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Monday, March 1, 2004
Here in my friend's Xanga, I found this. Indeed, it's a lesson.
Never follow the black man. I went running in the hills on Tuesday with Quentin the Asian homie, Shea the Mexican guy, and Rey the black man. Well as we made our way through the hills, past the aquaduct, and neared the end of our run, we reached a downhill trail. Now usually when I use this trail, I take the trail. But as I was running down, I was following Rey, the black man. Well he decided to take a detour, and instead of going right, he went left. I followed him, hoping the left trail would be a shorter and easier way to the bottom. So I follow him into the left, and lost him. He had run faster than me, and with all the confusion, I ended up stranded in a bunch of pokey plants. So there I was, surrounded by very pokey plants and... wearing shorts. Augh! Ouch! Gahh! Were the sounds I made when I waded in the sea of thorns. In the end, my legs had a billion cuts, I had a deep cut in the palm of my left hand, and I felt really messed up.
Lesson: Never follow the black man.
Yep, It's lesson, To NEVER follow some1 that u're not sure of that he'll take u to the right place.
Note: There is no Racism in this story. It's just wat happened to him. My friend is a nice guy and he's very fnny, fools around too much though. Plus it's his fault for following him, If you're offended, pls tell me so...
Click the button!

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Friday, February 27, 2004
Hybrid Theory
I changed the bg music, to "Carousel" from Hybrid theory, bfore they beacame Linkin Park. My Opinion, the song is pretty good. I wnna buy the CD, but I don't know if they even have in stores...I'm gnna b changing the music once in a while to test, which is better. Soo ya, and...PLS CLICK THE BUTTON =)

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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Hey ppl,
I want u all to do me a favor, I want u to click the banners of the LP meteora tour for me. I need as many ppl to click on it, all u hafta do is click n a page will come up, and just leave after if u wish to. Pls do this favor for me. And if u want to help pls tell me and I'll give u the link. Here: Pls CLICK! I will appriciate it, thx for ur cooperation!!

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Friday, February 20, 2004
Check these videos out!
Mmm...Nothing relly new happened lately but I got a guitar! Hehe, It's hard just to do the basics, it's confusing cuz u hafta memorize em n stuff. Well 2 me ofcourse.
Well anywayz, I went to this site to check out what new stuff they had (LpAlliance) And this is what I found. Kids try to copy Linkin Park's videos, It's soo funny cuz their instruments were like brooms and stuff, and you should see the guys who r playing Mike and Chester! *laughs* IT's soo hilarious, I laughed through the whole thing. U guys MUST see it, here are the links:
In The End
and if you wnna c more, go to Kidswithsticks.net
Here's another, My friend sent me this mini video where this stick fugure kicks other stick figure's asses. And it does this lil' Matrix style moves. It's pretty cool, here's the link:
Stick figures
That's pretty it for now, Well TTYL! Hav fun watching those videos!
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
Valentine's Day and....TOXIC???
Happy Valentine's day u guys! Sorry for the delay...Well how was ur guys' Valentine's day? Mine, It was ok. I would hav gotten a valentine, but I didn't ask and good thing my cuzin asked him 1st if he would say yes or no if I did ask him. But his response was
"I hav no Idea, I'm not sure,I don't relly know her that well."
It's true, we just talk through the internet, n met him couple times at my cuzin's house cuz he's one of my cuzin's bestfriend but we don't relly hang out..=/. But we're just good friends for now. Damn, that's sad...LOL Mayb next time!
Well anywayz, u guys know that song "Toxic"?? From Britney Spears? Hah, I hate her n' all but I seem to like that song alot! Lol, She still can't sing but the music is catchy. And she copied the beginning part from Linkin Park from "faint". People are playing some relly good music lately. Like Incubus, LostProphets, Switchfoot, Offspring, and other rock music and R&B. That's it for now ya guys! TTYL
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Bloody Roar n My B-day!! Weee
Heya guys!
Back back back! I'm happy today cuz It's my B-day!! Wooh! I'm gettin an electric guitar soon! yay! ^^ n i'm gnna play all LP songs!! Woohhh Hehe. Oh ya, i'm 14!!
Anywayz, I also got BR3. I was about to buy BR4 but! But this guy wouldn't let me buy it...When I was about to buy it, the guy goes
"This is for mature for Blood and Violence, How old r u?"
I was like "Ummm...turning..14?"
He's like "No, I'm sorry, U need ur dad to buy this."
I was like "Crapp!!!" Err, Ah well, BR3 is good enough. It's good, but it's very similair to BR2, the moves r the same n everything n a couple r new, n a new character. This time i'm gnna buy something else again! Thinking of Xenosaga...But not sure! I was also about to buy SIMS bustin' Out, but not sure either =/

Haha, look at Mike Shinoda when he was still in Highschool =D
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Friday, January 30, 2004
Ok that pic i've been trying to post, well i'm over it...Cuz it won't post so screw it. Well I replaced it w/ a bunch of blinkies! It looks better than that pic ^^. Now I can't decide wat BGmusic I should put!
Anywayz, let me see wat else...Ughh...I don't know wat other ps2 games I should buy. I'm gnna buy BR4 soon, I didn't go anywhere yet. Can u guys suggest me a game? Like something fun, adventure, RPG, and Fighting. No sports n' Racing, it bores me =/ and Horror, it scares me... L8r!

More Shinoda!! ^^;;
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Thursday, January 29, 2004
I see...n I did some changes on the site!
Now I c why the music is gone because the site I got it from is down for the time being cuz they're having some issues. So I'm changing the bgmusic, same song, same band, but this is the Reanimation ver. So it sounds pretty kewl. But the pic above is actually wrking now ^^ but if it disappears then dnno. Ah well. Tests ended! Wohooo n just had snowday yesterday too ^^ But i still hate snow. I also changed my icon! Like it?

Random pic again...=D
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Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Bground n issues (again)
Guys like the bground? Well It's Chester's flames, looks cool. Well 2 me o'course. Mmmm...Should I change my icon to something else??? Like LP? Or Should I keep? Cuz the Uriko Icon looks cool n since my sn is Uriko too...but I also want to change it to something else...ughh..I need ur guys's opinions! I was thinking of changing it to LINKIN PARK. Iono, mayb!
Here's another prob, my intro part, there's supposed to b a pic there, it wrked couple min ago now it won't wrk anymre. N now my bgmusic is gone! Wat is up??? If u guys can c it or hear the music, then it must b my comp??? I dnno but it's relly getting on my nerves, well ttyl...

Hehe, jus felt like putting Shinoda on. Random pic.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Stuff n stuff...
Thx Bakaryu, Hope 2 c u then ^^
Anyway, I haven't relly said posted anything lately cuz nothing new has happened n I still got tests to take. Hopefully u noticed that the shoutOutBox is gone cuz I think it was pretty useless cuz no one was relly using it n all. So I jst added something else up there ^^. And i'm also trying to figure out how to wrk xanga sites, like decorate them n things like that. I'm not rely new to HTML codes, but it takes a while for me to understand em. If u hav a xanga site, i'de luv to see em, if u don't mind ^^. Well that's pretty it for now, I got tests to take for the next few days...Well cya all around!
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