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Monday, September 19, 2005
part three, hurray for me!
Climbing the outer walls of a fortress usually requires the proper equipment and training to accomplish. This rule of thumb falls apart when you can either punch through said wall or fly directly over it. Dralock’s black wings spread wide and he glided slowly on the thermals rising from the stone walls. Saven, as usual, was above them all watching.
Blanco gestured with his arm and smiled at Eleshia as he helped her through the hand made hole in the wall ,“This way ,Madame. Don’t mind the dust.” She looked up and scrunched her nose.
“Why does Saven always have to fly by himself? Why can’t he take me with him? You know, on his back or something,” once she was to the other side of the crater-like entrance, her hands immediately found their way to her hips.
I think I may come to regret saying this but...
“My guess would be that he is the first thing any of our enemies see. That would obviously make his job as scout very dang-”
“Don’t give me that bull! I’m still in danger coming out here on the front line. And being in the air can’t be that dangerous. And FINALLY!!”
Here it comes.
These last few words were said through gritted teeth, “ I’m his wife.” Her pupils had gone to slits and fangs hung out from behind her lips. Blanco took a step back, turned, and jogged to the fight that was about to begin. Within the walls was a courtyard of nothing but the same orangish-tan stone. Along the entire back wall was the actual complex itself. From the mouth of this came a line of ghouls, all of which would have been promised a position as a full fledged vampires if they served faithfully.
He came up next to Hoffman whose only word was ,“Silver.” Every last one of the ghouls had silver spears and swords.
Tyrant laughed and said ,“What is it, Hoffman? It’s not as if this is the first time we’ve had to fight a horde of these things waving silver around like it’s the answer to all of life’s problems. I mean they’ve been fighting us with it for the last five years of the hunt.”
“Well, I got hurt pretty badly the last time we got cocky and tried to take ‘em on claw versus silver,” said Eleshia from behind the massive form of Dralock. The force of ghouls had finished lining up across the way. Dralock pointed his finger at them and boasted, “If they wish to line up as a show of force, I urge that we do the same, and show them the proper way.”
Winter made her self visible next to Dralock and pointed her finger at him. “Now you’re not even real. I mean you’re surreal with that kinda stuff,” and then she winked out. Dralock shifted his head back to it’s human form and had an expression of incredible confusion.
Tyrant patted his shoulder, “Don’t worry. We’ll do it.” Each of them got in line beside the other, even Saven landed and took the position at the far right of everyone. Blanco took a moment to admire the one piece of clothing that Saven wore even as an eagle. He wore a belt with a banner of red cloth hanging down between his legs, it had a matching piece hanging in the back. On the front, three symbols were inlaid with golden thread. A single larger character dominated the rear cloth.
I wonder what those mean.
So there they all stood. An eagle, a viper, a bull, a dragon, a bear, a wolf, and an invisible cat. Before them was a wave of silver arrows. Eleshia turned and shouted , “Blanco!!”
Oops. Time to stop admiring Saven’s fashion sense and get to work!
Blanco leaned forward and to the rest of the world he became nothing more than a blur for the length of one breath. He ran to one side of the cloud of death and jumped into it’s flank. He landed and did it again. With each pass he collected bunches of the arrows, and threw them at other arrows. When he was finished he was standing back by the others.
If I do say so myself....
“What, Eleshia?”
“Second wave!”
“Oh, sorry.”
“You know what, never mind,” she stepped forward and moved her hands. The air picked up and the arrows were blown backwards. “That should keep them happy.” Every arrow sank into ghoul flesh, and not one ghoul died. “Oh, right. Ghouls don’t die all that easily.”
“Then it’s time for the Legendary Hoffman!,” and with that Hoffman was running to close the gap. No further volleys of arrows kissed the sky, but the entire front line of enemies raised up spears with viscously curved tips.
I guess they got a new designer. I don’t recognize that style of blade!
Saven was the first to make the enemy line. Twenty ghouls on both sides of him spilt off from the line and made a semi-circle around him. All of their spears dropped to waist level while he stood still in the middle of them. They all surged forward. He kicked the tip of the first weapon up towards the sky, allowing him to grab the shaft of the weapon. A few seconds and three spins later all of the ghouls were down. He leaned as if to lunge forward again, but was forced to go straight up instead when he realized he was completely surround. Eleshia was in a corner hurling fireballs into the crowd. The ghouls that did not die immediately lit the surrounding ghouls. It was a living, moaning wall of fire.
I want what’s inside that stone.
Blanco was at the door which had vomited out all of the ghouls a few minutes before. A small stream of the creatures split off from the main group to attack him.
Let’s see how many of these I have to kill before they leave me alone.
