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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
*sings along*
When it seems like the whole world is against you turn around and tell them to fuck off.
*cough, cough*
Well, I was going to get to hang out with all of my fridns adn my boyfriend finally, but that's not going to happen even though he's going to be off since his games were canceled for the rest of the season. Heather doesn't have a car and Corey is going to be out of town. It really blows. And I would have loved to have them all there sooooooo much.
But that is the way the cookie crumbles . . .
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
*looks around and realizes that i am the only one without pants on*
So what does everyone think of the new post background? I like it a lot. It is so very different than the one that I had before. And although I still love Rin she is no longer my sole focus here. The focus on my site is, well to be honest, me. She is still a part of my site, but now rests at the bottom along with dear Kureno in my new clubs thingy.
My avatar is also very likely to change soon and I have changed a few colors on my site, though those are very subtle changes and ones that only I am likely to notice. But I believe that they suit me.
One new wallpaper has been added from my submitions and it's it's not my best. I am hoping that the rest are accepted (5 in all). I had this really precious one of Kyo and I already deleted it from the computer, stupid thing that I am.
Oh, looking at this one you'll have to click on one of the larger pictures to get the full effect of it and not just see a normal picture with no modifications other than size. It really does have a cool effect.
As a nice little peice of news, and so that no thinks that I have abandoned myO again, I am not going to be able to update everyday. Sun-Weds will probably be the best that I can do. So do not despair! I shall not forsake you!
I think that this is about it for today. *looks with crest fallen face into the future of European History class*
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
shorter post. less to say
I have very little to say except that t-chan is a big butthead.
J/k. Mostly.
Okay, I have had a great idea for a series of wallpapers. Who knows? I may end up making quite a few if this first one pans out and doesn't kill me in the effort that it will take. *grins*
I'll make sure to tell you when I get each one up, kay?
About changing my site layout . . . I am a little loathe to give up that to which I have become accustomed. I really like my site and a few changes, I think, will do quite well for me until I go completely insane and end up changing everything to pink and white. *swoons and falls over into the conviently placed chaise lounge*
And if you want to join a club of mine PM ME! I am not going to do anything if you ask in my GB!
Okay, after yesterday's post I think that this is more than enough for one day.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
concert recap
Thursday Mimi and I and a another friend of mine and her's went to the My Chemical Romance concert that's was in Columbus. It was so incredibly awesome!!!!
First we had to wait in line for 6 hours, which turned into 7 1/2 in the end before the band started to play. (Reggie and the Full Effect, which was who I had come to see in the first place) The wait ended up killing my poor feet, but it was worth it cause we made a few new friends and when Mimi and Corey went out to get lunch from Wendy's MCR's manager (Mimi has a picture of the guy) came to the gate and handed out some of the drumsticks that they had been practicing with. So guess what they didn't get? You got it!
So we get into the concert and Corey and I decide to stay for Reggie and the Full Effect and then get out of the pit. The pit was awesome and soooo much fun except for the elbow in my side, the guy in my back and the belt buckle to the head. I have no battle scars and have survived! *cheers* When we left there we got something to drink then sat in the grass to dry. Corey went back down to the pit for Alkaline Trio, but I stayed seated and ended up being hit on by some lame, enibriated roadie. While that was interesting I would prefer to laugh about it and act like nothing at all happened in that one. He was kinda gross and creepy.
Then, when Corey came back up before MCR came on stage she fell asleep on the grass b/c her back was killing her. I relaxed beside her on my back to listen and before we knew it some guys were around us asking us if we were all right and telling us that we needed to stay sitting up. I think that they tought that we had taken one too many hallucenogin chased down with a beer or two. Riiight. We don't need drugs to be clinically insane together. So we got up grudgingly and and eventually made our way down to the car where we found one of our buddies from the line. He and his frineds had parked near us along with two girls that we had also hung out with in line. It was kinda funny.
So, in the end, Mimi, COrey and I hung out with him till his friends came to leave, and we had dried off a bit and I had finished off my chips from the day before.
We rode all the way home with the top down in the cold night air . . .
On the way home we were playing tag with some hillbillies in a beat-up ass truck. Well, we'd pass them and flick them off (juvinille, I know, but after the concert what the hell, right?) and they'd honk at us as we passed and then would follow and eventually pass us up. At one point they pulled along side us and after a minute mooned us! It was so funny at the time. . .
