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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
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Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
bad news on the horizon
I have some bad news. I might not be able to get on more than once or twice a week max. Stupid Keith and his stupid insecurities. God and to top off this wonderful day I may have my grant rescinded b/c someone up there in the government didn't bother to check in his little book and make sure that the state had enough funding. I say fuck them all, the bastards.
I hope that you could get more out of Kara's post than mine. She, even when complaining seems to be the better person.
Sorry no pockets today. My imaginaition is shot.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
i'm siiiiiiiiiiiinging in the rain!
hi evevrybody! I am in a great, great great mood! On a scale of one to ten I'd say that my mood is an 8.7 and for me that is extremely happy! BOOYAH!!!!!!!!
An old sucker
Some jacks
A picture of the whole group
A handful of dirt
A ribbon for Kirara from Kagome
Blades of grass
Crumpled piece of paper Inuyasha tossed at him
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Monday, April 18, 2005
simply feelin' evil . . . . .
I am going to only put up my pockets today because the only news that I really have is that
Kara and I have written chapter 1 and are already into chapter 2. YEAH US! If we average a chapter and a half a day then by mid May wwe'll have the final copy done. Now that would be something.
A cloth that the priestess Kikyo once gave him
A spare demon or two
A drawing of his beloved, Miroku's grandfather
Okay, so maybe I am just being a little more than nonsensical when it comes to Naraku. But then again who really knows whether it was a lover's spat or not between Miroku's g-pa and Miroku? I know there wasn't but hey, I have to use my imagination for something . . . .
Question: Which element is your favorite:
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
more . . . . . stuff
I don't really have all that much to say today. I am going to be sifting through my friends list and anyone who hasn't commented in the past ten days or so is going to be deleted. That doesn't mean that I'll ignore them in the future if they ever chose to comment, but I need to cutdown on the time myO takes. So no offnese to anyone who was deleted. I know that I deleted one person by mistake so comment and I can pop you back on there.
Rin's hair ribbon
Some flower that Rin found
Jakken (j/k)
Some small piece of his father (literally)
Sesshomaru is also another one who is not given to sentimentality. He may keep those few things that Rin gives him, but I cannot see him holding too tightly to the past in a sense of mortal things as he can outlive them.
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
i have no idea
I really have no idea what I'm going to do about this outline for this Cinderelaa story. I am about half way through it and it is still being an annoying mystery to me. Arg! Why do characters have to be so damn elusive? I am going to have to find my great big stick and beat them into submission and to my will! Bad Tina! Bad Ash! Bad Kasey! Bad Chastity! Bad Birch! Bad Willow! Bad Candy! BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!
*goes on mass bludgeoning spree*
I'm fine now. I swear . . .
A spare soul or two
Grave dirt
A peice of Kaede's patch
A crushed peice of something Inuyasha once gave her
I can't see her holding on to many sentimental things. She doesn't strike me as a usually sentimental person. She strikes me more as the type of person that would hold to memories more than to actual objects. I do believe that she loved Inuyasha as much as she could have. But in my opinion that would never truly be what he should have had in a relationship. Kagome loves him completely, w/o asking him to try and change. Kikyo never quite trusted him in hanyou form.
Enough ranting about my views. That is really all that I have to say today except that the hike was fun. I forgot how hard a mostly uphill hike can be if you haven't been on one in a long time . . . heh.
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Friday, April 15, 2005
johnny's daddy was taking him fishin' when he was eight years old . . . .
God that song is freakin' sad. I cry at the end each and every time. And have since I was in the third grade. (that should tell you something about the age of that stupid song. well, it's not really all that stupid. my eyes are already watering and I am sitting here crying alone. hmpfh)
Nothing really going on today except that I am going on a hike with the Sierra Club tomorrow. Hold on a second, I am the Sierra Club President. Wouldn't that make me the Sierra Club?
Damn. The sad part. *cries into sleeves*
Same old boy
Same sweet girl
Five years down the road
There's going to be a little one, and she says it's time to go
Doctor says the baby's fine but you'll have to leave
'Cause his momma's fading fast and Johnny hit his knees
And there he prayed
Take the very breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest
I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me
Make this my last request
Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl
*wipes eyes* Damn it.
Picture of the whole group
Inuyasha's heart (j/k)
A treat for Shippo
Last report card
Small pencil
House keys
Very small picture of Inuyasha
A picture of her family
A camera, just in case
Hmm . . . That was an interesting one. Any suggestions someone whose pockets I should rifle through? I may simply go through the casts that I know well. (And there aren't too many . . . heh . . . I really need to watch more anime. I have become more of a manganite of late . . . heh . . .)
*changes radio station* I hate commercials.
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
i'm on my way from school today . . . i skipped class
Yup. I did it. I have a speech to give today and am going to call while class is in session and tell Sherri that I am having car troubles. lol. I don't own a car. Wish that I did. But I don't and apparently this imaginary car really sucks. Why couldn't I have an imaginary car that runs? Whenever we take the imaginary car to school we end up missing class. lol.
Picture of Kagome
Some little toy of Shippo's that Kagome told him to hold and never took back
Strand of Kikyo's hair
Ramen crumbs
One of Miroku's beads
A small stone that belonged to his mother
Chip from Sango's bomerang thingy
I don't think that Inuyasha would carry very much and very little that anyone else would care about other than him. He loves the people around him, though he won't admit it. *hugs him*
OH! Wish me luck on my new new story series! I am going to be writing a series of fariy tale retelling and once I get one done I'll start posting it for you guys! But warning: It could be a while.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
only one thing to say

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Monday, April 11, 2005
i live in a bubble and my name is jo . . . . . . .
Sagi is back everybody!
Yup. I am here to tell you all about my fabulous weekend and how I am ready to offer my legs in amputation.
Simply put: they hurt. I wouldn't be surprised if they crap and charlie hores tonight while I lay sleeping in my bed and cry. Evil legs.
I played another game of tennis against the garage (oh and while doing that I found out that Kara sucks at anything to do with a raquet. She will never play tennis, but can anyone really be bad at badmiten?) and I think that I may have played a little too much because now I am gaining pain from moving my legs. Wonderful, no?
Any who . . . I had this idea that maybe I would investigate what certain characters from a few (or a couple I'm not sure at the moment) might have in their pockets.
Hmm . . . .
Who should I begin with?
Hari Sohma
$100 in fives, tens and twenties (for emergencies)
Proof of Insurance
Receipt from Dry Cleaners
House and Office Keys
Ayame's Wallet
Momiji's Candy Wrapper
Shigure's House Key
Sleeping Pills
Cell Phone
A Seahorse in a Bubble Key Chain
What do you guys think that he might have in his pockets?
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Yeah. Uh huh. So . . . here I am posting and it is just about 12:30 in the am.
Strange how time flies.
Would anyone mind if I posted a poem that I recently read and that I find really amusing? I didn't think so. And luckily it is short.
Death Be Not Proud
John Donne
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell;
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
Okay . . . on another note: I have a page up for the Zodiac Guardians. I am going to have to use another website soon as this one is being very mean, but at least of you want the banner on your site I can give you a page to get it on.
Jut PM me and tell me what year you were born in and I can tell you which banner you need. Or if yor already know then PM me and I'll send you the URL.
I also have another set with the actual animals that I couldn't get up on the site and am working on anime versions of the Western Zodiac.
Bleh. *melts into a puddle of over-worked goop*
Oh, and on a final note: I'll be back on Sunday, maybe Monday. Tomorrow I will try and comment on whoever has updated early in the mornin'.
Night all. I have a speech to write for a class in 12 hours. *mumbles* stupid class . . .
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