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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Aww man..this account is like dead. I frget to come check this account sometime hehe...Well there's a ^video^ up there, I'm sure u ppl c it. Breaking the Habit from Linkin Park is playing since it's anime-ish. Hehe..
Linkin Park won a Moonman @ the Vma's for Viewer's Choice Award! Wooo they beat Good Charloote goooooddd, In ur face GC! Well Congrats to them...
Ummm School's startin soon for me =/ summer was kinda boring, but still had a lil fun w/ my friends.. alriteee...peace out pplz.
Visit my xanga,
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Friday, July 2, 2004
I don't think anyone reads my posts anymre...Ehe..hmmm...but if u r, glad u still visit me =)
Yep, school is finally over, been off for about a week and 1/2 already. yes I had sooo much fun, I had the most amazing times w/ my friends ever! I had to admit, it was better than the Linkin park concert, Lol. I've made sooo much friends than I did last yr. I hav like 3 times more friends now and every one of them r amazing. Sum r leaving tho..=( but I still keep in touch w/ em so it's all good.
Anywayz, I haven't drawn any drawings for a long long long long time. But I hav been practicin on realistic drawings n it's not easy...very hard. I can show u guyz but not rite now, mayb next post? or I might even hand it in on Otaku. Hmmm not sure if they'll accept realistic drawings of ppl, But w/e.
So how ya all doin? (For ppl who r readin this)
I hav notin else to say for now, I'm reall tired from yesterday, today, n now tomorrow... it's late rite now I better get goin' later peepz =P
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Skool n' Random stuff
Ok, I got time for now to write sumtin'
Well, How ya guyz doin??? Haven't heard from anyone here for quite a while. Umm..Me, I just took the Social Studies Assesments, It was kinda hard. I'm taking another one tomorrow . Then take more for Spanish and Science [yikez]. My school ends on June 15th, Yes almost over but I'm kinda sad that it's almost over cuz this yr was a blast. Then after that, I have my 8th gr. graduation. Then go to a graduation party, yay it's gnna b fun. and we're going to a beach trip too, soo cool.
Omg, Go Lakers!!! Yay, Lakers r going to the finals! I hate the Kings, I'm glad the Kings lost and didn't make it cuz they're not good enough to play the Lakers. Hah! ::laughs at cuzin:: Yeah!! Timberwolves are awsome too but sorry, they had to lose.
Ok, Lately, Nothing really new I hafta say but I saw Shrek 2!! Wee that movie as awsome. I luv that movie. It was very coool. You guyz gtta watch it too.
Hmmm.. see, wat else...Did anyone see the new Linkin park music video?? It was kinda cool cuz it was anime. Plus, they were there as cartoons, it was really interesting. But sum ppl hated it cuz it was anime cuz it didn't look good. Well, I dnt blame em, sum ppl hate anime. There aren't that many good songs out lately also. Well to me, there's none really. Yep, that's it for now, ggta bounce, later peepz!!
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
<<--takin a break-->>
Long time no post! I know!! I got tests to take soon, and I'm gettin' ready cuz I'm graduating this yr. to HighSchool. And I wanna do well. My grades are dropping and this is the last quarter and I'm trying my best to get it up!! It's really hard, cuz when I get 1 subject up, one of em goes down, and It's hard to keep it balanced! I just had my math assesments today and yesterday, I studied like 5 frekin' hours goin' over every notes I took through out the whole year cuz I'm bad at math. the studying helped a bit tho. So many things are distracting me...U kno wat's the main thing that's distracting me??.<< GUYZ >>. Errr I like this guy in school and I can't get over him, I hafta get over him! I'm so weird, I need to concentrate on my studies, I can't help it! ...Guyz r soo hard to get over w/! =/.
Anywayz, What I'm trying to say is, I'm gnna take a break w/ myotaku. I'm gnna have to stop updating for a while and I'll be back for a long while. U guyz can still leave a message and sign my gb, and when I get back, I'll get to ya guyz ASAP. U guyz can visit my xanga if ya want, look at to ur left <<--- look for my website there. And go there, right above my profile. So...I'll c ya guyz later!!
Myotaku pplz rox! PPl i kno o'course.
You guyz are awsome and wish me luck =P
trying to make my 8th gr. year an awsome year! We're goin' to the beach to celebrate w/ my friends n stuff. It's gnna be a blast!! Later!
Give sum luv to Linkin Park <3
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Monday, April 19, 2004
Ey peeps
Nothing happened lately except, I went thru depression for couple days. Nothing biggie, I just think negative n stuff that's not even tru. Well...could be tru. I make myself depress sometimes, thinking every1's better than me n etc. I'm so weird but ah well! Let's change the subbie!
Anywayz, finally, new Inuyasha episodes r cmming. I'm sorta excited cuz the episodes r gettin' exciting. And I alwso saw Animatrix last Saturday on AdultSwim, It was ok. Sorta strange, didn't really kno wat was happening. HmMm...Also, my xanga, closed the last sn, cuz some fagget was messing it up. So, I decided to open a new 1 n hopefully he won't b able to find it. And umm...that's about it, See?? I hav nothing new....It's all pointless...Lol, heh, well anywayz, I wnna know wat u guyz r up to. So jst feel free wat u guyz hafta say n i'll read n b happy to respond to em. I'm at skul rite now, so laterz!
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Monday, April 5, 2004
Stuff to tell!
Heyz peeps!
Yes, I know, I really don't post alot. But anywayz, Not too many things has happened.
