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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
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Monday, March 7, 2005
anticipaaaaaaation . . . .
Well actually frustraion. I am highly annoyed by something that I'm not going to talk about but in all honesty it's kinda petty.
Gotta run. Got class. I'll probably post something more later.
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
welcome to blitherland. please don't feed the lunitics.
i had a weird dream last night. it's hard to explain and hard to remember so i won't bog you down with it. But the truly strange thing about this dream is that the dream itself wasn't at all scary or harmful. Nothing was going to harm me. It was the emotions I was feeling. I felt choked and suffocated by them as if I could never get away from them. As if . . . that was life. And if I didn't go by the rules of my emotions that I was going to lose my soul forever. I felt, now this will sound odd, spitirtually filthy. It was just . . . weird.
Others news: I don't have any. Not of my own anyway. I have class tomorrow. The only reason for even going this semester is tomorrow; Psychology.
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
mmmmm . . . chicken
there is nothing really to write about today. and yes, i really mean it this time.
oh, if you want the rest of the chapter posted, which there is a bout three times as much as i put here already, just ask.
actually here's a the url to my and Takara Sohma's author site:
The story along with another is on there and we have our author pages too.
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Friday, March 4, 2005
It feels like a dark morning in which nothing is going to happen. Only thing is, it's noon and well, not morning. I feel like it's not ever eight yet. Strange.
I woke up to yelling. Not true. I woke up to the dog hopping onto my stomach to get away from the yelling. I hate that dog right now. That was actually around eight this morning. I am not going into the details, but this house is not a happy home for the time being.
I am hungry too.
Maybe t-chan'll wanna write today. Maybe. But the only question is what can we write? We don't even know what we wanna write. Or where to start stuff or how. This story has spun out of our control.
Here, read a little of it. Chapter 1 is about 12-15 pgs so you'll only get the first tiny part of the unedited first chapter of the first string of an unnamed story.
Chapter 1:
Marguerite Bennett was pulled out of her book world; she glanced up from the pages, her brilliant red hair falling into her pale face, as a young girl sat down near her on the cold stone steps, a dog, something mixed with a German Shepard laying down protectively at her feet. The girl’s clothes were ragged, looking as if they’d been run through the washer one time too many, but what drew Marguerite’s attention most was that this girl held her head as if that were the only thing keeping her from passing out right then, her face looking not simply pale but drained of all color.
“A-are y-you . . . all right?” Marguerite finally managed to ask, scooting the tiniest bit nearer to the two. “D-do you need some help o-or something?”
The girl didn’t lift her head, didn’t move at all. “I’m fine,” she muttered. “I’ll be fine. Just need to rest for a second. That’s all.”
“A-are you sure? M-my brother’s a physician. He’ll . . . be here in a minute . . . if-if you . . .” Marguerite became quiet again, surprising herself for a moment. She didn’t talk to people. Christian took care of all of that for her. She herself didn’t quite understand why she was still talking to this girl.
The girl slowly straightened so that they were looking at each other, gray eyes, too large in her thin, white face, moving over Marguerite with something like distrustful curiosity. Then she smiled. “I’ll be fine,” she repeated, “but . . . thanks. Really.”
Marguerite’s eyes immediately fell down to her hands. “O-okay,” she stuttered, watching as she played with the book held between them.
An uncomfortable silence settled over them, broken only by the chattering, muttering and general buzzing of the crowds that passed by on the sidewalk and the closer, inquiring whines of the girl’s dog and the girl’s whispered attempts to soothe him.
Marguerite stared at the cover of her latest novel. It had no bright picture of lovers embracing or saving one another from impending doom. It was simple. It was a brilliant blue covered in a sprinkling of stars. The title painted in a silvery color, so as to attract the attention of a prospective reader. She wished life were as simple as in one of these novels. By the time you read the last word everything was fixed and the hero or heroine was able to go home with the one they truly loved. No one was still hurt. No one was left wondering what was going to happen. But that was the glory of fiction.
“Sooo . . . you waitin’ for someone?”
Marguerite looked up, her eyes going no farther than the girl’s chin. The chin drawn into a point, as if the girl’s entire face was angular and this was only the beginning. “Y-yes,” Marguerite said after some deliberation. “M-my brother, Christian.”
