Birthday • 1994-06-29 Gender •
Female Location • In my mind: Curled up with Alucard and Naruto Uzumaki. In reality: In front of my computer 23/7 Member Since • 2006-10-10 Occupation • Shinobi, Apprentice, Anbu, Vampire Kunoichi, Honor Student Real Name • Uzumaki Hinata, or Sara Tepes, or Sara C.
Achievements • Getting over my introvertedness, Learning to stand up for myself!, NOT BEING A SASUKE FANGURL!, Out-eating Choji, Iruka, and Naruto at a Ramen Eating Contest :3, Knowing all the Hellsing spoilers and owning almost all of the manga! Anime Fan Since • I saw Sailor Moon Favorite Anime • NARUTO! but, I also like Hellsing, YYH, Genshiken,Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, DB:GT, Kamichama Karin, Bleach, FMA,One Piece, YGO:GX, Digimon, any Hayao Miyazaki, Primarily Kiki's Delivery Service, Rurouni Kenshin, Gin Tama, Godchild, Nana, and Furuba Goals • Keep Neji in ICU for another decade or so, Marry Alucard, Help Konohagakure become an even better Village, Avenge Asuma-san, beat Walter one day... Hobbies • Reading, Drawing, Glomping Naruto, Kissing Naruto, making loud, long love to Naruto and Alucard....I MEAN!!...Eh, crud O///O...Messing with my friend's heads! Talking with my friends Kiben the wolf , snowycloud, rockleelover17, and HinataNaruInu Talents • Singing, using a katana *seriously* Writing, Scaring other people by using the Silent Killing Jutsu, Messing with People's heds!, Giving good advice, Able to tell you anything about Alucard or integra at any time, NEVER BEING BORED. UzumakiHina-chan
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Random, short, pointless post!
yeah, no fanfiction... sorry, all! i am working on parts of my 600 Hits story!
If you want in, Private Message me, k?
I'm eating dinner right now, and I'm bored waiting for people to PM me back. So now I'm annoying you guys with SEE TITLE.
I just got out of a bath. Perfectly normal.. except..
I looked down at one point, and I think I saw red eyes *_*" Alucard's spying on me in the TUB?! *__*" I probably just had too much chocolate.. Chocolate has made me see weirder if I eat too much...
well, me and my BF FINALLY get to talk tommorrow!We've both been short on time! ^O^
Oh, I came up with how my Final Fantasy 7 charecter Nataiya dies... I'm morbid, or am I emo?
And this is how her and Sephy's daughter introduces herself:
"I'm Insane, I'm Sweet Insanity, I'm Daddy's Broken Angel and Mommy's Angel of Death. But please... Call me Mercedes."
*____*" And Cloud has to babysit her xD
Short Random Drabble!
See ya'll later!
AMY LEE+SEETHER+AMV= ONE HAPPY SARA! ^O^ (even if it includes the Sakura bitch...)
I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've gone away, you don't fell me here anymore
The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've gone away, you don't feel me here anymore
Vlad pix:
Kid Vlad is on the last post...
Chibi Vlad is Adorable...
Teen Vlad, about 14:
all the girls loved him @_@ Can ya BLAME 'EM?
Age 16:
And the women praise his name xD Alucard says he's too pretty >_>
Adult Vlad, 28:
Kinda creepy, but still a Ladies Man. And yes, he still wears his hat.
AAAAND another little Vlad, age 4, with his hat:
Comment your charecter's look and profile from Naruto if you want in my story! K, byes! Comments (1) |
Almost 600 hits!
*glomp* Thank you guys soooo much! I appreciate everything!
I'll make a story for you guys!
PM me any ideas, ok? O^__^O
So, Random Vlad cuteness: THE HAT.
Vlad looked at the beautiful item through the shop window. It was a hat. A brown and white aviation hat. With goggles.
Love at first site.
The four-year-old pressed his face up to the glass. His breath left marks, as did his face, but he didn't care.
In Vlad's world, it was only him and the hat.
He could hear his mother's voice on the cold city street.