I entered this Geico Safety Belt poster contest and I won!! Well, Won 3rd place! =P. I'm Soo proud of myself, I won out of 2300 ppl from around the U.S. I wish I could show you guyz my poster, If I had a digital Cam!! =/. I wond $50, Better than nuttin'! I'm gnna be on newspapers too, I don't really like the attention that I'm gettin...I don't like having ppl's attentions for some reason....Oh well, It's me! hehe, Congrats to mwa! =)
I discovered another new talent of mine again! I never knew I could draw those cartoony realistic drawings...Like you know, ppl on the streets that draw u? Well, those types. I've always wanted to draw like that and I can! It was my 1st n' it went well! Heheh, Still writing lyrical poems also =P.
Well laterz!
Listen to this music you guyz, It's frekin awsome! (Need Windows Media Player)
Sugarcult - PrettyGirl

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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Games, Linkin Park, and Music
Well, Here I am, got the time! yeah, I've been playing Bloody Roar 3, I only beat 1 character so far cuz I keep dying by that very last character, I think it was a secret character. Iono. Did u hear than new game called "Drakengard"? Looks cool, I mite buy that game.
Anywayz, for that LP concert, great that u're going (bebopgirl). I would luv to go, I begged w/ all i've got but my dad's not letting me. It's at the beach and u know how much fun that would be???? relly fun, I'm so jealous of u! =P Snoop will b there and he looks really drugged up....Lol. No offense if you're a Snoop fan.
Ok, I've been watching Fuse Channel alot lately, I mean alot almost 24/7. There has been alot of great Rap/R&B Music too. Such as Eminem "My Band" song (SOOO GOOD!) and the "yeah" song from Usher. I don't despise rap or R&B, It's just Rock is more my type. Beyonce is the one who I despise, She just got a video out like 2 months ago now she's lauching a new 1, and now she's one of those hors (such as Britney Spears). She was fine, now she's all about image, So is Ashanti, she's gettin there. Gah, Music isn't about image, it's about their music. Sometimes they do get popular because of their music, but for some people it's cuz of their image. That's why I prefer Rock/etc. cuz they play really good music(Linkin park). Oh yea, Disney Poeple too....*cough*Hilary Duff. She sux, so does the other Disney people. They should stay in disney. Dang, Most of the popular ppl do come from Disney, there's Britney, Christina, Justin, and JC. And they all suk (Xcept for Timberlake, he's cool, plays good music.) Yeah, That's all for now, So i'll ttyl!!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Hey! Long time...
It's been a while since I posted here...I've been kind of buzy. School work etc. n' crap, . So sorry. Nothing really new has been happening to me too lately. But I made a xanga which I'll be updating once in a while, I'm still in school, so...I'll tty guys later, CYA!! I'll try to post when I get home...
P.S, Xanga is Here
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Thursday, March 4, 2004
Ah, it's gettin' boring n boring everyday for me. There's too much time on my hands after school! I wnna join a sport, but I suk at all the sports for spring and summer sports, I would only go if there's basketball and volleyball. Besides, It's hard to get in to a sport at my school cuz there's like 70-100 ppl who tries out...and clubs r soo boring. I would join art club, but the teacher sux. He's only proud of his own wrks and just like shows off after that n shows it to the whole wrld, and they don't even do anything in there. So on spare times, I watch TV, listen to music, go on comp like 24/7, wrk on myotaku, wrk on my xanga, draw, HW, and write poems. Well, my poems r pretty depressing and hatred in em...So I know that u're gnna ask me why i write poems like that, It's becuz It's easier to write about something like that, only things that comes in mind, and I wnna write like Adema and Mike Shinoda:
I want to get away from you
But you made me stay / You're only gonna make me insane
Just get away / You're just gonna ruin my day
I thought I told you that I'de hate you forever
Even when we were still together / I shouldn't have told you ever
You're not the one that I thought you would be
I was blind and I couldn't see / What was already infront of me
I was betrayed
I've been paid / With this one mistake you made
It's devastating being betrayed by your own friend
I trusted you then / But this has got to end
It may be the past / But it's not the last
It seems endless / I'm becoming restless
The anger that I'm feeling never seems to be leaving
I can't stand your lies / You already wrecked my life
I have better things to do / Than to be with you...
I was betrayed
I've been paid / With this one mistake you made
It's devastating being betrayed by your own friend
I trusted you then / But this has got to end

Linkin Park on the set on Adema's videoshoot for "The Way You Like It" music vid.
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Sk8r boi to PIMP?
Heya guys,
Lately...just been listening to music alot and been writing poems. But Yesterday, this is what happened. My friend Steve, he's a cool guy, pretty quiet, and a sk8r boi. But there's one thing that I didn't know, He was a great attraction to girls. Well, I don't blame him, he's cute after all. But C'mon, 10 girls!? Wow, that's alot and he could eazily choose any of 'em, n the girls r very pretty. Mallory, my friend, who's one of the 10 grls, she's pretty upset cuz Steve likes this other girl. Steve was about to go out w/ Mallory too, but then he went to the other girl...Poor Mal. I told her to go for another guy and she says there's no such thing as cute guys in our school, and it's true. There's none, how sad. But I don't go for the appearance really, Once I know the guy, then that's when I start to like him. I I did like Steve, but that was like 7th gr. Now he's just a friend. He could be a pimp if he wanted to, LOL. That's pretty much it for now. ttyl!
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