“I’m waiting for my friend to get off work. He told me to meet him here after.” She smiled, and it was genuinely friendly. “Guess we’re stuck waiting together.”
Marguerite nodded, lifting her gaze to meet the girl’s grey eyes. She looked honestly nice, as if she wanted to be friends or at least have a harmless conversation. “I-I’m M-Marguerite,” she heard herself say in what could almost be called a whisper.
“Dani.” Her smile widened into a good-natured grin as she reached out a small hand to run her fingers through the dog’s dark fur. His tail fanned the air in a happy arc. “And this is Wallace.”
Marguerite studied Dani’s face. It was Asian, or at least partly. The beautiful almond eyes gave that away and her face was angular, sharp almost. Except . . . Dani had a warm inviting smile that made Marguerite want to trust her and talk to her. And then there was the hair that framed the friendly, welcoming face. It was a wonderful jet black that turned almost blue in the sunlight, but it looked as if it could use a good washing and it was held back by a rubber band. And Dani’s face was too thin. It gave the appearance of someone who hadn’t eaten in a week or two. All she seemed to be in real need of was a good meal.
It took her a minute, but Marguerite gave Dani a tentative smile. “H-he . . . s-seems sweet.”
“He is. You can pet him if you want to. He’s a brute, but he’s a friendly brute, aren’t ya?” Dani teased, abandoning his back to scratch him behind the ears. She nudged him with her elbow, though, when Marguerite showed no signs of moving. “Go say hello,” she told him, and like the obedient dog he was he wagged his tail at Marguerite and put his nose under hand with a quiet whine.
Marguerite couldn’t help letting her smile broaden as she gently scratched him behind one of his big, floppy ears. She had always loved dogs, but hadn’t had one in years. “W-where does your friend work?” Marguerite asked, wanting to continue the conversation with this Dani.
“At a loading dock not too far from here,” Dani answered, inching over so she could pet Wallace too. “The man who owns it is a . . . friend of an old friend of ours and he lets Logan work there under the table. It isn’t much, but it’s something. We need all the money we can get - especially since he won’t let me work anymore.” She shook her head, a little frown creasing her forehead. “No. He thinks it’s better to work himself to death. He spends all day lifting boxes, then spends the night lifting more boxes with only a couple of hours rest in between.” Dani abruptly cut herself off with a laugh. “Sorry. I doubt you wanted to hear all that.”
“N-no. It’s fine. I-I mean . . . I-I’ve never worked. And I think Christian might have an apoplectic fit if I did try. Not that I . . . I can’t even imagine what I might do i-if I had to talk to a-all of t-those people.” Marguerite imagined what it would be like having to be under someone’s orders to do this or that and to have to speak with all of those people, and the thought made her shiver even though the day was considerably warm for late May.
“Well . . . you don’t always have to talk to them,” Dani said with gentle sympathy. “A lot of the time they tell you what to do and you just do what you’re told without saying anything back.”
“I wouldn’t be allowed to anyway. Not that I need to work at any rate. I-I’m simply happy that I won’t have to face that hurtle.” Marguerite knew that Dani was trying to help, but she could never understand just how bad Marguerite’s anthropophobia could become.
Dani cocked her head to the side. “You know what? So am I. No one should be forced to do something that scares them that much. It’s just too bad some people have to.”
Marguerite nodded. “Yes,” she said a little sadly. “Yes, it is.”
Dani smiled, laughing very quietly to herself. “I think I like you, Marguerite.”
“Why?” Marguerite looked at Dani with surprise. She had never considered the fact that someone could actually like her. Christian and Bill did certainly. But she had also known them forever. The doormen liked her, but they worked for her in an indirect sense. She didn’t exactly have any friends. Why then would some girl she had only known for a few minutes decide that she liked Marguerite?
“No particular reason,” Dani said with a careful shrug of her thin shoulders, her smile saying plainly that there was a reason, she just wasn’t going to tell what that reason was. “I’m just glad you happened to sitting on this step at the same time I got tired.”
Marguerite laughed gently. “Coincidence or divine intervention?”
“Guess we’ll have to wait to find out. Divine intervention sounds better, though.”