"Vlad! Whacha lookin' at?" she asked, clearly in a good mood. He pointed. "Ohhh, a hat." she said. Vlad thought she sounded impressed. Seras and Karen, also present, thought she sounded sarcastic. Sara was actually pleased she had found something Alucard would buy the child.
Sooooo pleased....
"You want it, Vlad?" she asked. Vlad's head was bobbing up and down frantically, like a fish out of water. "Ok, maybe for Christmas!" Sara said. Vlad pouted. "I want it now!" he stated. Sara smiled and lifted him up. "Fine, I'll put up the nice, big thing I got you for Christmas you woulda loved..." Sara baited.
"...OK!" Vlad said with a smile. Sara blinked. Karen and Seras were trying not to laugh.
Trying, not succeeding.
"Her FACE..." Seras giggled. "Oh my God, Sara, you look so stupid right now!" Karen said. Sara slowly shook her head, then did what she swore she would only do in extreme emergencies.
"No, Vlad... Sorry." she squeaked.
Vlad's world stopped.
Momma just said no.
Daddy said no.
Aunt Integra and Aunt Seras said no.
Aunt Karen and that Bastard Anderson said no.
Uncle Corwyn said no.
Momma NEVER said no to her little Vlad...
Vlad's eyes were huge as his mother simply dragged him off, literally. The boy weighed next-to-nothing as he pondered on the last three words he heard.
Alucard smiled. Sara had been waiting in the basement for him. Her hair was pulled back into a braid so her soft, pale neck showed. She was wearing the outfit he loved most, a tight, low green sweater and a short peek-a-boo black skirt.
Sexy, he thought, licking his lips.
And she was wearing LIPSTICK.
Meaning she was HORNY.
That, and her own mix CD had been playing Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles.
Alucard moaned.
Sara smiled.
"Before all that, you have to promise to do something for me."
"Buy him a HAT?!" Alucard questioned. Sara nodded, cuddling up to him. "Yeah. It's simple enough, huh?" Alucard blinked. "I was expecting you to ask me to start a Nuclear War or something... Sure, I can get our kid a hat. What store?" "Carpennetti's, on 15th and Longmun."
Vlad and Riviera were looking at the presents expectantly. "Just go to sleep tonight, and when you wake up, you can open them!" Sara said, stroking her son's hair. Vlad pouted. First, Sir Integra said he had to get a haircut, and Momma said he could open one present if he did, so he let Granduncle Walter cut his hair. Then, when he went to open the gift he was SURE was his hat, Riviera started begging Aunt Seras to open a present. Now Vlad had to wait until morning to open his hat, put it on his head, and spend the rest of his young years on Cloud Nine.
Sara looked over at Alucard and winked.
+He's so happy you got him the hat!+
/..What hat?/
+The hat you said you'd give him... DID YOU FORGET?!+
/I'm sorry./
+Well, we'll never, EVER use the fondue again now...+
/Oh, come ON!/
"Walter... I know it's late, but PLEASE get up!" Alucard pleaded, standing over the old man's bed. Walter looked up at Alucard. "I have a mission, otherwise I'd do this my self, but PLEASE, go to the Carpennetti's down on 15th and Longmun and buy the Aviation hat in the window?" Alucard kept begging. Walter sat up. "Why?"
"...I promised Vlad... I would get him this hat... and... I... kinda.."
"Forgot. You forgot." Walter finished.
Walter sighed, knowing all too well of Alucard's predicament.
"DAAAAAAAAADDDDDYYYYYYY!" Johnathan Dollneaz called from the stairwell. Walter looked up at his young son. Johnathan maneuvered his way down the stairs without hitting his mother, Christina, or Alucard as they threaded popcorn together. Walter hugged and lifted his three-year-old child. "What is it, John?" he asked. "Is my bike ready?!" Johnathan asked.
Walter got extremely quiet. "Daddy?" Johnathan asked. Christina looked up, a strand of brown hair hitting her yellow eyes. "Wally.. You DID get him his bike, correct?" Walter remained quiet. "WALTER..." Christina called.
