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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
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Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Class and Schedule
I hate having to schedule things. I really, really hate it. I have to meet with my advisor and talk and look at things and pretend to be alert and ready for anything. I shouldn't dread it quite as much as I do. I like to talk with the woman, she's genuimely nice and I can talk to her about all kinds of things. And the very best part of all of this is that our advisors actually have time for us. This college is really that tiny.
I don't have a clue what classes I am going to take. I know that I need a math class. That's about the extent of my knowledge.
Suddenly I am wanting to throw up. I have been having this great week in which, starting Monday (or was it Sunday . . .), I started to be ill. I've just had this tight-I-feel-like-gagging-headache-heavy-eyelided three (four?) days . . .
I am going to go and get it all done and I am going to come back and visit everyone . . . *yawns*
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Bad Night
Last night started out like any other Saturday: Me hanging out with Mimi. Corey came over and we were supposed to go to a haunted house, but ended up not.
I got really down in the dumps after a while even though I got to meet Mimi's new guy, David. He's really sweet and really nice and junk. I really like him and today, around 4pm he'll be over at Mimi's for Sunday dinner, a huge family event. Poor guy. He's gonna be completely ambushed. lol.
In other news I found out that I have a D in Sociology. Bleh. I don't like the fraking class anyway. I'll find something to do to raise my grade. I really do not like that class in any respect.
Finally: I love lasagna
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Monday, October 17, 2005
if happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why can't i?
My left shoulder hurts, I was woken up at 7:45 this morning when I don't have a class until 12:30, my contacts are deciding to revolt and irritate my eyes, I am not in the mood to wear what I am wearing (but it's all that's clean), t-chan is insisting on getting me a Christmas present although I said no presents since I can't return the favor this year, and I'm hungry.
Yup. That is everything that I have to complain about right now and I figured that I would get that out of my way before I started this post. I'm good now.
So this weekend Mimi's cat Mouse had another litter of kittens. The second! And guess what my Christmas present from her is going to be? That's right! The cute little black and white thing. We are going to continue the tradition and call it something animal related. And since it's black and white I was thinking Giant Panda and call it Giant since I am such a big panda freak and all.
(I've collected them since I was three and have a rather huge collection now . . .)
Anyone have any ideas? We've come up with Jersey (as in the type of cow, since her first kitten is named Cow) and I had a suggestion for a name that has to do with Penguins . . .
Oh, and as a little note, River is extremely excited about the fact that Batman Begins is coming out on DVD tomorrow and she is trying to find some way in which she can obtain a copy. I say Christmas is coming and her parents buy her any DVD she mentions. The lucky puck.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
home and things such as that
Well, home I will go tonight. I don't want to. I want to stay with friend and being able to talk to someone. (aka t-chan) The phone os still off so I feel screwed royally.
But I have re-entered my last obsession: Rin and Haru from Fruits Basket as a couple. See . . . t-chan was being bad and looking ahead at summaries of upcoming chapters of Fruits Basket and I looked at an image and POOF. That was it. I was again entranced.
What can I say? *shrugs*
Next week's project: RinxHaru wallpaper
Oh, and I'm feeling much better now!
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
i feel icky, oh so icky, i feel icky and sticky and white . . . .
I am officially sick. I apologize for not visiting anyone today or doing anything really. But my head has been swimming and I am surprised that I have amoment of clarity in which I can write coherently.
Guess that I am going to have to take this time out to write those stupid papers. I read all the reading for this week, but on the day I could type everything out and send it off I get a nice and wonderful head cold. And to top it off my nose has become a freakin' faucet.
Enough complaining for now. *cough, cough*
Good mental and physical health to all.
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Monday, October 3, 2005
there's no business like show business . . .
I am finally back at school and for whatever reason my motor skills are not what they should be and I am having trouble typing this out right now. My brain is functioning as normally as can be expected when I feel like I'm exhausted. (Even if I did get the normal 8 hours of sleep) I suppose I shouldn't have stayed up all night Saturday night, but what can truly be done against insomnia, right? Of course right. (Yentl, Yentl, Yentl . . .)
On to the more mediocre news of the day:
I got a hot pocket. Does anyone know how horribly addictive those things are? You have one and instatnyl you want another of their cheesy goodness. *sighs*
I also got to have bowl of my all time favorite cereal: Honey Nut Cheerios. It relly is better than any other. Even Coooookie Crisp.
Now, I was on yahoo's main site and this amused me to no end:
Dictionary Adds Terms Like Chick Flick
Following is a partial list of new words and their definitions being entered into this year's edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
Amuse-bouche (noun): a small complimentary appetizer offered at some restaurants.
Battle dress uniform (noun): a military uniform for field service.
DHS (abbreviation) : Department of Homeland Security.
Hazmat (noun): a material (as flammable or poisonous material) that would be a danger to life or to the environment if released without precautions.
Metadata (noun): data that provide information about other data.
Otology (noun): a science that deals with the ear and its diseases.
Retronym (noun): a term consisting of a noun and a modifier which specifies the original meaning of the noun. ("Film camera," for instance).
