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Monday, January 19, 2004
Yes, my original FANARTS made by ME r finally up, but on a certain amount cuz I scanned it at my cuzin's. Soooooooo ya, that's about it, hope u guys think it's good.
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Thx u guys and the concert was great!! Especially LP, it was fun and I saw Shinoda w/ my own 2 eyes!! LOL, Story of the yr. was boring but the rest I had fun. I had fun by myself Lol. None of my friends could go so I went by myself. I didn't get their autographs cuz thy did it early bfore the show andI had no idea about it!! And I came late...Why didn't they post the thing on the site!! I'm mad at colisuem and myself. Argggg...Ah well mayb next time =/
POD was fnny, when he jumped to the crowed his pants went off LOL, and his boxers were totally showing. Hoobastank was fnny too, he was like "This is the best song ever made, ever written, or even the best song ever made in music history." Then he sings a little girl song, I had no ide wat song it was but he sang it like a little grl.
LP lied to us too, they were like "This is the last song u guys" then after they sang that song, they left, the stage was dark and everything felt like it jus ended. So coupl of ppl left the place then 1 minute later LP came bac n sad "We hav 4 mre songs, for u New York!"-Chester. And I was about to leave! Good thing I stayed at my seat, lol. WEll that's pretty it I can tell u guys about it. Cya laterrrrr
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Sunday, January 18, 2004

This is Mike Shinoda = MY GOD

Next to Shinoda is Chester Bennington, He's MY OTHER GOD
LOL N i'll b seeing em at the concert today!! Woohoooo!!! Cya guys l8r! N hopeflly I get their autogaphs! <3 GO LP!
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Friday, January 16, 2004
Figured it out! Now the BGwallpaper?
Ok, I got the BGmusic going, I just did the code wrong...hehe.. Thx Imogi for suggesting for the BGM. Now, for the BGwallpaper, the thing from theotaku doesen't even work! The one w/ the image bground. I'm trying to do a Linkin Park bground, but guess i'll do that as soon as I can. And the riddles, I'll rest on that 4 a while, n mayb start again somewhere next week. Well Ppl, ttyl!
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
Help on BgroundMusic
K, to put a BGM, I used Msealmusic, but now it won't play the music. Do any of u know a site besides GPETZ, that u can put a code to put a BGM on? Something w/ Linkin Park or other Rock bands n etc. Not J-pop n so on. If so, pls tell me!!!
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Monday, January 12, 2004
Tests? California? Linkin Park?
Darn u Bakaryu! Lol, j/k yep, the answer was she was a photographer from the last riddle! I'll b posting the next riddle later cuz i'm at california rite now even though i'm supposed to b at school :P I got test tomorrow and the day after that, so i won't b on the computer for quite a while mayb cuz the tests r HARD. So i'll b seeing u guys l8r!!! Cya and oh yea, 1 mre week t'll Linkin PArk Concert WOOOoHHOoOoOOo!! (Sunday, Jan. 18)
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Last Riddle:
Sorry Bakaryu, time's up! Lol, Well this was a really hard riddle after all so here goes: The base word is Startling - starting - staring - string - sting - sing - sin - in - I
Who could figure that out?! I couldn't!
New Riddle!:
A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?
Quote of the week:
"If humans kill each other, why can't I?" - Gallerians
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Last Riddle:
Wow! Looks like the winner is Bakaryu! Good job! But he probably knew that...or he's just smart. Yes the answer is the Catcher and the Umpire. Since you got this 1, i'll put up another riddle.
There is a common English word that is nine letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time?
This one's hard, It needs alot of thinking. You might even need a dictionary! Good luck 2 all.
Quote of the week:
"Jet, You know what 3 things I hate? Women, pets, and children." -Spike Spiegal
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Thursday, December 25, 2003
Last Riddle:
Peeple, Some of u were close, but i'm looking for the main reason how he died and what happened. The answer was he died cuz his parachute didn't work. Well, i'll give u guys credit, this riddle was pretty easy,n' good job 2 all!
New Riddle!
A man runs from home, turns 3 times, when he got back home 2 ppl r waiting for him, and 1 of em has a mask. Who R they?????
Take a guss ppl, this 1 was pretty hard. THINK! ^^
Quote of the Week:
"Once the thread of fate is broken, It can never be rejoined." - Kikyo
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Merry Christmas!!
Hello, Greeting to peeps and greet u a Merry Christmas and a Happy New yr.! Well that's all 4 now ppl, take care and Happy holidays!!
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