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myOtaku.com: usagi sohma

Monday, September 20, 2004

   Little Devil
you're obviously very smart so,your perfect career
would be something creative, like an artist,
writer or teacher.

::What Will You Grow Up To Become?::
brought to you by Quizilla

I really don't have any quizzes that I wanna take today. But I just got out of a pottery class and I really don't like it. I seem to get nothing right, although all you have to do is try and you'll pass with a relatively goo grade. I have no imagination when it comes to pottery so you can pretty much guess how this shit is turning out. (one big giant ball of clay)

But whatever. I simply not good at anything art related, unless you count writing as an art, which it seriously should be considered. I don't really care all taht much either way, but my bain goes on hyperdrive everytime I get the chance to create new characters or new places. I like to have some form for what I am doing. . . . such as person, place, or thing. But that is what I love about writing. And apparently I seem to do relatively well at being a writer.

I really need to travel more.

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