One second a wolf was standing there and the next a ghoul was cut into four pieces. Then he was back, studying in front of the the door. More ghouls approached him. Blanco’s image began to blink as he ran to kill and returned to the same spot over and over again. Every time he stopped to think, he held a different pose.
I am going to open this door. That freak thinks he can hide from me behind doors? I’m going to cut you into pieces for trying to use Eve as a weapon! YOU’RE GOING TO DIE!
By this point in the fight, the other changelings were throwing ghouls into Dralock. Their bodies fizzled into smoke on contact. Tyrant was actually giggling as if he was drunk. “Dralock for the love of God!! You always brag about how strong you are, just kill them all!”, barked Blanco from across the battlefield. All of the changelings shot him a strange looks.
Hoffman snapped a mock salute“,Yes, sir.” Dralock was already in the air. He reached the apex of his ascent and then fell backwards so that he pointed at the ground. A shadow was cast on the ground as his wings opened and stretched beyond what any of them had seen him do. “What is he doing?”, whispered Winter.
(I don’t know.)
Winter spun with blades out looking for the source of the voice she heard in her head. “No one should be able to see, smell, or hear me when I’m stealth. This is bad.” Nightmare black suddenly covered the world as Dralock’s necro-flesh passed over all of them. Blanco turned halfway back and smiled. Dralock was swallowing ghouls as he slid across the ground with his mouth wide open. His wings spanned from one stone wall to the other.
(Blanco help me!)
(Yes, Blanco! Save me! Save me, please! It hurts so much.) And then all he heard in his mind was Eve weeping and screaming. He mirrored Winter and spun to find the source but was meet with utter darkness as Dralock smashed into the inner wall of the fort.
“I have to get inside! Somebody, please!,” was all he said before the maze appeared. “What? I was in front of the fort door. And....and....and now I’m here. Hoffman, Tyrant, anybody?!” No response. Not far from him, Tyrant was screaming as he fell down a bottomless pit, and Winter was riding through a misty forest on a horse. Of course she couldn’t steer the horse, her arms were tied. Everyone but Eleshia was in another world.
She clapped her hands to celebrate her realization “,These are hallucinations, and that voice isn’t even real! I recognize this spell”
(No you don’t.)
“Of course I- I mean shut up! You’re not even real! Then why am I- forget it,” and then she started to cast the counter to the cloud over their minds. A few seconds later Hoffman and Saven realized they were strangling each other and eventually let go.
“Is that really you Saven?”, said Hoffman, his hands still balled into fists. Saven slowly nodded, expecting Hoffman to turn back into the horned demon he was a moment before.
“I did it!,”piped in Eleshia.
“Did what?,” asked Blanco
“Got rid of that nasty little spell that was messing with all of our heads.”
“So then we can march forward to victory?!,” asked Dralock. Once again, Winter winked visible.
“You will never change,” she said between laughs, and disappeared.
Still in his rage, Blanco turned to the doors and shouted “,ATTACK!!”Dralock was the first one through the set of double doors leading to Eve’s father. Saven was right behind. Saven’s eagle form gracefully held itself in the air, but Dralock chose to plod straight into the center of the room
Hoffman turned to Saven and whispered, “Does he ever get tired of that?” Saven shook his head. The vampire lord before them stopped examining his fingernails leaned in and gave a smile that was followed by a wave of rotting miasma. All of the changlings but Dralock dived for cover. After the wave of death had stopped rolling from the vampire’s throne Dralock stood with the same heroic pose.
“Dragon you’re dripping onto my floor,” the vampire pointed to the poodles of ooze building up around Dralock’s feet.
“I am no mere dragon, I am the avatar of decay. That ‘dripping’ is the essence of rot itself. Now prepare yourself for battle, wizard,” and then he roared, creating a second much longer set of jaws that slid forward out of his first.
“I am the greatest Vampire Lord of all! Address me as such!,” the sentence was punctuated by his fist coming down on the arm of his throne. Just as Blanco was stepping out from behind his cover the Vampire’s eyes went multi-colored. Saven pulled his wing up over his beaked face, but Blanco was too slow. Dralock was once again unaffected. “You have no eyes Dragon. Interesting.” Dralock’s only response was to stomp the floor and take off in a slow glide across the ground. The cloud of rot once again flowed from the vampiric throne. Saven tackled the frozen Blanco back into the cover and then lifted up above the cloud. His eyes glowed as he looked down into the miasma. What would be nothing but pitch black to almost any other living thing was nothing more than cloudy to Saven. He could see Dralock peacefully cutting through the darkness unaffected. The dragon pulled up short of the throne.
