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• 1991-04-16
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• 2005-02-19
• Otaku of many
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• Megan
• Um... huh?
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• ..I think I was Seven when I was Six years ago ^_^;; 1998?
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• Sailor Moon, Love Hina, Chobits, Full Metal Alchemist, FRUITS BASKET or Furuba, and Zatch Bell!
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• I've been told I can sing really well, and I'm good at accents, Been told I'm a good at poetry, I have a very good imagination..uhh what else...
| UnwantedRedRoses
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Late April Fools
*cackles* Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday, my sister kicked me off the computer before I could! *nod, nod* Well, as you ALL know yesterday was April !st, wich is April fools day. BUT! It was more then that... It was Fred and George Weasleys Birthday! *grins* I made a cake for them! And I ate it too! *barks out a laugh* I polled a prake on my old-time friend. Her names Rachael, anyway... Well here, this is the exiact e-mail I sent her, "It's a good thing you e-mailed me,.. cause.. I was going to e-mail you anyway.. There's something I need to tell you.
*takes a deep breath* First of all,.. Jonathan said admitted that he had a crush on me,.. and he asked me to go out on a date, and believe it or not, my Grandparent's said it was okay.. But wait, it gets better. We went out to a Movie (we saw Miss Congeniality 2) and then we went to eat at Subway (I picked) and then we went to the mall (Cary Town). I, of course wanted to go in Hot Topic (big surprise ne?).. but.. while we were in Hot Topic this really Hot guy, and when I say really I mean REALLY. He had butt length Raven black hair, but with blue tips, and these BEAUTIFUL eyes, they were really dark blue... he kinda looked like a Vampire. Anyway.. he started flirting with me (Yeah I know!) Jonathan got all pissed of at the dude (The people at Hot Topic called him Drake.. The hot guy not Jonathan), and punched him. The people in Hot Topic called the guard people in the mall and Jonathan got kicked out. Hopefully the guy won't try to sue Jonathan.
I asked the guy (Drake) not to do anything of the such, and "Drake" said he was sorry and hoped he'd see me again soon.
...*bites her lip* Jonathan hasn't really talked to me sense then... I think he's to embarrassed to. I hope he starts to talk to me again soon. I'm not sure if I feel the same way about him as he does about me though.. *sighs* This is all way to much.. *tilts her head a little* What do you think I should do? I'm really confused about everything right now...*sighs again* Well,.. I've got to get off now... Could you call me when you get this? Maybe? I really need to talk to you...
Well, I love ya hun... Bye
Anyway, Jonathan is a friend of mine, Everyone thinks he has a crush on me... Besides me... because I don't think he does. Anyway.. I haven't been able to get a joke on her in a long time.... Usualy it's my sisters falt because I don't tell her about it. But this time I told even my grandmother *cackles more* Hopfuly it will work! Anyway... Now I'm going to post something I found on this site about Aprils Fools Day... it's about where it came from and everything. I think it's pretty cool!
"Unlike most of the other nonfoolish holidays, the history of April Fool's Day, sometimes called All Fool's Day, is not totally clear. There really wasn't a "first April Fool's Day" that can be pinpointed on the calendar. Some believe it sort of evolved simultaneously in several cultures at the same time, from celebrations involving the first day of spring.
The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. Prior to that year, the new year was celebrated for eight days, beginning on March 25. The celebration culminated on April 1. With the reform of the calendar under Charles IX, the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, and New Year's Day was moved to January 1.
However, communications being what they were in the days when news traveled by foot, many people did not receive the news for several years. Others, the more obstinate crowd, refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the new year on April 1. These backward folk were labeled as "fools" by the general populace. They were subject to some ridicule, and were often sent on "fools errands" or were made the butt of other practical jokes.
This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April. The tradition eventually spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century. It was later introduced to the American colonies of both the English and French. April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun fest, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.
In Scotland, for example, April Fool's Day is actually celebrated for two days. The second day is devoted to pranks involving the posterior region of the body. It is called Taily Day. The origin of the "kick me" sign can be traced to this observance.
Mexico's counterpart of April Fool's Day is actually observed on December 28. Originally, the day was a sad remembrance of the slaughter of the innocent children by King Herod. It eventually evolved into a lighter commemoration involving pranks and trickery.
Pranks performed on April Fool's Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe's untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"
Practical jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, elaborate practical jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees.
April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!"
Haha, I think this si the longest post I've ever made... and it's not over yet! Here's some pranks I heard about,
"In 1962 there was only one tv channel in Sweden, and it broadcast in black and white. The station's technical expert, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news to announce that thanks to a newly developed technology, all viewers could now quickly and easily convert their existing sets to display color reception. All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over their tv screen, and they would begin to see their favorite shows in color. Stensson then proceeded to demonstrate the process. Reportedly, hundreds of thousands of people, out of the population of seven million, were taken in. Actual color tv transmission only commenced in Sweden on April 1, 1970."
"Nixon for President
In 1992 National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation program announced that Richard Nixon, in a surprise move, was running for President again. His new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do anything wrong, and I won't do it again." Accompanying this announcement were audio clips of Nixon delivering his candidacy speech. Listeners responded viscerally to the announcement, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and outrage. Only during the second half of the show did the host John Hockenberry reveal that the announcement was a practical joke. Nixon's voice was impersonated by comedian Rich Little."
Okay.. I'll let your eyes have a brake... For Now!
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