Walter set Johnathan down. "Go play with Mr. Alucard." he said, kissing the boy on the forehead. Johnathan smiled at his babysitter. Alucard looked up. "You want to play" "OUTSIDE!!!" John squealed. Alucard put the boy on his shoulders and was off. "PUT A COAT ON THE BOY, ALUCARD!" Sir Hellsing called after them. Johnathan blew a raspberry. Alucrd laughed. And Arthur Hellsing shook his head.
Christina was on her feet, wiping her hands on her red and brown dress, scowling. "You PROMISED, Walter. PROMISED." she twitched. Walter took a step back without even noticing. "I... Forgot?"
Arthur and Walter's jaws dropped. Christina Elanor Dollneazz was shy, kind and sweet in everyday life, a calm whirlwind on the battlefield, anything but a loose cannon. Yet, here she was, screaming her lungs out at her poor, unsuspecting husband.
Walter felt tears sting his eyes. "I'm sorry?" he squeaked. "Um, the stress probably isn't good for the baby, Tina..." Walter suggested. Christina glared at him. Walter gulped. "If that bike isn't under that tree when he wakes up, your balls will be on the menu!" Christina screamed, twirling back around on her heel to find Alucard and her son.
"Walter... I believe you are thuroughly fucked." Arthur slurred, clearly drunk. Walter groaned, sitting down on the couch, hiding his face.
"And you owe me!" Alucard finished. Walter knew it. Johnathan's Christmas and Walter's balls had been saved by Walter getting on his knees and begging Alucard to find a bike, ANY bike, for John.
Alucard had complied, finding a nice yellow bike for the boy.
It was the only secret the two kept from everyone else.
Walter groaned, getting out of bed. "Where, again?"
Alucard smiled, then hugged the old man.
Walter blinked, twitching.
The store was closed. Technically, if he paid for the broken glass and hat, it's not Breaking and Entering and... Grand Theft Hat...
What the HELL was he doing on an empty London street at 2:17 in the fucking morning in below freezing, snowy temperatures?
He could see if he got caught.
"Oh, well, you see, I'm paying back an old friend. His name is Alucard, you see, and his son Vlad would KILL for that hat, and believe me when I say the child's a real sharpshooter. So, he stole me a bike a little over 50 years ago so I'm stealing him a hat. See? Simple!"
Walter groaned, then got a running start for the glass.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS, GRANDUNCLE WALTER!" Vlad had exclaimed, handing Walter a box of new clothes. Walter smiled, even though it hurt like a bitch because of the cuts on his face. "And... Merry Christmas to you, Vlad..." Walter said in a lack-luster tone. All he had gotten to give Vlad was a pair of red and black socks with bat's on them.
vlad smiled, opening his box of socks. "Thank you!" Vlad had squealed, hugging his Granduncle.
Walter was happy that he liked the socks.
He was pissed when Alucard was showered with affection over that stupid Goddam hat.
FIN. And that, Ami-chan, is how adorable Vlad is *see above iamge*
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Ash is a moron, and I found a Wally Walli for ya, Lil.
Random G2 Hellsing Ficlet
Vlad pouted at his father. "Please, Daddy?" he asked. Alucard remained quiet. "Please, Father?" he asked. Alucard didn't move. Vlad blinked, his dreams shattered.
"Can you point and use a gun correctly, Vlad Dracul?" Alucard asked. Vlad looked up and nodded. "Do you know how to defend yourself, Vlad Alucard?" he questioned. Vlad nodded again. "Can you follow orders, Vlad Walter?" Vlad continued nodding. "Do you know the weaknesses of a vampire, Vlad Albion?" Another nod. "Can you dispatch Ghouls quickly, Vlad Aiden?" Nod-nod. "See in a night as dark as pitch, Vlad Aria?" Two quick nods. "Do you know your power, Vlad Dante?"
A stall.
An unsure nod.
"Do you know who you are, Vlad?" Alucard asked his son. Vlad chimed in his small, childish voice, the voice of any 4-year-old.
"Vlad Dracul Alucard Walter Albion Aiden Aria Dante Tepes, son of Vlad Draculea and Sara Dornez." he said softly. Alucard shook his head. "Louder, boy."