“Yes. I think that it has a certain ring to it that coincidence just can’t touch.” Marguerite genuinely smiled, even going so far as to laugh for a second time. She had a hard time remembering the last time she had laughed with a stranger. It must have been years ago. The last time had been with . . . Tasha. The smile disappeared as Marguerite bit her lip. Great memory to think of, she thought to herself. And just when I might have actually enjoyed myself.
“You okay, Marguerite?” Dani asked, peeking around to peer into Marguerite’s face, her own tightened into an expression of concern.
“I-I’m f-fine,” Marguerite said, her stutter returning. “I-it’s nothing. R-really.”
Dani nodded, sighing quietly, energetically ruffling Wallace’s ears and kissing the top of his furry head, getting a slurp in the face for her efforts. She laughed, breaking the new silence by saying, “I think he was told to follow me around. To make sure I’d be all right.”
Marguerite laughed a little. “I-I must a-admit I’m a little surprised t-that Christian hasn’t hired a bodyguard for m-me yet,” she said, giving Dani a tiny smile.
“Over protective older brother?”
“Just a little.”
“Know what that’s like. Logan can get that way sometimes . . . a lot of the time actually. But it’s kinda nice knowing someone cares that much about you.”
“Yeah, i-it is,” Marguerite almost whispered. It was always nice to think that at least Christian cared about her enough to worry over her. The only other person who cared whether she lived or died was her cook, but like Christian he had known her through out her life. She loved them both very, very much for caring and worrying about her like they did.
Wallace brought his head out of Dani’s lap, his ears perked up and alert as if hearing something they couldn’t, and with a loud, happy bark, he went running off, getting lost in the forest of legs that was New York City’s pedestrian traffic.
“That would be Logan,” Dani said, grabbing a heavy jean bookbag from somewhere beside her. “It was nice talking to you, Marguerite.”
“I-it was nice to meet you too, Dani.” Marguerite smiled at her. “I-I haven’t had a conversation with anyone i-in a long time.”
Dani smiled back. “Maybe we’ll meet up again some time. You never know. It might just be divine intervention that brought us together today, which means we’ll have to see each other again or else the universe won’t make sense anymore.”
“Maybe.” Marguerite doubted it, however. The universe simply wasn’t that kind and it never made any semblance of sense.
“See ya later, Marguerite.” Dani started to get to her feet, bookbag tossed over one shoulder, but before she could stand up all the way she swayed a little and without warning crumbled to the ground, Marguerite barely having time to catch her head before it hit the pavement.
Marguerite didn’t know what to do. Dani had just fainted and her she was holding Dani’s head in her lap. Christian. Christian would be here soon. He could help Dani. That would work. And almost as if he could read her mind, there he was, kneeling beside her and checking Dani’s vitals.
“What happened, Lissy?” he asked, face twisted with concentration.
“She . . . Dani fainted,” Marguerite told her elder brother as he picked Dani up in his large arms. He had always been a relatively large man, working hard to keep himself in shape. He looked just like their father with his sandy hair and blue eyes, but his entire face was softer, kinder, more . . . loving. Christian had devoted his entire life to helping people and in doing so had become Marguerite’s favorite person to be with and her main advocate.
“Why don’t we get her to the apartment? My stuff’s all there.” Marguerite smiled at him, nodding. He always seemed to know just what to do.
“Move it, you jackasses!” A man came running up the steps two at a time, pushing people out of his way until he stood in front of Marguerite and Christian, panting a little from the effort. Wallace stood whining behind him. “I’ll take her,” he said when he had caught his breath.
Marguerite subconsciously stepped behind Christian for protection and watched as he eyed the smaller man, assessing him. This must be Logan, Dani’s friend. Marguerite stood on tip toe and whispered this to Christian who seemed to have no intentions of letting Dani go.
Christian gave a nod in Logan’s direction before handing Dani to him. Marguerite squeezed her brother’s arm tightly as Logan began to walk through the crowd in the opposite direction that he had come, Wallace taking a final look back at Marguerite before trotting to catch up with his mistress.
“Wait,” Christian said, his deep voice louder than usual.
Logan paused mid-step, turning to face them.