“Vampire, let’s show you what decay really is,” and then dralock wrapped his wings around Eve’s father. There was kicking and violence withing the wings for a few seconds, and then they pulled in tight and opened. Not even bones were left behind.
Winter dropped her invisibility and was standing right next to Dralock, “What did you do?”
Dralock turned his empty sockets towards her and said, “I absorbed his lesser decay into mine. He is part of me, and I am stronger for it.”
Blanco came out from behind the corner, “I can go home now.”
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Friday, September 16, 2005
i was gonna take a quiz to figure out which kind of fullmetal alchemist character i would be, when i realized that the quiz told u "who ur husband would be"!! why dont they make quizzes for guys to?!?!? im not even saying it has to be only for guys, just one that doesnt mean im married to alphonse(yep thats who i got) HELP ME OUT HERE PEOPLE!!
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wrap ur head around this one!!
the next thing i say is true.the last thing i said is false. lol
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part two, booyah
The lantern gave the inside of the tent a golden hue which was quite pleasing to the eyes of the seven gathered friends. Thick vegetation outside of the tent stopped the light from giving them away in the dark. A map drawn on animal hide was stretched out on the table in the middle of their loose circle.
“Alright, the canyon is our first obstacle. Two of us can’t make the jump so we have to find a way to get across it. The problem being that to put a bridge, even at the pace we could build one, would allow the scout station to spot us,” said Blanco as he stabbed a finger down onto the map
Winter put her hand up into the air, “I’ve got that down pact..” Feline fangs sparkled slightly in the light when she smiled. Blanco stared at her like he had seen a ghost. “Blanc-man, what’s wrong, Babe?”
“When you put your fangs out while your face is human you remind me of someone very important to me,” he shook his head and went back to the task at hand. “Once you take out the scouts Tyrant and Hoffman will cut down some trees and lay them out like a bridge. They’ll get across that while Saven makes sure no one is watching on the other side. You tanks will meet up with the rest of us in front of the east wall. Obviously where the plants are thickest to hide us.”
Dralock sighed, “Do we have to cover ourselves in flower nectar? I doubt they can smell all that well.”
Eleshia bobbed her head and curled her hair around her finger, “I like the flower nectar, it feels good on my scales.”
“Ok. Once we’re inside the compound I want everyone to just kill as much as possible. The last vampire lord has to come out sometime,” Blanco’s lupine lips curled back as far as they could.
Leaves part across Winter’s face as twigs crack under her feet. The sunlight barely comes in through the leaves so her dark skin is shadowed even more. Then all of her dark skin becomes her dark, spotted fur in the time it takes her to brush a leaf off of her face. Now she’s running even faster. Scents are coming from all directions, mostly guards with odor problems. Of course their problems will go away when she slits there throats. She makes it to the canyon and nothing jumps across. On the other side, some bushes part as if only a wind was hitting there. The part in the vegetation keeps moving all the way to the wall of the base, and then slides over the wall. On the other side, a paw print is made in the dirt when Winter lands. She smiles. “They all lined up in a row,”she quietly whispers to herself. Every guard there was in perfect formation. All except the one by the siren crystal with a hammer. If broken, the crystal would make a noise loud enough to be heard for a few miles. She’d just have to kill him before he could even swing that hammer. But if he dropped dead right there, someone else would grab the hammer and break it; defeating the purpose of killing the first guard. “I’ll kill the rest first, then him before he knows what happened,” and she started running. Although they couldn’t be seen, her dual knives were sharp. Currently the knives were sliding through the throats of guards like butter, but isn’t that what knives are supposed to do? They started to fall down one after the other. After the first ten hit the ground the other thirty noticed what had happened.
“BREAK THE CRYSTAL!,” was the last thing that particular guard said. Now he has a hole in his back where a knife used to be. The hammer was up and almost made it, but a knife went spiraling through the air and caught him square in the hand. It’s hard to hold a hammer with one hand. He pulled his short sword and got ready to fight.
“I can take you, whoever you are,” and he closed his eyes, and listened. When the first dagger came in low for his knee he actually blocked the shot. And then he waited for the second one. “Have some guts and show me what I’m fighting.” A stripe of visible flesh passed across Winter like a wave. The first thing to be seen was her right hand. Before the band hit her elbow, the guard was swinging at it. The swing never made it. While it was another moment till it could be seen, Winter was smiling as her left hand plunged a knife into the man’s skull. She spun around behind him and let the momentum of the motion pull out the weapon. Three paw prints found the dirt before the body hit the ground.
“Now to deal with these stragglers,” and she turned to fight the rest. They were already cutting each other to pieces and accusing each other of being the attacker. “No matter how many times I see that,” and she was gone.
