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in a world of magic
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Anime Fan Since
most of my life; I was about 4
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Angel Sanctuary, Blood+,Shaman King, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, Wolf's Rain, and Shakugan no Shana
survive senior year
writing, drawing, reading, painting, swimming, cooking, etc.
everything I want to be good at
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/03/05:
 DREAMS: You daydream a lot. You always have different things on your mind. You are creative and very good at the arts. You know when to be serious and fun.
What power does your soul control? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/01/05:
I really like dragons, especially the water and ice, so that's why I decided to put this here.
 Your Ally is an Ice dragon! Dragon species: Ice Dragon
these dragons live in the snowlands. they tend to be small (classic dragon size or under) and can run extremlly fast. they only hunt every 5-8 weeks as food is scarce. they tend to be kind, but like annoying large dragons.
The reason your mystical ally is an Ice dragon is because in the beginning of time, Ice dragons lived in fear of the Chinese water dragons and Fire dragons. So they lived alone up in the mountains to protect themselves. Since they were smaller than other dragons, they felt they would never be able to protect themselves in the real world.
^Kinda freaky stuff right? Well Ice dragons were depressed yet very well tamed creatures just like you. You are serious, smart, calm, moody, and sometimes a little depressed more than others. Just like the Ice dragon, you let people beat you down into not believing in yourself. THATS NOT VERY POSITIVE AT ALL! Carrying an amulet that the Ice dragon wears around its very neck, you press its magic button to summon the dragon from the artic. Your style would be a ban tee and a pair of pants. Maybe a hat too.
colors: Ice blue, grey, white, black
element: Ice
Please VOTE!
What mystical creature would be your ally? (Amazing Pics and Results!plz Vote!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/01/05:
 The Countess
You are the one who masquerades to stalk her prey. You are not exactly what you appear to be; there is more to you than meets the eye. On the surface you are elegant, cultured, and the very picture of charm. But beneath your refined exterior lurks a mind full of bone-chillingly dark thoughts.
What's so scary about you: You catch everyone off-guard, you are the sneak attack that no one ever expects.
Your gemstone: Amethyst
Your moon: Dark Moon (November)
Which Beautiful Vampiress are You? (For Girls! - Gothic Anime Pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/01/05:
This is interesting.
 Dreamwalking is your specialtiy.
You are a person with a huge imagination, and would rather live in their imaginary world than the real one. You love to sleep, because when you do, you get to live in your dreams. In your dreams, you see things that might come true, and at some times they do. You can interperate any dream, whether it be yours or someone elses and most of the time, you are acurate. Many people may look down upon you because of the fact that you don't seem to see the problems of the real world, but you do. You just want to escape them, and your dreams and imagination is where you can find that solace.
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/28/05:
Cool, I guess. It's nice to know that it's something good.
The angel seems to be attracted to you because of your innocent and loving characteristics. You are optimistic, and quite happy-go lucky. You don't get angry easily, but when you do, things can get out of hand. You enjoy being in the company of your friends, and family members. With all these qualities combined, it isn't a mystery why the angel is most attracted to you. You go!
What is following you around? (Girls Only) (Boys only type is coming soon!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/25/05:
My astrology sign is scorpio(water), but this does make sense cause my rising sign is sagittarius(fire).
Fire - Dominant You're a very confident and passionate person... You are a warrior and will fight for those you love... Animagi form: PhoenixMost compatible with: AirLeast compatible with: WaterSong: Angel - AerosmithRuling God: Ares
Are you an Obscure or Dominant Element?? {Great pics} brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/24/05:
its cool
Result Posted on 10/21/05:
I like art, but this is only a partial description. I am a lot of the other stuff, too.I mean, I like to write, I like music and most sports.
Result Posted on 10/19/05:
This is kinda accurate, I guess. I guess the only way to notice something is for it to be put in writing.
Dominant Personality: Regret
Good Traits: You don't forget what's happened. You take the time to yourself to [try to] get over it.
Bad Traits: You never do get over it. You're living in the past. You can't change it.
People see you as: A shadow (you're always left behind), honest, and wise. You may act like you've been through horrible ordeals that no one can relate to. The honesty is almost a plus, but being too honest is your problem. You don't like being lied to, so you choose not to lie either.
You're Most Like: Protected. After what you've experienced you closed up, trying to figure out what's wrong with you. You're more extroverted to cover up your feelings, unlike a protected person.
You Need More: Disappointment. This may sound off, but you do need it. You have to get out of the past, and focus on the future.
What's your dominant trait? (10 unique results) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/19/05:
Perfect result considering my name thingy. I love unicorns almost as much as poenixes, so this worked out well.
 You're a Unicorn. You feel a great balance about things, that most people really have to work to get. You're the honest, healing peace maker. Without you, you're group of friends would be a disaster. No, without you, we'd ALL be a disaster. You're so kind that children love you... not only children, but all your friends, your family, and one day the right girl/guy... just keep lookin!
What Mythical Creature Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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