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Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Hello everyone
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year now because I probably won't be getting on here much anymore. I have a lot of issues going on that I have to sort through, plus school. So if anyone is interested in keeping touch, mail me and I will send you my e-mail address. ttyl
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hello everyone! Guess what, guess what, guess what!!! I got my braces off today!
I swear it's so weird. My teeth are ultra clean and I'm free to eat anything I want (my orthodontist people even gave me a sack of candy ^^)
Plus my bf, Kyle, went with me and my family and it was funny because he and my mom snuck back there to see me ^^' And afterwards, we all went to the pool place for supplies, Sonic for ice-cream, then Cofie's dad's work (in hopes that she would be there) to show him ^^
All in all, today was a great day and I can't wait to get to school on Monday. I wonder how many people will notice?
So, what's happening with everyone else?
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
*long shout* Hellooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Well, the weekend is almost over... bummer, although I can't wait until tomorrow so I can go to the school library and get Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. I spent this week reading Twilight and New Moon (first two in the series) and I swear these are the best books ever! The only thing is that I can't hardly sleep because I want to read the third so badly -_-'
I also read Blood and Chocolate this week and bought the movie last night. They're both alright, but they are so different it's not funny. Essentially, the only thing they have in common is the peoples' names ^^'
Well, I have to go get ready for bed. Hopefully I can comment tomorrow morning before school if I can get away with it. I don't know if the morning counts in our hour ^^'
Well, ttyl
Edward Cullen icons:

Hopefully Kyle won't get mad at me lmao ^^'
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Oops ^^'
Sorry everyone. You all probably thought I'd died or something. I've been gone forever ^^'
Well, I've been extremely busy with school (it hasn't killed me yet) and reading, plus my mom has started enforcing this rule where we can only have an hour of "electronic time." I hate it.
In other news, my school gets to order class rings next Tuesday. I know which one I want and what its going to look like, but I'm still staggering over the cost of it: $368.00. And I'm going to have to pay for it myself.
And for the last bit, I GET MY BRACES OFF LESS THAN A MONTH FROM NOW!!!!! Yay!!!!! I really can't wait to eat caramel apples again ^_^ It was really funny because I started bouncing up and down in my chair when my orthodontist told me and he started to as well.
Oh, and I hope everyone likes the theme. I watched Blood+ last night (I was babysitting down the road and I turned on the tv after they went to bed) for the first time in over a year. I'm now wanting to buy the manga ^_^
Well, ttyl if I can. I've still got tons of stuff to do.
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Hi hi ^_^
Well, we went and got the pool the other night (took forever but it was fun ^^) and soon we are going to start building a small deck so we can get into it. The people who gave us the pool even let us have the wood that once built their deck lol. So it's a pretty good setup ^_^
Earlier on Wednesday, Kyle (solidsnake91) came over and me, him, and my brother hung out the entire time ^_^ For some reason, though, we barely ever saw my sister. I think she's still depressed about Andrew breaking up with her and I'm sure it makes her feel bad to see me and Kyle together.
*sighs* Me and Cofie's going to have to fix her up with someone once school gets back in ^_^ Too bad her type of guy is totally different than mine -_-' Oh well ^^
Well, I g2g. I won't have time to visit until this afternoon, so tte then ^_^
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hey! *waves* Sorry about the long absence and stuff once again ^^'
Well, a lot seems to be going on this week. First off, I'm going to hang out with Kyle all day tomorrow and then his mom is going to take us to see The Simpson's Movie tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait!
Then, sometime this week, we're getting a pool! *squeals in delight* I saw pictures of it that my parents took yesterday and the thing is huge *jaw drops* or at least it looked it in the pic. They measured it and it's thirty foot long... ^_^' My parents got into a big discussion last night on whether we'd even be able to fit it into the yard.
And last on the big things list, school starts on Friday. Oh joy. You know, I was excited about it for a while because it's brand new and it's closer (five minutes away instead of the 45 minute drive to Centerville), but I went to the opening Sunday and it totally sucked. There is no other way to describe it. Does anybody know what a Clerestory is? It's a fancy name for a hallway without lockers... yeah, the builders are idiots. We're not a city school so we shouldn't have to go to one. The place is trying to look incredibly expensive (and it is) but it fails miserably. The only thing I really liked was the science lab stations.
Well, on a happier note, when school begins full time on Tuesday, I begin my babysitting job *cheers* That's going to be fun.
Well, I've waisted enough time complaining and such. I'm going to go say hi to everybody. ttyl
oh, and I'm putting a pic of my brother's giant fish in here too. He's the one wearing the striped shirt ^_^ my cousin Jacob is in the red.