And that was the concert in a nutshell. . . (Imagine a HUGE but and then you have about half of the shell)
Question: I was thinking about changing my site a bit and I was thinking of maybe doing a Sesshomaru thing. What do you think?
Haru (Sohma)
More Rin
Keep it the same
Or something else entirely cause my poor lil' mind is going 'bleh' and doesn't wanna think of anything else.
Then there was another thought that Kara gave me and that I think that I am going to carry out.
(And I know that this is a looong post, for me at least . . .)
She was thinking about Rin and Kureno (the horse and rooster for those who haven't read the Fruits Basket manga) and how they have no fan clubs. And we decided that I should create them. Would anyone join, do you think?
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Still a Little Demon
Sagi is back everybody! And I am going to be making some HUGE changes.
First off I am only going to comment on those people's sites that comment on mine (regularly or otherwise).
Second: I refuse to make a fool of myself due to stress related to not having posted or commented. It got bad the last time and that was kinda rediculous. I do not have the time to comment and post everyday. I have homework and things to do like everyone else.
And finally: My site. We'll have to wait and see what changes I am willing to make, but I think that there will be quite a few in the end. . . *plans to unclutter and organize*
So anyways . . .
How have I been?
Not too bad. I am loving beyond loving college. I hate the classes, but it is an escape from family issues and the lack of things that I desperatly need, but I would really prefer not to get into that right now. I love to learn all about what's going on in people's heads and my Theories of Personality is doing that for me. lol.
And yes, I was able to work out a way to classes and I didn't have to quit going and I am all more appriciative for that (a.k.a. I do my homework diligently).
*sighs* I feel tired. Mind, body, and soul.
I hate my mother and sister.
On a final note my computer is being a butthead and won't let me comment on anyone's sites. Little shit that it is. So, as soon as I can I am going to put a hatchet into ye olde hard drive and then find another evil machine and comment on EVERYONE's sites.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
This may be my last post for quite a while.
I am relinquishing my use of this site almost completely. Things have gotten rather wewird here for me.
Kara and I are still in close contact and she is actually on here more than I now. *sighs*
I may be forced to forgo my college education for the time being due to my mother's stupidity. I don't really want to say more than that right now. It's simply really touchy for me and it still stings since classes begin on Monday and here I am only finding out about the college thing today. But that would be life for ya, right?
I am still keeping up occasionally on a site called under the name morgana_le_fey and if you want to know what's up with me check it every once in a while. It takes less time to load than myO, though myO has the better people.
I am feeling very . . . downtrodden uno momento.
I am going to try and visit people today before I get off.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
I am really happy right now, if tired. I found this great site to make and save dolls:
AND . . . get this . . . AND Dusty is coming over around 10 and is going to spend the day with me! *dances and cheers*
Besides staying up all night this is going to be a great day. Now I simply have to find a way to keep from crashing in the middle of the day. . . .
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
long time no write . . . .
Yes, what t-chan said is true. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! His name is Dusty and he is a sweet guy. Really sweet and yes, this does wonders for my self-esteem! I am so incredibly ecstatic!!!! We're going to try and get together sometime this week and last night we were on the phone for two and a half hours.
And I don't mind your little I-told-you-soes. I am happy.
*hugs self*
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
happy birthday is tomorrow, so would it be okay to sing the birthday song today?

Yes, tomorrow will be my 20th birthday. Not really caring about it anymore except for dad's having a present for me and all. I like dad. lol. Mom isn't planning anything and no cake even from her. Not that I would want a cake from her b/c she can't cook anyway, but still it's the thought that counts, right?
Not much else to report except I will not be able to get online tomorrow so I am going to post this card that was made for me now.
*hugs and kisses* Thank you for the card RinoaSquall4ever!

And on a final note: T-chan and I were thinking of making a good hair club for anime guys. Men like Dou, Ayame, Inuyasha, Sesshie, Ed, Hotahori and such would be on there as those that we supported for having great hair. What do you guys think about it?
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
just a few more hours . . . .
Tomorrow my sister will graduate from high school. Yeah for her.
It really isn't that big a deal in the end. . .

Yup. Come Monday and I will be the big 20.
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