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myOtaku.com: UraChan

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

   Nacho Chinchilla Cheese Crackers!! (Now in bite size)
I haven't posted in a WHILE!! But it's right before school (It's really early T.T)and I'm on my computer (s'right)when I could be eating!! (sigh) Have to leave in about 4 minutes XD
Oh well had to make this short!!
Hope to talk to y'all soon y'hear!? (Southern Accents will rule the world Bwahahahahahahaha)
Aishiteru and Ja ne~~!!~~~!!!!~!~!~!~!!!!!~!~!
^^^That looks cool =D^^^
....oh wait.....NOW it's four minutes Lol (was SIX minutes earlier) Bwahahahahaha

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Rocking Chairs!
Watching Medium right now! WOOT! Got the first season DVD!
Movies I'm Going To Watch In The Next Few Days!:
~Anna and I (Doing an extra credit assignment in World History)~
~Edward Scissorhands~
~Charmed - Season 1~
~Peter Pan (Live Version)~
~Jack and The Beanstalk - The Real Story~
and much much more!
Can you guess that I'm having a movie-thon? lol
I should pick some more (have to go look)
Oh Wellz! Talk to ya ppls latez! Bwahahaha?
Ja ne and Aishiteru~

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Nananana Nananana BATMAAAAAAAAN~
-starts singing-
Spiderman! Spiderman something something Spiderman
SpiderMAN! Spiderman something something spiderman
Spidermaaaaaaaan it's something something Spidermaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Again I'm bored!!! I'm catching up a little bit with my schoolwork but I still have to take some tests...not to mention tomorrow I have....three....no four.....count it four tests!!
Anyways...should I put up some Flyleaf or J-pop/J-rock (depends on what I find on imeem)
And should I just take off my dance music??
Eh well....take care of it later....
I still have to do a U Make An EXAM!!! And a crossword (it's harder than it sounds) study for seven quizes...yea....
ALTHOUGH! I got my grade in World History Adv. today! (It's Tuesday btw) and its 106% (A obviously lol) and all the assignments are there (completed) except for the three i missed BUT they put in full credit for those assignments because I still have extra time to make up for it (for everyday you miss of school you get two days make-up - in other words I have 2 weeks to make-up....that part i'm happy about) so until conferences I have an A =D
This is a bigger deal than you might think lol
But yea....the highlight of my day is at lunch when I get to say "I'll spit on you" to the mean people (mono remember? =D lol) and I flick ketchup at people. Or another highlight is after school when I go to McD's ... Today I got mayo packets and twisted them (outside obviously) to make them pop! First time it sprayed towards the parking lot all pretty like, but the second time it went in the opposite direction (in my face) it was so funny! I wish I had a camera!!! XD
Anyways....all I can think of to talk about....
~†UraChan†~ (oooo the crosses work)

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Iunno what to do now... I'm all bored...
I SHOULD be doing all the homework I have to make up since I missed a week of school....
But uh....I don't....understand it....
It's all difficult... friggin' World History Advanced is piling more and more assignments on me and I have to make up for at least five quizes/tests!
ALSO need to read "To Kill A Mockingbird" and make up for it's quiz.... I usually LIKE to read but this book? It's depressive...I don't know why....but it is...
And Algebra... I take "retarded math" as my most cheerful classmates have put it! I take Alg. Concepts so yea....retarded math! But we started a whole new chapter and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing!! Not to mention I have another quiz there....
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaa......I have no energy for this.... I'm still recovering from my wonderous illness!
To explain the illness I'll read you a story...
First of all my brother went ill with what we thought was mono (you know...the kissing disease) and we took him to the hospital to get that registered! Well! Turned out that he had a white blood cell count of 1.9 (in other words - one lil bug from somebody else and he'd die....)
And that meant he either had a virus that would go away! Or leukemia ... that won't. That caused enough trouble (I got everyone at school crying)
Then!! I get sick!! Although for SOME reason my mom's cheery and happy because this meant my brother has a virus and not the cancer (that's the good part) but my white blood cell count started dropping so I couldn't go ANYWHERE until it went back up! So I took a week from school (even though I'm crammed with work already) and took regular trips to the hospital to get my blood tested! By last Saturday they decided I was good enough to go out (which I had to work a 7 and a half hour shift...)which didn't help because of exhaustion....
But yea, I had to go back to school sooner or later so I went back today! (Monday) And the doctor told us it WAS just mono (ironically) so me and my brother can't kiss, lick, bite, share food, or drinks with ANYONE for 2 months! Which is hard because of my weird ass friends and the fact that we hang out at McD's after school! I've been exhausted all day...no one's cutting me any breaks!!
Did I forget something??? Ah well....If I remember it I'll post it....eventually...
Might as well either read this horrid BOOK or get some sleep!
Ja ne! And Aishiteru~!!

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Readin' a buddy's site I remembered that I had gone to Hot Topic a while back and (before ANYONE HAD THEM) I saw the lil voodoo dolls...
First I wanted to get the one with a the mohawk because it looked like my friend Jake! I woulda taken some hair and clothes if I had to ....
But no...my mother wouldn't let me SO! I took the pirate...and named him Lyle...I loved Lyle...
Named him after my poor Grampy-kins...(died last October) well me and my friend were climbing trees (or rather she was climbing trees and I was getting stuck....) and when I got back to my apartment he was GONE! He was on my belt loop like always before I left, but he was gone...
I miss that lil pirate o' mine!

IN OTHER NEWS -pulls out a mic bigger than my head-

Wait! Update!! The Chinchillas have COME!!! They're here to SAVE US!!! They'll take care of those nasty Squirrels!
-takes a breath-

Lol that's what I plan to happen when I take over the world =D
Don't worry I'll let the people I like go to their shelters....that reporter on the other hand.... she took that kid's lunch money at school...before I could!....
She can stay with the squirrels......

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Post!! WOOT!
Moshi Moshi! I'm UraChan!! Well, my full name is Ohara Uchiwa! My mommy is Toushi Uchiwa if you know her!! If case you like my Avi it's me while I was cosplaying!! I have lots more pictures of me and my Uncle Fruit Loop! Oh...I mean my Uncle Morihiro heehee...
That's all I gots to say for now!! Xept for the fact that I have horrible hot cheese stuck to my face....it burns....
Ja ne and Aishiteru!!

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