My boring life and for the new once or the once that I haven't told. USO means "Unidentefied Sitting Object" and the story behind it is to long to be said in this place. there isn't much more to say.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
44 days left
Now its 44 days left and tomorro we leave for our first long field week and then its just one left before its an end. I also dug up a way for me to get a trip to the U.S cheap exept that not much have happened. If now something happened I can't remember as I am starting to get so tired of this and I am losing contact with my friends over the net. It hurts loding them if I now have and I have tried all in my power to be online on the weekends but I haven't been able to be online when they where, sadly. well now I'm off to try and reach one of my more important online friends by e-mail and then its time to call it a day.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
The count down has begon
Its finally close till my days in the army is at end and even sooner my drivers licence test will come in order. hehe thinngs are moving upwards even though its the twoi hardest field weeks left. well Its only 51 days left so I will try top make it so I can type atleast once aweek saying what day it is. yeah I know it has been said often but I will only poiwst days left nothing else so stay tuned. oohh and tomorro will be the day we bade in a ice hole. you figure what it is. well anyway cya all and hope to put in a total army post when its only 10 days left :D
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
WEEE!!! another field weeks gone by
Now its only 3 more field weeks or rather 5 if you count that some goes over one and a half. well after this field weeks the count down starts which really keeps the motivation up. another plus is that we get the next thursday and friday off :D. that's all I have time to write right now but I hope to see you all later :D
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