EDIT: Oh, never mind. I got the days mixed up ^^' We start school next week. Sorry!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Hello Everyone!
How has everyone been? You now, it seems that I have gotten to the point where I hardly ever post, especially when I want too XD I’ve just been so busy for the last couple of weeks I can hardly find time for the computer.
Well, this weekend was great! My family went to Adams, Tennessee for the yearly Thresherman’s Show (we run the free catfish-fry), but unfortunately I couldn’t find a vender that sold anything of particular interest. I hated that, too, because I had money jingling a hole in my pocket the entire time, but there was nothing worth buying -_-‘ At the end, though, I wound up with two rings and two bracelets. Plus I bought both me and my sister a snow cone ^_^ I owed her considering she let me eat over half her bowl of homemade ice cream she bought ^^’ I have such a nice little sister lol
Speaking of which, thanks everybody that went to her site. She nearly killed me when she found out I directed people over there, but she was happy anyway ^_^
Well, anyway, we left Adams and went to the campsite that was about an hour and a half over the Kentucky line. Gee, that was fun. I was cooped and squished in the back of our explorer with a very hyper brother *sighs* Oh well. I have to have some sort of entertainment ^________^
I hated the campsite when we first got there too. We were basically stuck in between two hills with a long walk to the bathroom either way down the road… But, fortunately, it grew on me after we settled in. I was quite nice because my uncle, aunt, and their kids went, plus my aunt’s younger brothers went ^_^ It was kinda cool hanging with them all weekend, especially Lora, my aunt’s youngest brother’s wife. We’re so much alike, it’s scary lmao.
Well, anyway, we wound up fighting coons off the campsite the first night. They were opening the coolers and getting out food, for Pete’s sake! They even eat my aunt’s peach cobbler XD
Later Saturday morning, when everyone but me, my mom, my cousin Andrew, and Lora came back from fishing (we stayed at the camp), we discovered my brother caught a 33 pound catfish on rod-n-reel… That fish was bigger than he was lol.
After a while, when everyone who wanted to go went to skin the fish, me, Katie, Lora, Andrew and Lucas (his brother) went swimming. It was fun until a forty year-old dude tried to hit on me as I was coming out of the water. It was extreeeeeeeeemely creepy. He looked me up and down then asked where I was from… I should have said “Jail-Bait, Tennessee”… but unfortunately, I didn’t.
Later the dude was building mounds and planting crosses below the tide line… That makes me think he was an idiot… Then when we all loaded into David’s truck (the oldest of my aunt’s younger brothers), he saw me and talked to David about his truck while looking at me the entire time. Stocker… I wonder if he is a pedophile… *sighs* He was weird, especially since I was wearing a swimsuit that showed absolutely no skin. Why didn’t he go for one of the skinnier girls wearing bikini’s?
Well, that night we fought the coons again and woke up early (I found out racoons hate eggplant because it was still sitting on my aunt's table the next morning), went fishing, yada yada yada,packed, then stopped by McDonald’s on the way home.
Well, that was my weekend, and sorry about the long post. I wrote it the shortest I could ^_^’
Oh, and yes I play the Saxophone (I used to be pretty good at it before I got braces), and no, usually I don't bring it camping. My sister was going to bring her flute and I thought I'd play my instrument with her ^_^
And I added a fanart earlier, so if interested, you can see what I normally do on camping trips XD

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
camping once again ^^'
Well, as the title suggests, I went camping again this passed weekend and I have to say, it wasn't the most fun thing in the world. The people in the campsite next to us were basically having a drunk party during the day and then at 2:00 in the morning, it turned into a drunk/sex party. Luckily I was asleep during the latter party ^^'
What also got on my nerves was the fact that the peoples where blasting really annoying music all day. It got bad enough that I dragged out my saxophone and blasted them back. They got quiet for about an hour afterwards XD When they started getting loud again, a police officer came by ^_^
Yeah, and not only did they do all of that, there were a couple of extremely stupid drunks that climbed in a car and had a head-on colllsion right up the road of the campsite. One of them wound up dead from it.
Stupid, huh?
In other news, my mom's best friend is having surgery today, so looks like I'm babysitting again ^_^ Oh well. Everyone around here can pretty much take care of themselves ^^
And speaking of that,this fall I will have a job babysitting my cousins after school ^_^ Yay!!! lol. That'll be fun ^^ I just hope moonshine7 will forgive me for abondoning her in the afternoons. Sorry Cof ^^' It'll only be for an hour, though, and it's right down the road :P
Well, that's about it.
Oh, and if anyone has the time, go to my sister's, Casceta, site and give her a helpful comment. Her boyfriend broke up with her on friday and she's having a rough time. I'd really appreciate it ^^
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
*fireworks* Wait, I'm too late...
Good morning to everyone that is still in the morning and good afternoon to everyone else ^^
Welp, yesterday, Kyle came over for about two and a half hours and we went blackberry picking ^_^ That was fun, but he kept having to untangle me because my hair kept on getting stuck in the briars ^^' Dang hair! lol
Then we went to my grandparents' house for the fish-fry and I was a bit nervous about their reaction to Kyle. They all like to gossip a lot and don't take kindly to strangers, but fortunately I was able to keep him away from the adults.
I really have nothing else to talk about other than my cousin Andrew (known as Nacho Boy to Cofie) spent the night last night. I swear if the boy don't stop growing, I'm gonna have to cut off a few inches... I mean, he's thirteen years old and he's out grown his size thirteen shoe -_-' And he's almost three inches taller than me (I'm 5'6") whereas this time last year I was almost half a foot taller than him. I think I need to be nicer to him for now on...
Well, I've run out of stuff to say. Everyone have a good day!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
skittles ^^
Hello everyone! If your wondering about my post title, I've been toying with the idea of buying a jerbil and naming it Skittles (even though I hate the candy) ^_^ Does everyone else think they're cute? I do! The only thing is that if I get one, I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep it in my room. One of my friends has one named Merry and she is really loud XD I'm a really light sleeper and it would probably keep me up ^^
Let's see, what else is going on? Oh! Kyle (solidsnake91) might be going with me to my family's 4th of July fish-fry tomorrow ^_^ And since his birthday was Sunday, I'm gonna make him a strawberry cake ^_^ I'm still trying to decide on whether or not to make Divinity Frosting to go on it ^^ He liked that stuff.
I'm also almost halway done with The Hot Zone for this coming year's Biology 2. It's almost scary and I've been a germfreak since I began it. It's basically about the three Ebola sisters and the effects it had on people. Very disturbing.
My mom also called the school board today to see if they would give me and my sister our schedules. We'll have to wait until next week to know for sure when we have what class. I'm wanting it because I want to know if I'm waisting my time by reading these books. I don't want to have to read them again.
Oh and isn't Naruto cute?

Well, I'm about talked out for now. Time to go say hi to everyone. ttyl
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