS2.
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