Tide pool (noun): a pool of salt water left (as in a rock basin) by an ebbing tide, called also tidal pool.
Wi-Fi (certification mark): used to certify the interoperability of wireless computer networking devices.
Zaibatsu (noun): a powerful financial and industrial conglomerate of Japan
Is that not utterly amusing? I thought that some of those words were already in there. *shrugs*
Final thought: What is your favorite cereal?
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
*glances around her room*
Well, things are really great . . . Yup. Just peachy.
In all truth I am bored out of my freaking skull and am not nessicerily looking forward to church later today. I am thinking about staying up all night and going to church zonked, but seeing as that would be a bad idea because I still have those papers to write I am not leaning fully into the idea.
There is some good news in all of this complaining. I have found the perfect person to play Mamah. And I know that most of you don't know who that is, but if you would like to ask River Morrigan in a PM. But Kathy Bates would be perfect.
Adios for now mi amigos y amigas. Enjoy the pic:

heh. Fixed the pic . . .
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
strange things come in waves and never one at a time in the order that they should
Today I am feeling interstingly odd.
It's something of a great feeling. I am creative and yet I am not in a real mood to do anything signifigant. Talking, yes, that is what I feel like doing and yet I feel that if I kept silent I would feel more productive.
I'm also a little hungry and am more than definatly thirsty and am wishing that Keith would go away again. T-chan's mom I like and am relatively comfortable with, but things seem to become a lot lighter when he leaves. The whole atmosphere changes to accomidate him and that needs to stop already. He's not the center of the universe and should never be treated as such. Unfortunalty he has been for quite some time and I fear that it has forever damaged him. He's such an ass.
Saw Meet the Focker's yesterday night. I loved it. Jack got just what he deserved. Well, almost. He should have gotten kicked in the face, not Greg and he should have been blatentle caught and crushed. Greg's parents were too great for him. . .
I read some e-mail from a site, from some guy. The only reason that I bothered to open it at all was that he had an amazing anime avatar that I loved. I have no idea who the guy is or what anime that avatar was from, but any who . . . He asked me why I chose the name Morgana le Fey. I love that name and used it for a Harry Potter rpg (laugh all you want). It mean, in a non-literal translation, The faerie (or witch) at the sea's edge. I love that idea and hadn't thought anythign of the translation until then. But that has been the most interesting thing that I've done all day.
And that's really all there is to tell except that I am feeling warm and cozy in my old jacket thing. God Bless Old Navy.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
good morning, good morning. it's great to stay up late . . . .
Welp, here I am at school again. Why you might ask, since I don't have anymore classes this week . . . T-chan asked me to come with her so that she would have a friend with her at the library. ARG.
Why must I be this way? Why must I give in when sleep is such a wonderful companion back in that glorious place that one calls a bedroom? *sigh*
I even had a dream that t-chan cam in and asked me to get up. More than once. And the only reasont hat I know for a fact that it was a dream (besides the fact that when I told her she said that she hadn't come in) is that I was wearing my bracelet when I went to sleep and in the dream it was across the room and t-chan handed it to me when I asked her to.
*shakes head* Dreams are so weird. I have had ones that are symbolic and yet others that are point blank. Like this morning's dreams. . .
Well on another nice subject I just found out that the paper I had started for Sociology (Observation of the Subculture of Punk Rock and Emo Teens) isn't due until later this semester. Instead I have to write another three page paper by October 10th (Observation from an Outside Standpoint).
To top that cake I have two tests and another paper to write. *dances* Maybe I should simply write all of my papers this weeka nd get them all over with. None of them really have anythign to do specfically with what we're learning in class so I could get them all done if I can muster up the gumption and courage. . . heh. *faints*
On a final note:
Everyone give hugs to Mimi. (You can find her on my friend's list since html is being a butt right now) She's going through a particularly hard break up and needs everyone's support.
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Monday, September 26, 2005
nothing much going on in the end
I am sitting here in th computer lab at school and have to be in class in about 40 minutes. Of course I'll actually go to class in 20 minutes like a good little girl, but hey, who cares, right?
I really don't like this class: Sociology . . . I loved it back in high school when the teacher was new, cute, and knew what he was doing and how to engage us. This teacher, though she's sweet adn tries, has virtually no idea how to make us talk and do anything. It's kinda sad too watch. Once she asked us how to get us involved more in class and I told her that if she wants us to answer ourselves and to do things then she's going to have to start by calling on us instead of letting us answer. If she joked around more it wouldn't hurt either. . . but I don't think that she took any of my advice to heart. It's a shame really. She's been out of school (high school and since 90% of the students are stupid PSEOs . . .) for years and is out of the loop. I've been out of high school for going on two years. I would know more. lol.
*cough, cough*
I think that I am getting the sniffles. I had them pretty good last night while I was laying Morrowind at t-chan's cause she was sleeping and I wasn't tired. Now I am feeling icky and have a small case of the sniffles.
Okay, enough complaining for now. Good news should be told, but since I have none I am going to amuse you with something else . . .

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