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• 1992-12-01
• Why the hell would I put that here?Stupidheads...
Member Since
• 2007-03-20
• I'm a fucking 9th grader, and I fucking hate it!
Real Name
• Yukari
• I managed to pass grade school, and I've been to 50 anime conventions. Now to focus on getting to 100!
Anime Fan Since
• Since I started watching Sailor Moon with my older brother and my older sister.
Favorite Anime
• D.Gray-Man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Trinity Blood, Death Note, Eureka 7, Bleach,Hikaru no Go
• Going to the Computer Club at school and learning how to type(correctly).
| Uzumaki Yukari
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Guestbook Entries:
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Zoe (07/09/08)
Hi!! It's Zoe here!! The site's looking awesome!! BTW, I know ur sis, Sailor Venus ^_^ Thanks for signing my GB--I'll add u as a friend!! ^_^ See ya!! ^_^
hackerblackrose (01/11/08)
i like your site and u seem very cooly^^
hey can i add ya and let's be firends ok^^ PM me anytime even if it's random i love randomness!!!
MissGoldenAngel (12/15/07)
EEEEEEEE OMG i love your pageee~ allen is the bestest of the best, yep yep! and d.gray-man owns all. x3
and thanks so much for your visit to my page (and your comment, thank you!) if you ever want to chat with me, be free to pm me anytime! really, i'm a good friend, so you can really talk to me about whatever you want! ^ ^
well then, i'll be seeing you around, miss yukari! i hope ninth grade'll get better for you (i'm not in 9th grade yet, so i don't know how it is), and i wonder if you can hit 100 anime conventions! :>
long live allen!
EnteiWolf (11/15/07)
Being a ninth grader isn't all bad...
Maybe it is...
It's Namikaze Minato (Yondaime-kun ;P)!
DeceptionDemon (11/15/07)
i hated my freshmen year too
BloodWolfMoria (11/14/07)
whats up? *signs in green*
nice site! love the bg, its very pretty.
Ah, you like Bleach? Do you watch it on youtube? i resorted to that, they cant keep up with TV translations where i live, but i olny got like, 3 episodes ahead cuz im so fucking lazy XD. Or do you read the manga? Who's yur fave? (lol 20 questions) To answer my own: My fave is Ulquiorra cuz hes so indifferent, and im so... not.
Sorry if im being annoying, i just cant sleep and now im wired.
BlackKokoro (09/10/07)
Yo! I visited your sis's site, and I saw your button on her site, so I clicked on it! *clicks* Your site is really awesome, I love Bleach! I'm gonna add you to my friends, kay? See you later!
KoInu kyan (05/20/07)
Hello! xD
I'm UzK's friend, Rishi. I prefer being called Rishi-kun, even though I'm a girl, because it sounds better then Rishi-chan. Your site is very hyper and nice. ^^ Come around to my site sometime, and I'm adding ya, blah blah blah. XD
See ya! XD
KagomeMaya17 (03/24/07)
Hiya. ^^ Thank you for signing my guestbook and for visiting. I'm glad you like my Sunset theme on my site and my name "Cecilia." ^^
You have a pretty site here too. I like the background very much. I'll add you as a friend.
I'm sorry for not signing your guestbook sooner, I tend to be pretty busy with work and all on the weekdays. ^^'
May you have a nice day.
Talk to you later.
UzumakiKitai (03/22/07)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook!
From one Uzumaki to another, i think the Uzumaki clan rules!
Naruto's not my bishi though, Kitai's just an oc.
Neji's my bishi XP
Well, guess i'd better get going before the flying monkeys come.....oh shit! they're here!
Quick Neji, to the escape route!
*jumps out window*
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