"I am Vlad Dracul Alucard Walter Albion Aiden Aria Dante Tepes, son of the Hunter and Count Vlad Draculea and the Countess Sara Dornezz." Vlad said, louder and firmer this time. Alucard smiled at his son.
His long black hair was pulled into a ponytail that dangled over his slim, black-draped shoulder. His skin was soft and pale, as his mother's was. Like Snow, Alucard thought. His green eyes glittered with a strange light that seemd to beccon with words of honey laced with poison.
Alucard reflected on his thoughts. The words he put together in perfect melody was a sign he and Sara spoke far too much. She was rubbing off on him.
Vlad looked up at his Father's smile anxiously. "Well?" he whispered. "I suppose..." the child was breathless. "I suppose... You could ask your mother. I'll ask Sir Integra." Alucard said. Vlad leaned forward, kissed his father on the cheek, and ran off soundlessly. Alucard smiled. The child was like his mother in so many ways...
Sara was finishing making her bed when she sensed him enter the room. "Love, what are you doing up here?" she asked, picking him up. Vlad was smiling at his mother, clutching his father's hat onto his head. "Father said yes! Can I really go?! Mommy, can I?!" he begged. Sara sighed. She'd answered the question a million-and-one times. Since Vlad could talk, he would ask when he could follow his father on a mission. And even before that, when he started walknig, hell, CRAWLING, he would follow Alucard around the castle, knowing his father was going to leave him to kick undead ass.
"Yes, Vlad, you can go." Sara said. Vlad smiled and hugged his mother tightly. "Thank you, Momma." he said. Sara smiled. "You're growing up..." she said softly. Vlad looked at his mother, puzzled. "I don't wanna grow up! I want to be mommy's little boy, for always!" he exclaimed. Sara laughed. "Oh, you'll always be that, Shrimp." she said. "Am not a shrimp! I'm 4'1"!
Sara's smile faded for a moment. It seemed like yesterday she was first holding him, Corwyn reading off his measurments. 10 inches, 8.6 pounds.
Now he was 4" 1', and getting too heavy for her to lift.
She sighed again. Vlad buried his face into her neck. "'Ts ok." he said. She smiled again.
"WHAT THE HELL NO!" Integra screamed at her now decidedly insane servant. Alucard shrugged. "He'll be heartbroken." Alucard complained. Integra twitched and got a cigar. "Rather he heartbroken over being safe than you and Sara broken over his death." Integra said, lighting her cigar. Alucard rolled his eyes.
"You've said so yourself, Master, his aim is perfect."
"Everyone misses once in a while, and what if he did so in a life or death situation?"
"He's Dhampir, Master. A ghoul or Trash Vampire can't kill him, and you're forgetting the most important fact of all: He's my son."
Integra remained quiet. Alucard smirked.
"No, Alucard... The most important fact is he's Sara's son, and if Sara says no, even you would yield." Integra said, setting her feet onto her desk.
Vlad came running into the room, pleased as punch to see both his father and his father's master in the same room. "Momma said yes!" he said happily. Integra's cigar fell from her mouth as she jumped up. "WHAT?!"
Alucard set his feet onto Integra's desk, laughing. "Checkmate, My Dear Integra."
"NO WAY, ALEX, YOU CROSSED A FINE LINE THIS TIME!" Karen Anderson bellowed at her husband. Alexaner Anderson rubbed his ears. "Dinnae be silly. He'll be fine. Ah'll be protectin' 'im." he reasoned. Karen wanted to strangle her husband so much right now, it actually hurt. "NO. NO. NO. NOOOOOO! END OF STORY!" Karen twitched. Anderson sighed. It was so much easier telling Roman he could get his mother to agree than actually getting Karen to let go of Roman.
"C'mahn, Sara's letin' go o' Vlad." "VLAD'S DIFFERENT! HE CAN STAND UP ALL ON HIS OWN AND FIGHT!" "Y'mean cos he's a Damned Half-Breed. Remember, Roman's got yer good looks and mah Regenerative abilities."
