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• 2003-10-30
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
id, ego, super ego
I hate the little f*cker. And, no, not my sister. but maybe hate is a bit to strong a word. To hate someone you have to get really close to them and I am not that close to Adam nd refuse to let myself get close to that maggot in a festering cesspool of brainlessness that he is. I could honestly strangle him for what he did to me, though. I could mutilate his worthless piece of shit corpse until even dental records couldn't relieve his mother's tears (I am more than a little upset here).
*takes a deep breath and calms down just enough*
He tattled on me at work. I fell asleep b/c I had worked five straight nights, including on where I went to school and I wasn't getting a lot of sleep. I fell asleep for FIVE MINUTES!!! ON MY BREAK!!!!And he acts as if I fell asleep for 90% of the night. I did my job and got everything that I needed to accomplished an he tattles that I was sleeping on the job. On top of it he had told me that as long as I got the work done he didn't care what I did. The worst of it, as you can guess, is that it is a fireable offense. The fact that cofessed to it and that it was Adam who said something about my sleeping may work to my advantage. She said that she is going to write me up (a given) and talk to her supervisor about what to do. I think that she doesn't want to fire me b/c that will leave them a bit sort-handed on third shift.
*shakes with anger*
My Id, Ego, and my Super Ego are at war right now.
Id says kill, kill, kill, mame, mutilate and harm weather I get fired or not and do it away from UDF so that I can't get in trouble before I work again if I don't.
Ego says if I get fired pull all of his bullshit out and take him down with me. If I get fired b/c he can't help but tattle then show him what a biological girl can do when she f*cking tattles. We are much better at it after all. And he earned it.
Super Ego says that I can't retaliate. He'll get fired in time. He is a shmuck and he'll get his in the end and doing anything to him would make me on his level. And I certainly don't want to be like Adam. I am better. And besides - Karma will get him.
Last night Ego was winning. Right now - Id. In the end it'll be Super Ego, but whatever. Thank Frued I am a psych major and can write my feelings out . . . *rolls eyes with own stupid joke*
Betty made the comment that there is no job in the world that you can sleep at and right then I thought (but didn't say) I can think of a few . . . Fireman, Armed Forces, Sleep-Testee, Trucker . . .
I do have to thank one person right now - my ex, Dusty. He gave me the CD taht I am listening to right now - Linkin Park and I have it blaring on dad's kick ass speakers. It's angry and loud and nicely mind-numbing - just what I needed.
I haven't written anything this long in a while. Gotta love assholes who make you rant . . .
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