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graduating class of 08
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to become an elementry school teacher
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....I can read 87 books in a semester! ^_^ ... I scare my teachers....
| Ureshiinosuika
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Monday, May 21, 2007
prom countdown: 5 more days
taking the day out on friday.
I'm visiting today. Had tons of free time in English.
Submitted two new wallpapers. Ya'll should check them out by the end of the day. ^^ I haven't done that in a while.
A Demain!
signing off,
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Prom in 6 days. Getting my dress hemmed, shoes bought, and hair done. Gyah. Plus taking day out of school.
and...the most amazing thing is, Mom's letting me go to dezaray's party. Although she gave me the whole "You know people loose their virginity on Prom night."
Between me and you, I didn't want to tell her that I've already done it. Shhh.
Gallery exebition was boring as all hell. really. Me, Ben, and Mike Mike, Ben, and I (good english there, Sam) took the bus together and we were two hours early 'cause Brad told us the wrong time. But we spent time at the Mall down the street which was fun.
My landscape painting, the first I did in oil, was for sale. I almost fainted at the price. Its $175 dollars!! x_x
Bon Soir!
signing off,
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
gallery at the atrium today in Providence! yay! can't wait. brad's finally going to let the public see my good stuff!! like my awesome oil landscape. ¢¾ ¢¾ I'll come around in school. its time for bed.
have an awesome day! And if you live in the area, you should def. come and visit the Atrium! It's right near the prov place mall.
signing off,
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
YES!!! I have finished my Asperger Paper!! *cheers* It's 6 pages long. Four pages longer than it had to be, but I needed to answer all of my questions. XD
Let's have a party!!
*decorations appear*
And....and....yesterday made one year for me and Michael. We went to go see The Ex. It was funny. You should all go see it.
Prom's next week. And I have two more paper's to go. One's due the 30th, and the other isn't until Exams in June. So. Yay. Lucky me.
Getting a hair cut. Don't have any ideas though about what kind. any ideas? my hair is a little longer than my shoulders. and curly. very frizzy at times too... XD
have an awesome, terrifictatical day!
signing off,
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Monday, May 14, 2007
....yay. new paper I have to do. At least I can do any topic I want. I'm doing the Impressionist Art Movement and the Change it Brought Amung the World of Art.
Heh. I have a friend doing the paper on the view of a shaman used by the creator of Shaman King.
These papers are going to be interesting.
So I might be off for a few days working on this paper. Plus I have a case study for Child Studies as finish my final copy of my Asperger's paper.
Being a junior sucks.
signing off,
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
We talked about dreams today. this morning. 1:31 AM, you be the judge for that time. We = me and carrolyn.
CARROLYN (10:15:25 PM): have you ever had a dream where something is messed up in rel life, but acceptable in the dream, but you in the dream know its messed up?
ME (1:15:43 AM): um...i had a wierd one where mike and i were king and queen of the world and the world was set up like a chuck e cheese play area.
CARROLYN (10:24:05 PM): i once had a dream me and kerry went to a bush rally. as the limos drove by (at night) one slowed and rolled the window down, it was a gansta. but i was wearing a bullet proof vest, so it kept rolling. well, we were at the bush rally, then kerry wanted to study with bush. we go, the gansta comes up, he leaves, and we're astray from our group. so we get in a car (me, kerry and ellen) and are driving for food, with no one in the drivers seat. we gathered money to buy food, and kerry had "a literal wad of cash up her sleeve" which she said was to buy us dounuts. i found some money, and we were going to buy food, but people were rioting in the streets. we decided to walk in the path of rioters so as not to arouse suspicion, and some old gut gave us advice. we walked, i realized it was a dream and faded to consiousnesss.
yesh. carrolyn has very odd dreams. a lot of 'em are about Anjolina jolee (i have the feeling i spelt that wrong....)
so my question for today is:
Have you ever had any wierd dreams?
signing off,
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Friday, May 11, 2007
Prom is coming up. x_x
I have to tell my mom that Desiree's party is non-alcoholic (which it is) and that the tents will be seregated by sex (which it won't be) so...yeah. I'll leave that up to Michael and Dez.
Meanwhile, I have finally cracked the code to the new neopets layout and now have a new layout. Yay! Ehehe. check it out.
And I installed a new layout for my myspace! ^_^ check that one out too!
I'll be around. It's one in the morning. I'll comment, and then it's off to bed I go!
bon Soir! (Good night)
Update: OMG. I just saw the commercial for RiverzEdge on channel 10!!! I was on it!! It was awesome!!! FWEEEEEE! *passes out as it's now 2:11 AM x_x
signing off,
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I was a pencil pusher Seriously, that's all I did during intern. I sharpened pencils.
Breauna and Hailey picked me flowers during recess. Their in my hair now. ^^
And Andrew is really smart at math. I ¢¾ him. He was the only one that could give me explanations to the questions. 2nd graders are cute...
and thanks for wishing Michael a happy birthday!! For those of you that don't know, he's my boyfriend. ^^ One year next tuesday!
A demain!
signing off,
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Monday, May 7, 2007
It's Mike's Birthday today!! ^_^ Yay! He turns 18. I'm going to go visit him today after school.
Lesson learned today: don't walk to school in boots.
Yeah. Just...don't. At least, not if you live 20 minutes by foot away and you have to walk home...
I'll be around later, I have homework to do on the computer, so I'll visit then.
Until later, A demain!
signing off,
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
hehe...just finished watching the America's next top model marathon... ^^
I went to go see my school's production last night. Thoughroughly Modern Millie. It was awesome. ^_^ yay! You should all find time to see the play one day. ^_^ I'm sure Broadway does it much better. Mrs. Miellie spent $35,000 putting this thing on. Each student had to raise $200 just for their costumes!
My internet is being spazzy, so if I don't get to everyone, I'm sorry...
A demain!
signing off,
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