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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
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Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
countdown to my birthday

Please read the entry below . . .
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blitherland day
Okay, last set of eyes:

Label them #7 please and I will announce the winner once I get back from my mother's day thing . . .
Sorry, nothing else for today yet.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
matchmaker, matchmaker . . . . . . . . .
Okay, I know that I am posting rather late. I slept in and then didn't bother to go to class even though I have my final exam next week. Yeah, bad me. I feel so not guilty. I needed a break and in that class Bill, our Psych professor, would notice if I were off and/or tired and I prefer not to be called out on these types of things.
*blink, blink*
I must also apologize for the lack of visiting of late. But I am trying. I simply have problems with being able to get online and visit since dial-up is, for lack of better wording, a bitch.

Please label this one #6. Thank you all again to everyone who is participating.
I have decided that there will only be two more sets of eyes and I am hoping to make them the hardest yet, though the last eye were quite a doozy it appears. lol.
Sorry that there aren't any pockets today. As I said, my brain feels a little fried.
28 more days till I turn 20!
Oh, and I was thinking of making a new Inuyasha Wallpaper. What do you think? Inu or Fruits Basket?
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
i'm off to see the wizard . . . the wonderful wizard of . . . oh, that's copyrighted . . . damn.
I'm sorry for not having visited everyon in the past couple days. I got caught up in something and couldn't put it down. Books . . . what can you do?
Anyway, nice short post for you today. Not much of me blabbering. In fact, this is all. Well, nearly.
This is going to be the first semester that t-chan and I have in which we aren't in most of the same classes. I have Moday and Wednesday classes and she has them more spread out.
12:30-3:00 Intro to Sociology
4:00-6:30 Intro to Political Science
9:00-11:30 Theories of Personality
6:40-9:10 European History from the Renaissance to the Present
She took 5 classes and three of them are 300 level. That merely means that the teacher can kick or ass and get away with it. I, on the other hand, have only 1 300 class and that's Theories of Personality. I am looking forward to that class.

Please label this #5! Thanks!
*hugs head of person who's eyes these are* I love this person! And believe me, it's probably not who you're thinking.
Haru Sohma
A map or directions of some sort
A peice of jewelry for Rin (black with a single silver adornment)
He's one of those that only carries what he really needs or wants to have with him because he doesn't know how long he'll be lost. Well, that and he doesn't ever think that far ahead . . .
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Friday, April 29, 2005
heads or tails? you flip the coin.
It's finally the weekend. Well, for me anyway. And unfortunatly I should be studying. But please explain to the reasoning behind studying for an analytical essay on a play or poetry? It technically isn't even possible. Then I have my philosophy exam (well, not really, but we do have to hand in our philosopical dialogues. Mine on Freud) I also have two mores exams: one in Oral Communications, which in essence is a class on giving speeches and one in Psychology. Now the one in Psych is the only real test. I had a test in Oral Comm. this week, but that was not as an exam. We have to give a speech in Oral Comm. as our exam. My Psych exam isn't until a week from Moday, but I still feel compelled to study. . .
Ranting again. Must stop ranting to everyone about exam week! I'm all flustered over it, though . . . There seems to be too much to do for this week.

Please label your PMs #4! Thank you everyone who is participating!
Ayame Sohma
A stick of gum
Cloth swatches
Hari's keys
A small rubber snake
About $100
Yup. Aya is a strange one. *hugs him*
Tomorrow's set of eyes are my favorite.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
my most sincere apologies
I need to apologize to everyone for not visiting sites lately. I have been really out of my mind what with this next week being finals week and my being so utterly unprepared as always. But I am going to try and get to everyone's sites today as I have only one class and then my weekend begins. I love Thursdays. And tonight CSI (LV) is on and I can veg in front of the TV. Survivor is also on, but I haven't really been watching that too much this season so I'm not too stuck on it. But I do love CSI. It's one of those shows I don't allow talking during and sometimes if you miss one thing you miss a lot.
I love it.

