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Cashier, but a glorious one!
Anime Fan Since
Jan. 2003
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, though the manga is so much better
reading, writing, hiking, buliding computers, driving nowhere, shopping
Writing realistic fiction and reading people
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
welcome to whateverland!
Dragons are very mysterious creatures who often live alone in caves with hoards of gold. You keep yourself from others and contain many armoured plates for defence. However, you will be kind to others if they are kind to you. You are very thrifty and rarely waste any money.
What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
that is kinda cool, you know. i like it in a weird-I-am-seriously-beginning-to-think-I-am-anti-social-and-not-in-the-good-way-like-a-musican type of way. buthey. we can't all be cheerleader-student-of-the-month-president-of-the-student-body types, can we?
 You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative, artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilize a single muscle group in order to have fun. Doesn't matter though, you're still cool.
What childhood toy from the 80s are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I hated those things.
 You are going to marry Brad Pitt. He is always friendly to anybody he ever meets and he is very talented as an actor. He is also very sincere and friendly. He will respect you until the day he dies. Congrats!!
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!) brought to you by Quizilla
I would have rathered someone else. But he'll do quite nicely.
 You belong in the land of darkness, otherwise known as one of the worlds in which I dwell. All here is beauty inspired by tragedy and great sorrow. Write or go through other creative outlets to express the anguish you may be feeling, and never let anyone tell you that you are just being 'weepy' or full of 'teenage angst'(if you're a teenager.If not, then they really should be punished for calling you one. They probably are trying to insult your maturity...fools.)and always remain yourself, dark and amazing. Never change.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
huh. that is weird, but really, really,really cool.
 You are a Siren. More adventurous than all with a voice like no other you sit on warm rocks and sing to the moon and sea. Yet sometimes shipwrecks find you and raving men want you. You are a bottle of talent and power. What the unknown is you seek to find, and a lover. You have the moon and stars as freinds. There are a very few of you, what a rare find. Will you rate my quiz, I think your voice in just beautiful?
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
I am SOOO cool!
 You're Skittles!!! You have a very interesting personality, you're so unique. You're the kind of person who always thinks outside of the box. You're also a very accepting individual, and believe in inner beauty.
Which kind of candy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! colorful!

not very surprising there. I haven't had one in, oh . . . . . nearly . . . . three years!
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
OH MY GOD!! I was so totally right! I am a complete freak! Why has no one noticed before now that I should be locked up and not allowed out and around the semi-normal people!?!
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