“Come with us. I’m a doctor. I might be able to help her.”
He remained completely still, his icy eyes boring a hole into Christian, before he finally gave a nod of assent; Wallace danced around his legs as if he had understood everything and approved, prancing his way over to Marguerite and giving her hand a wet doggie kiss.
Marguerite reached a hand down and scratched Wallace behind the ear, glad that Dani would be taken care of by Christian.
And that is only the very beginning. I write Marguerite and Chrisitan while t-chan write Dani and Logan. I'm kinda stuck at the end of the first chapter. Mind you that this is not it.
But if you want to read the rest just say so and I can either post more or give you the webadress for our authorsite.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
*blinks then blinks again*
I don't knwo how today went really. It was kinda indiscernable to me. I spent a ton of time (hours and hours after class was over. well really it was more like two hours, but hey, it sounded better up there) working on a little website for a friend to cheer her up and thank her for being such a sweetie. Which she is whether she believes me or not.
There it is and there it shall remain. Or at least until this post move into my archives. Past it into your browsers and have a gander if ya like. I thouhgt she deserved at least that. She IS burning the entire Fruits Basket series for me. And I love her for it. Well, I loved her before that, but the point is she's toooooo great!
Why in the hell did I write all of that anyway. All that I meant to put into today's post was that I felt utter wasted and was going to try and wake up a little.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
no laughing matter
I love Doritos! I swear those things are addictive. T-chan and I are right on the verge of finishing off our, what, third bag this week.
You know what I want to try sometime? (not right now as I am freezing due to this STUPID FREAKING COLD SNAP) Doritos dipped in vanilla ice cream. Yup. Ya'll read it right. Doritos in vanilla ice cream. Sound weird to you? It is. But they're not half bad on a ham or bologna sandwich so why not?
What the hell kind of reasoning is that?
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
look what i can do
Just a little note before you start to look over these marriage certificates: These are fictional characters of my and Takara Sohma's own design. They are not real, nor will you have heard of them anywhere.
Oh and if you want your own marriage certificate just pm me your full name and their full name along with a quote and an idea for the background. If you can't think of a quote that's fine. I'm pretty good at the stuff on my own.

Lor and Cole. They were sooooo destined for each other . . .

Bethie and Jharrett. Brother and sister to Lor and Cole. (Lor's sis and Cole's bro. cute no?) They were always close and too adorable with each other.

Sean and Dee (or as he calls her, Elle). They are a little more complicated a couple. Sweet and the whole princess and stableboy thing going on with them.

Last, but definatly not least, Ky and Jonny. They were commited to each other most of their live (about 2/3) and then finally decided to get married after most, if not all of their kids (a total of 8) were grown and married with children of their own. I think that it's sweet that they were that commited and never had to worry about the other ever thinking about leaving.
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Yup. All about the comliments.
Today in psych we were talking about dreams and sleep and the level/stages of sleep. And when we got to REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, where you dream I thought of how docs say not to wear your contacts to bed and I think that it's b/c of REM. They can rool up into your eyelids and then you have to get surgery to have them removed. Well, anyway, after class we talked and he ended up, after I said that I wear contacts, asking me if mine were tinted or colored. They're not and he said that I have beautiful blue eyes and we started talking about genetics and he said that brown hair goes well with the blue eyes (he was saying that I have good coloring. lol.)
Now don't take any of that as a come on. It was more than obvious that he is not attracted to me in that way. It is purly student-teacher. But it is always nice to get a compliment.
God Bless Genetics.
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
what the . . .
I had a boring weekend. Had a head ache and virtually no interesting things happen to me.
I was alone. No phone, no internet, no cable. I need a life.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
okay people, I have nothing to really accomplish today, but I had an idea from a friend. You'll know who you are, but I am blank at the moment. You see, yesterday I went almost 28 hours w/o food and I got a little out of whack and my head still feels funny.
So here you go. Write the first thing that comes to mind when you read each of these words.
8. MEN
11. FOOD
15. LOSS
16. HAM
17. DOG
18. CUP
19. BOOK
20. YOU
Twenty should do it for now. I think that you can all handle it. *smiles*
Hope that all of you have a random day!
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