Okay. This is insultingly easy. Label it as #3 please!
No pockets for today. But I was watching an episode of Inuyasha last night . . . where Jakken, the little bug, tries to steal the Tetsuiga (yeah, my speeling sucks) and the demon that he employes to do it steals the contents of their pockets. I should have written down what I saw, but I didn't. Arg. I did, however, find it amusing.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
warmth, happiness and annoyances
I skipped my second to last English 2 class. I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about it either. Should I feel guilty though? I mean really? Shouldn't I perhaps simply feel the tiniest bit guilty that I didn't even call to tell the teacher, who is a nice woman, that I wasn't coming and give her a bs reason as to why? Why must I feel no . . . wait a second! I am feeling guit!
I liked not being guilty more than I like being guilty.
This is not fair . . .

Label it #2 please and thank you!
An Extra patch or two
A smallish pocket knife
A flask of water
A broken Arrowhead
I think that Kaede would have very little that wouldn't be immadeiatly useful in her pockets. She, unlike the others, has a hut in which to keep her most valuable possessions and so doen't need to carry them in her pockets with her.
Oh and on a final note: Everyone who PMed me with their answers yesterday got it right! And no, I'm not going to tell you who's eyes they all were until the very end and then Not only will I announce the winner but I will give the answers in numerical order for you.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
once again i freakin' forgot . . .
I have a Philosophical Dialogue to write that has to 1500 words. Not a lot in the end, just a pain in the ass to write and get to him. Arg.

First set of eyes. PM me if you know who's they are . . . label the PM #1 and the following as I tell you their number is. Oh, and checking the properties won't work as I saved them by number. lol.
Some cloth that ripped from Sango's dress
Something he meant to give Sango but has never gotten around to it
Can't see Miroku carrying much just because he is a traveler and wouldn't depend much on the things that he would carry.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
come on and do the jail house rock with me . . . .
*dances to jail house rock*
Gotta love that Elvis. . . .
Okay. Above I am adding a new little thing to my profile. I have decided that since most of you do not watch M*A*S*H you should at least have available to you some of the great quotes of that show. And yes, I have watch every episode of the first three seasons and can answer nearly any M*A*S*H trivia question you throw at me. Okay, I am a freak. What can I say besides I don't mind?
And another thing that I am going to be adding is a little contest. I am going to be posting the eyes of Fruits Basket characters and you will get to guess who's eyes they are. I would do this with Inuyasha, but I have no access to Inuyasha manga. And if I posted the anime's pics they would be a little too obvious as they are in color and any idiot can guess and get it right without trying if they are in color.
But anyway . . . for the winner I will make a banner with whomever from Fruits Basket they wish. You could have the whole cast in there for all I care and if you wish for words those too I will add.
But to enter simply PM me when I post the first set of eyes. (Should be tomorrow, but no promises)
Lock of Kohaku's hair
Comb from Kagome
Strip from a bandage from a time when Miroku was hurt
A picture of the group
Some herbs that fend off demons
Okay . . . I know that no one can physically carry hope in their pockets. No need to tell me that later. . . But Sango seems to have an incredible hope as she stills believes that her brother might once again become who he once was and she believes that Miroku will one day beat his curse and she believes that they will all eventually get what it is that they are seeking whether it is momentay or it is in the end. And, God, don't all of us who haven't seen the end of the series want it turn out well?
*smiles and ducks the hatchet launched at my poor little head*
Once again I am not going to be able to visit your sites. I promise that I will visit all of them tomorrow!
*looks all victorious and triumphant and determined*
Post.Too.Long.Must. Stop.Typing. . . .
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
I more than likely won't get to everyone, if anyone's sites today to visit. I don't have all the time that I would like to be on anymore and when I can I will visit everyone. And if you updated after or around three I definatly won't be able to as I will not be and I apologize now.
Oh, but Cinderella is coming along nicely.
A lock of Lord Sesshomaru's hair
A flower that Jakken stepped on after she gave it to him
A ribbon from Kagome
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