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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Nottin' Really
Well, that used up some time. There is nothing going on to day. Nothing really, at any rate. I might be dressing up tonight, but for some reason I don't think I'll end up going trick-or-treating (I'm a little old for it anyway. Well, technically anyway.) or to any parties. Not that I mind. I just like the whole playing with make-up and dressing up like interesting things.
This year I'm going with . . . . cat.
H-san, T-chan, and I were originally going to go as cats from the movie CATS. Were were going to go online and get their facial markings (aka: pics of the characters) so that we could do them on our own faces with me as the general make-up artist. I don't think that I'm all that hot when we get down to it, but I think that I am, in a general sense better than them. But we are all at about the same level on that one.
But at any rate: we're dressing up tonight and t-chan is going to let me paint her face whether she likes it or not. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
*cough, cough*
Happy Halloween!

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Friday, October 29, 2004
Not much
 You are Pluto...
Abuse of Power, Darker side, Spiritual Outlook.
What planet do you represent? (Chobits based, Anime Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
I always get the dark ones. I don't really mind. It kinda works for me. Out of my group am the dark one. But it's surprising that Heather got the same one though.
 your a friend are one of the best people going
what cute puff are you???????? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Mood of Indifference
I am in a good mood. Well, sort of. I feel relatively indifferent towards thing at the moment and couldn't care much about . . . well, much. But have a great day! I am!
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blither . . . .
Nothing to write tonight.
That rhymed.
Bed Now! I order myself!
Night, Night.
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Monday, October 25, 2004
more for today
 Are You Damned? Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
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My japanese name is Endoh (distant wisteria) Miharu (beautiful clear sky). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
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Friday, October 22, 2004
life sucks . . .
Welcome back to another installment of MY LIFE IS SHIT!
Today's subject is: What is wrong with the week in which I have just lived?
A. The electric was still off. (It was just turned on today by my stupid mother!)
B.The phone was disconnected due to the lack of bill payment two days ago and continues to be off as we speak.
C. The $150 my stupid mother owes me is not sitting here in my hand. Who would have ever predicted that!? In it's place sits a lowly $10 bill. And to top that one off I have NO money whatsoever.
D. I found out that I have a 74% in my Biology class which is a C. God, I hate science.
E. I am going to have to go home b/c I am not wanted here anymore and Keith (t-chan's mom's b/f) is the only one who wants me gone and he wants me gone now. (But with the $150 I was going to buy some food, since that is his main complaint against me staying here. I think that he is simply intimidated by girls)
F. The hike that we were supposed to go on today was basically canceled and I was the only one that wanted to go this morning and there were four of us. Guess who got out-voted? You got it: ME! Bye, bye Glen Helen.
G. And now I have a fucking headache just to cap off this marvelous week.
I swear I hate all of this shit. I need to just go back to sleep or find a way to completely lose myself in something that involves a lot or no brain power whatsoever, but takes my mind away from what I am thinking about:
My monumental failure as a human being. And the slitting of my useless wrists. But I hate pain and nothing that requires it or movement appeals to me right now.
See ya.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Where the Winds Might Take Me
well, i have to admit something here: skipping class was not really that bad an idea. Go Heather!!! Here's what happened: We thought it was going to be raining all day today and that the English teacher would be out so we didn't work our asses off like normal and get the work done. But . . . hehe . . . it didn't rain all day, in fact it stopped last night and the three of us (t-chan, me, and h-san) had nothing done, didn't do anything until like two this afternoon and ended up staying over at Heather's for the time that we were supposed to be in class. Oops. Oh, well. What can one do, right?
For some reason I don't care. i cared when we missed pottery and it is starting to bug me about missing english but i don't care half as much and shouldn't an english matter more to me than some stupid pottery class? I mean seriously. That is very odd to me. But you know what? I am passing all of my classes and missing one isn't going to make me fail. But that doesn't mean i am going to start skipping classes here all the time either. i am simply going to have to become a better student.
Wow. I am incredibly funny.
I am going to get outta here before my brain melts.
Sleep Well Oh People of the Night!
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Monday, October 18, 2004
I am having this wierd feeling from being a college student. I love it, yes, but it can seem so completely overwhelming sometimes. I have all of this stuff do at one time and each class is technically a priority in itself and well, it can get to be too much at times. sometimes i feel as if i just wanna jump off the top of a tall building and get all of this stess over with. But then why would i have wasted all of that time and effort on doing anything at all here in this college and gone through all of that in high school? i got my high school diploma and i am going to get my associate's degree if it kills me, which i have the distinct fear that it just might.
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Crap b/c I have Nothing Better to Do w/ My Time
 What Fruits Basket girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Great Quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Your anime expression is unhappy!
What's Your Anime Expression?
brought to you by Quizilla
great pics, bad quiz. . . . . . . . . .
 You're the double of the silent protagonist. Silence is your key to victory. With your ellusive, stealthy ways, you achieve your ultimate goal; to save the world. You don't need or want recognition. You just want every person of the world to be happy and safe.
Anime Stunt Double (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm . . . . not too bad!
PEOPLE SUCK THE WORLD SUCKS EVERYBODY SHOULD BE KILLED AND BLEED TO DEATH TILL THE COLD EARTH SOAKS IN BLOOD. Well, you're angry at the world. For reasons who knows, but you definately hate life.
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, it's better than the pink. I actually got that the first time that I took it! Who in the hell thought up that quiz answer!?! Who woulsd want to see the world as all good when it clearly isn't!?
You poor, depressed child. A rain cloud seems to follow you everywhere. The worst has always got to happen doesn't it? Life is miserable.
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
I like this answer better than the other two I got when I took it. THis is soooo much more me. I am a depressing and generally depressed person or so I'm told.
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