Hoffman and Tyrant stood near the tree. “What’s wrong Hoffm-”
“What’s wrong with tha-”
Tyrant shifted his weight back and forth, “I like the smell.” Hoffman beamed hate at him and then simply slapped the tree down. He waited for it to fall and then walked across it.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
things i just thought sounded cool
names- Caliber Dragonhand,Bastion Priest
randome stuff-
the question he asks,"What is the gunman's litany?" and the crowd shouts back,"One gun sounding like many!"
the grim lord atop the hill screams to his troops,"there is no death! there is only one final failure!"
this is all from stories to come.
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Monday, September 12, 2005
part one of the second part of Blanco!!
The Life of the White Wolf
Stone crosses are heavy. Especially when you’re carrying it all by yourself. Then again when is it ever easy to carry your own gravestone?
Hey guys. I’m coming. I’m finally coming home. You thought I’d be here forever. Yeah. I know you all were in such a rush to see the faces of your ancestors. But, I just had to stay a little longer. Heh. A little? My fur hasn’t been a shining white in years.
He shunted the weight of the tombstone further up onto his shoulders. The weight of the ornate cross and the ludicrous slope of the hill had him hunched at an almost right angle. Even worse was the fact that all of the dirt was loose and dusty from having had the plants ripped out of the topsoil. On both sides of him green stretched off for a short distance only to give way to waste land. Panting from his nostrils was the only noise, that is to say that most people would have heard in his situation. Growing makes noise, too. But he’d lost the ability to hear that well before he’d been teaching the young to fight.
To be honest I never really believed I’d be the last one of us to be buried here. Even Dralock had someone to say a prayer over his grave when he died. I won’t even have that much. But, it’s alright. I expected as much when the only person there to bury the sixth of us was me. The seventh and last.
He sagged under the weight of his own tombstone. His body turning half way back to a man and losing most of the strength brought to him by being a werewolf. Slowly the patches of old, cracked skin turned back to dull gray fur. And slowly the weight that was soon to be a grave was lifted back up.
That’s it. Keep going. Just put one paw in front of the other......I know I’ve said that one before. One thousand, three hundred, seventy six years is a long time to keep saying the same line over and over again!
Simple brick with decorations on each corner was the design of the keep for their graves. After all of these years none of the sigils or bricks had worn down. Sunlight streamed in through the one open archway as Blanco slowly walked in.
What did that mason do to these walls to make them last so long? Now that I think about, I never got a chance to ask him because he couldn’t have. “Tarnish? Are you there?”
A wave of color passed across the walls. For a moment they were all slightly darker.
“I see. So not all of you. Just enough of your essence to sustain these walls for longer than any of us would live.” He dropped his marker and propped it against the wall. Looking around the room, he gave an approving nod to the work of the mason whose life he once saved. And now the mason whose life itself would watch him lose his.
“Time to dig my own grave,” he stopped and put his head back. “HEHEEHEHAHAHAHAH!!!! I can’t believe this is the second time I’ve done this. At least literally. Figuratively. Who knows?” He leaned down and started clawing at the dirt. A foot down his body began shifting back again. Much more violently.
I can’t control it this time. This is really it. This is the moment when I finally have to admit that’s its all over. The moment when I can finally stop having to carry the weight of the world and rest. But is it really.....I’m finally going to see the other side of it all.
A cracking sound filled the tiered room as his head snapped backwards and hit the stone that it would now lay in front of and not under. It didn’t matter though. He had stopped seeing the room around him for what felt like years.
Don’t let yourself die thinking of all of the things that make you angry. Move on with the thoughts of those you love, and all the time you spent together.
Images like pictures in an album passed his eyes.. Most were just incomprehensible blurs. But a few...a few were like the day he lived them.
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
pics of me
would anyone like to see pics of me? i realize it can be risky to show pics of urself but if Stealh Nerd and Neko-Rei have the guts to do it then so do i!! but only if ppl actually want to see it, cuz im way too lazy to do it and then have no one comment. later!
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ive found someone else on otaku whos heard of Voltron and Robotech!! her name is perfectly Damned. everythank her for being so awesome! just cuz anime is old doesnt mean it should be forgotten! buy them and enjoy.
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Eva versus Rah Xephon
Rah Xephon is a complete rip off of Eva. the hero is a teenage boy who bonds emotionally with a giant robot so that he can figt on coming enemy monsters which completely destroy the conventional armed forces. he is aided by a secret military group led by one angry man, who even looks like commander Ikari from least a young version of him. he starts to fall in love with one of the ppl he works with and learns deeper parts of life through the violence of quest. yeah, its eva all over again. but ill watch it cuz cable puts it on for free and eva rocks lol.
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
more pics from neko-san

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