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Cashier, but a glorious one!
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Jan. 2003
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
 You are most likely to be the Vampire Chevalier!
The Chevalier personifies the vampire that acts with noble intentions, despite what it is capable of. Taking a conflicting nature and resolving its issues, the chevalier both embraces and yet keeps the vampiristic nature in check; the hunt and taking of blood is enjoyed greatly, yet is restricted to those who willingly give, 'wrong-doers,' or is taken in self-defense; its powers are also embraced willingly, yet while it blatantly and proudly uses them, those that harm are only used in self-defense or in the defense of others. The vampire charm is used in full, and the chevalier appears as one of the most alluring of all vampires, often lordly in appearance as well. Because of the open embrace of its powers and seemingly royal stature, the chevalier often is an immensely powerful vampire.
Dominant personality trait: Pride
Dominant color: Gold
Fictional Vampire Examples: Meier Link ('Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust'), Jean-Claude ('Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter')
Curious to see how you would fare as a creature of the night? Come this way...
Vampire Classification Quiz (w/ Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Once again I find that I am entirely different than my friends. I am the vampire that would enjoy being the vampire that I am. No shame. And I honestly believe that might be how I'd feel about it.
 You are an Eshu!! EXOTIC is the word to describe you. You have a natural flair for travelling, and the tales you weave have no equal. But you also have a problem with restlessness. Never contented to be in one place for long, you are always up and about doing one thing or another. Learn to relax and stick around in one place for awhile. You just might be glad you did.
Which Changeling Kith Best Fits You? brought to you by Quizilla
woah. i like it. and t-chan got it too. wonder just how weird i truly am? sometimes it seems as if I am a very strange person who has no real connection to this world, this . . . plane that exists between me and the rest of the planet. I wonder if my life here is truly worthless sometimes. I mean here I am, the creepy weird one, anti-social and semi-mysterious and all seemingly by choice. God. I feel as if I am such a complete freak.
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