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in a world of magic
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most of my life; I was about 4
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Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
survive senior year
writing, drawing, reading, painting, swimming, cooking, etc.
everything I want to be good at
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hey! *waves* Sorry about the long absence and stuff once again ^^'
Well, a lot seems to be going on this week. First off, I'm going to hang out with Kyle all day tomorrow and then his mom is going to take us to see The Simpson's Movie tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait!
Then, sometime this week, we're getting a pool! *squeals in delight* I saw pictures of it that my parents took yesterday and the thing is huge *jaw drops* or at least it looked it in the pic. They measured it and it's thirty foot long... ^_^' My parents got into a big discussion last night on whether we'd even be able to fit it into the yard.
And last on the big things list, school starts on Friday. Oh joy. You know, I was excited about it for a while because it's brand new and it's closer (five minutes away instead of the 45 minute drive to Centerville), but I went to the opening Sunday and it totally sucked. There is no other way to describe it. Does anybody know what a Clerestory is? It's a fancy name for a hallway without lockers... yeah, the builders are idiots. We're not a city school so we shouldn't have to go to one. The place is trying to look incredibly expensive (and it is) but it fails miserably. The only thing I really liked was the science lab stations.
Well, on a happier note, when school begins full time on Tuesday, I begin my babysitting job *cheers* That's going to be fun.
Well, I've waisted enough time complaining and such. I'm going to go say hi to everybody. ttyl
oh, and I'm putting a pic of my brother's giant fish in here too. He's the one wearing the striped shirt ^_^ my cousin Jacob is in the red.

EDIT: Oh, never mind. I got the days mixed up ^^' We start school next week. Sorry!
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