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Saturday, August 20, 2005
im going to do this again
im pretty sure i already put up a post explaining what voltron is, but ppl still ask, so ill do it again. hes giant robot with a sword that cuts through almost anything. hes formed by the five robot lions who join together when they themselves are not strong enough to overcome a foe. the enemy they fight is the king of planet doom(note my other post lol) by the way, he rocks, so respect him
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here is yet another pic of the almighty Voltron

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my own room!!
today my brother is moving into his college dorm room! which means the room ive shared with him for the past 19 years is finally mine!! this so rocks
lol. now when im talking to ppl on the phone i dont have to walk outside to get privacy lol
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Dont forget to check the archives for episodes past!
The town square was not that crowded, but there were enough people that this was going to be a considerable embarrassment.
“Are you sure you want me to do this?”
“Yes. Are you feeling scared. I can always find another partner.”
“No. I definitely need an ally with your skill.”
“Good, then take off the coat and stand in the square until sunrise. If you’re still there, I’ll let you tag along for awhile. And after that, we’ll talk about teaming up.”
“What, so you expect more after this?!?”
“Of course, this is next to nothing. Or it should be for such a big strong werewolf,” her finger tracing his chin as her face moved closer to his.
With this prompting, he was off the newly rebuilt carriage, and onto the street. Stark naked.
“Come one, come all!,” she proclaimed.
“And see the incredibly well endowed man,” he added.
Thank god I’m a were wolf. Oh crap. Those guys don’t look happy. And there’s a lot of them. Well. If none of them have silver, I can kill em all.
“By the way, no using your wolf form or fighting back of any kind.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Not in the least.”
Okay Ur, I would appreciate a little help here.
“You did nicely.”
“Dank fou.”
“What? I can’t understand you with that swollen lip. Maybe you should shape shift, and heal up a little bit. Hhhhmmmm.”
His body recovered in a matter of seconds after that. “So are we buddies yet.”
“We’ll see.”
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A planet named Doom
have you guys ever noticed that anyone in anime who was born on planets or cities or anything like that with names like, Doom or Scorn, are always evil? i mean sure u get the occasional rebel princess trying to free her people, but for the most part, every last one of those stinkers is a pyscho! lol.
Quote, courtesy of Nothingsacred-"HI! I'm the ice cream man from Planet Doom. Trust me with your children!" *winks*
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Gasp in wonder, FOR IT IS VOLTRON!!

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this was supposed to be my bg, but couldnt get it to load

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Thursday, August 18, 2005
behold the glory of the evas!!

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one more for the wolf man
The hallway was dark and narrow. Water dripping from above was the only sound he heard. Rot from said water had spread all through the brick passageway. The claws on his feet made light tapping noises as he moved otherwise silently. Her scent was faint, but he was sure that the blood thirsty killer had gone down this way.
I’ll kill her. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll kill her. All of their blood is on her. I can never forgive her.
Her smell became even stronger as he moved farther in. Small blotches of blood dotted the floor at this point.
I knew it, she’s here.
Throwing care to the wind, he broke into an all out dash for the end of the path.
I must get to her. I have to.
He finally reached the end of the hall, and it opened up to a larger area. To his left the floor dropped away into darkness, and to his right the wall had two open doors.
“Wow! One of you survived,” came a voice from the farthest door.
A monstrous howl was his only response as he leapt through the air at the door, her form becoming clear as he crossed the room in one bound. Her arm came up and out, slashing at him with a knife.
What a joke, if all she can do is use a knife, I’ll kill her. Don’t get cocky though, she did pull off killing the rest of the pack. This must just be her opening act.
He bounced back from the knife, only to be caught by the whip she held in her other hand. The sting of it actually lasted longer than the wound it left.
Hah. She’s mine.
This time he attempted to rebound from the wall, and catch her at an angle. Her hand flicked at him and sent the knife in it gracefully arcing towards him.
Pitiful, I don’t even have to dodge that.
As the blade went through the air, it passed a patch of sunlight, and the ominous glow of silver shimmered off its surface.
And then the knife was imbedded deep within his shoulder, and pushing him into unconsciousness. His body hit the floor, and slid down the opening and out of what dim light the room had. At the bottom, he didn’t even feel his impact with water or the current carrying him away.
“Idiot!,” accompanied her hand smashing against his face, causing blood to flow freely from his lip.
“Why are you mad? Oh I get it, somebody from my pack owed you money! Sorry you’ll never get that back.”
“You pompous fur-ball. Let’s say that I hit you because the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.”
“Okay. I can’t say that I’m not just a little bit confused. But, you know you’re stronger than me, so why don’t we work together, and over time come to trust each other. We can hunt the killer together.” If I can get this to work! Ooooohhhh. Revenge and sex!
“First I’ll have to test you,” and she gave a smile he did not appreciate.
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many thanks
i would like to take this time to thank goinky for making me my awesome button with the man greed on it! and i would like to thank my sis for helping me put up my avatar and the button made for me by goinky, her site is nothingsacred for those of u who didnt catch that before lol
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