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Thursday, February 24, 2005
silence mortals!
Nah. J/K up there. I don't really want too much silence although i want to be alone, if that makes any sense. When I'm alone I tend not to talk at all. I don't like to talk to myself all that much. I may think up a storm, but I have nothing to say at all. Who's there to hear it?
And I was looking forward to t-chan coming out this weekend but she has a chance to go to Yellowspring and begrudge her going not a jit. In fact, I want her to go. She's get to spend time with her mommah, which is something she doesn't get to do a whole lot of. So have fun!
I'll get to do plenty of homework and the I can bake too. But there is nothing really to make at my house and t-chan and I were going to make snickerdoodles. But oh well. I can amuse myself. I do it every weekend I'm home.
Oh and as a little side note: I skipped class today to let t-chan's mommah sleep and she got woken up by the asshole. and now she's yelling and all pissed off and, well, that's what you get when she's exhausted and been woken up. What does that moron expect?
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
my poor lil self
I am tired. But I guess that this is what I get for procratinating yet again with my English homework. God how I hate that class. We have to write these stupid responses to the stories we read. It's not so insane to think about the paper we wrote, an Analytical Analysis, but do we have to respond intellingently about a story when we couldn't care less?
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I wanna crawl into a hole and simply forget that today ever happened. It's only noon and already the day has gone to crap and someone is going to make sure that it stays there.
But I have a secret.
I am going to try and make the best of it regaurdless of said person. And I AM going to have at least a relatively good day even if I have to avoid said peerson all day!
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Monday, February 21, 2005
to be or not to be
Gotta love Shakespeare.
I wanna go home. I feel tired and have a headache, but we have psychology and I love taht class and am not willing to skip it.
But hey, maybe being in that class for a while will make me feel better.
Weird, I know but sometimes it works out that way.
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Okay, since Kennspace.com is being a real ass (on my side of it at any rate, though I suppose it's a good thing for them not to let you be able to take stuff like that, so i can see both sides of the argument) I'll simply give you the link and tell you that if you are into humor of any kind it's here.
Please, I beg of you to go and laugh!
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I think that this is a very, very funny comic and I am adding it to each of my lil posts and might add a few little installments as everyone can be waaaay behind.

Oh and btw: this can all be found, along with many other webcomics on keenspace.com.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Randomocity is the Spice of Life!!!!!
The above phrase is so completely true.
Try it today. Seriously. Do something that no one or simply you would never do randomly.
I made a post up there that's pretty much out of the blue and makes no real sense and, well, it amused me and t-chan. It amused a lot of people.
Have fun and stay random!
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Of coarse
Everything went fine in Oral Comm. No problems. At least not that were too bad. And think that I might have done alright at least on my speech.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Speeches, speeches, speeches, AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't wanna do it! But I gotta! WAHHHHHHH!
Yes, I am goin to have to give this stupid speech about something about me: writing. I love to write and I think that it consumes me. Yes, consumes me.
But hell, at least this one will be over after a little while. Oh shit. I think that we have a quiz too today. . .
I am so not prepared.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Today the outside world looks and feels pretty.
I have a paper to write and I don't wanna. It is an analytical research paper about Edgar Allen Poe's "Cask of Amotillado." I love the story but have no idea where or how to begin anlyzing it.
And damn me if it's not due tomorrow. I meant to get it done this weekend, but . . . well . . . things came up.
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