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in a world of magic
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Anime Fan Since
most of my life; I was about 4
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
survive senior year
writing, drawing, reading, painting, swimming, cooking, etc.
everything I want to be good at
Monday, June 19, 2006
good morning everyone ^_^ I'm back! Camping was so much fun! We camped on the edge of a bluff on a giant deck that when you looked down, there was at least a 20 foot drop. We first got there and my mom refused to look over the edge and started to panic when she found a warp in one of the boards because she thought it was a hole ^_^ That was so funny, especially the look on her face when I started jumping up and down on it ^_^ Me and my dad were teasing her for it all friday night. Well, let's see....... the most annoying part was walking down a steep path down the bluff to get to the bathroom. It was very tiring and the bad part was that by the time we had gotten used to the climb, it was time to leave. Ummmmmm....... oh, and my uncle, aunt, and little cousins went too and camped next to us. We all kinda paired up and I babysitted the youngest of them all weekend. I swear he is one of the sweetest things, but it kinda gets annoying when you're trying to draw and he takes the pencil out of your hand and runs off with it ^_^ He did that at one point and he was gone before I could catch him. Figures.
We went swimming too, which was a lot of fun because the wind was blowing really hard and there were huge waves ^_^ Too bad my mom wouldn't let me take the lifejacket off. I swim much better without it. I also got a bit of a sunburn from it though which I don't understand because the sun wasn't even out @.@ go figure that one. I even got a new swimsuit ^_^
The worst and probably funniest part of the trip was when everyone but me and my mom had gone on the boat to swim and when I tried getting in the car, we were locked out. Both sets of keys were even in there. Joy. So We sat there for an hour, waiting for my dad to get back so he could break in it and get the keys. At least now I know how to break into it using the radio intena. That might come in handy someday.

Well, I gotta go back to the orthodonist today. One of my brackets broke off a few minutes ago while I was typing this thing. I hate the dang liitle suckers........ so ttyl and have a good day
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