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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
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Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Nothing is really going on in my life right now. I really have nothing to report on myself. Hmmm. . . . what can I bore you with? I know!
Julian Hollingsworth
Kara is going to kill me, but it might be worth it to have this actually happen to someone.
I have been thinking and I know that it's an atrocity to do it to someone, but this could work into our story pretty well.
It came to mind yesterday, I think, but I think that Darcy and Julian should have at least two children. (one son at least so that we can name him Kyan) One of them is going to either get really sick and die quickly or get hurt and die quickly. Either way he or she will die quickly. I cannot let Julian and Darcy go through a long and painful death of a child. (probably their only child at that point in time.
Okay. I am going to stop. Much more and Kara is going to behead me.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
ain't he cute?

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Well, the test is over. Now all I have to do is wait until I can see my official grade.
That should be loads of fun. heh.
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i have little to say and even less to do . . .
I have a test in Psychology in about an hour. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
and to think . . . this is what i chose to do with my time . . . .
I took an IQ test today and got a 120 on it. WOOHOO! That is significantly above average and this is test that's used to let people into the International High IQ Society.
You should take the test adn find out what your score is! ^-^
Click on the Ultimate IQ test.
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meet Filbert!
You should never have given me your password, D-sama.
*laughs evilly*
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
a post by ME! ha ha ha ha!
Takara here. Sagi wanted me to tell y'all that she won't be able to update or visit anyone for the rest of the weekend.
Um . . . mission complete?
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tsk tsk
I can't believe that no one got who said that quote. It's one of the easier ones for anyone who has watched that episode of M*A*S*H.
"I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! I've eaten so much fish, I'm ready to grow gills! I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions!"
~Benjermin Franklin Peirce a.k.a. Hawkeye
I am, if you cannot already tell, a fan of M*A*S*H. I am a fan who wishes she were better at html so that I could set up my own site dedicated to M*A*S*H and put up the quotes that I love and can find no where.
Anyway . . .
*points and laughs at the high school pettiness from yesterday*
Have you ever met someone that simply yanked you the wrong way? I mean really annoyed you to no end? Well, I did yesterday. Two "supposed" friends of another, J. mocked her b/c she was a little obsessed with a guy.
Well that happens sometimes with guys, but what the two of them were saying was out of the boundries of being a friend. They were being down right cruel.
T went to SammyJoe's site and told her that she was being rude and that it was very mean to say what she did.
Well "Sam" retaliated and virtually was attacking T. So I left a comment telling her how unwarrented and inconsiderate she was and how she was anything but a friend to J.
If you want to read the comment it is there in the first post from yesterday. "Sam" did verbally attack me and then continued to say in her post that she'd enjoy kicking my, J and T's asses.
Oh and to top it off there were two of them implying that they could beat the crap out of us and have fun doing it. How juvinille. And all over us saying that they were being inconsiderate.
But the icing on the cake is this:
She mocked me for misspelling nessicery. ( and yes, I know that it is misspelled even now) A word that I have never been able to spell. That hit the level of petty.
For intelligence's sake I reccomed not visit either SammyJoe or Street Racer's sites. Their childish attempts to imtimidate and to be "big and bad" went overboard and crossed the line. It isn't worth answer them if they sign your GB.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
this chorus is for two special people in my life. you know who you are. and you two only need read the bolded section. Have a nice day.
Well you filled up my head,
With so many lies.
Twisted my heart
Til something snapped inside.
I'd like to give it one more try
but my give a damn's busted.
You can crawl back home
say you were wrong,
stand out in the yard
cry all night long.
Well go ahead and water my lawn.
My give a damn's busted.
I really wanna care,
I wanna feel somethin'
Let me dig a little deeper...
You can say you've got issues.
You can say you're a victim.
It's all your parents fault,
After all you didn't pick em
Well maybe Oprah's got time to listen.
My give a damn's busted.
Your therapist said
It was all just a phase
A product of the prozac
And your co-dependent ways
So uhh ... who's your new neighbor these days
My give a damn's busted.
I really wanna care,
I wanna feel somethin'
Let me dig a little deeper...
It's a desperate situation,
No tellin' what you'll do.
If I don't forgive you,
You say your life is through.
Well honey... give me somethin' I can use.
My give a damn's busted.
My give a damn's busted
My give a damn's busted
Honey trust me
My give a damn's busted yeahhh ...
My give a damn's busted yeahhh
My give a damn's busted
My give a damn's busted
My give a damn's busted
My give a damn's busted
My give a damn's busted
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