Karen began to cave. Slowly.
Vlad was still smiling as he mowed through line after line of undead with the gun Momma had been keeping for him.
The Joshua.
A 9 mm Anti-freak gun, desinged to fire two rounds at once. The rounds were blessed silver, and the casings were, of all things, frozen, crystalized Holy Water. Made of pure ivory and inscribed with Prince of Night, Savior of Light on the right-side.
Vlad liked it. A lot.
He and his father had reached the edge of the ghoul infested town, both in a very good mood. Vlad had been continually praised by his father. Alucard had constantly been reminded of how monstrously strong his line was. The line of Dracul.
Alucard saw the Vampire coming towards him. He looked down at Vlad and commanded him, in Romanian, to 'Get the fuck away.'
Vlad complied, knowing his father would be victorious. He went into the woods, hunting for a pack of ghouls to shoot at for the Hell of it.
Unbeknownst to him, Roman Anderson was scampering through the woods, lost and trying not to be afraid. He could see a figure. A small, frail figure in the moonlight, proud and frightening. Long black hair shone in the moonlight, green eyes watching him. Roman quivered, then felt the knife in his hand.
Mrs. Rachel had given it to him. Sweet, all-knowing Mrs. Rachel Maxwell, her long blonde hair over her shoulder and her brown eyes warm and kind. "You'll be a strong Paladin one day, and any good Paladin needs a blessed weapon to start with." she had said, handing him the blessed blade. He had smiled and thanked her. "It was Mary's idea, she's simply too shy to say it." Mrs. Rachel had laughed. Sure enough, Mary Maxwell was in a corner, her violet eyes watching the entire scene.
Roman lifted the blade over his head, chanting the Iscariot's call. "In that case, Iscariot, we ask o' thee, what dost thou hold in thy left hand? 30 silver pieces, and a rope. In that case, Iscariot, we ask o' thee" Roman lunged at his target, for Mary, for Mrs. Rachel, for the silencing of his fears.
Vlad saw that Roman had a weapon all too late. The blade cut a part of his chin, blood gushing. Vlad tried not to cry, but it hurt. "D.. D... Dammit, ya son of a Bitch!" Vlad cried, picking the Joshua back up.
Alucard and Anderson were about to start dueling, the Vampire soundly defeated, when Alucard could hear his son screaming from far away. "--A BITCH!" Vlad seemed to scream. Alucard jolted, turning to the sound. Anderson moved to attack when Alucard instinctivly brought a foot up and nailed the Paladin's crotch.
Anderson couldn't even scream. The Vampire had silenced him telepathically.
"FUCK YOU AND THE CALVARY YOU RODE IN ON!" a boy screamed. Alucard was off. Anderson got up and followed.
They reached a forest clearing where a black-haired boy was fighting a blonde-haired boy. The dark haired one had a gun, the light haired one a blade. Anderson and Alucard looked at each other. They rushed over to get the boys off of each other to no avail. "VLAD DRACUL ALUCARD WALTER ALBION AIDEN ARIA DANTE TEPES!" Alucard screamed. To Anderson, it sounded like babble. "ROOOOMAAAN!"
The two boys didn't respond. Well, they did, but only to insult each other.
"ASSHOLE!" Vlad screamed.
"DAMNED MONSTER!" Roman shot back.
It was unclear which child was winning. Alucard and Anderson had wrestled the weapons away from the kids, so the two boys were now fist fighting in the dirt. Vlad seemed to take the most punches. He simply wasn't strong enough to throw the Anderson child off.
Anderson finally reached down and icked them both up. They kept squirming and kicking and screaming and clawing at each other even while being suspended by their shirt collars.
"KNOCK IT THE FUG OFF!" Anderson screamed. Roman stopped instantly. Vlad finally calmed, his wounds bleeding profusely. Alucard took the bleeding child into his arms. "Vlad... Vlaaad..." he said, trying to calm the child completely. "You can cry." Alucard said as he looked into his son's burning, wet eyes. He had no idea why he said that. Why would he want his child to show weakness in front of his enemies?
Vlad's eyes dried, as if catching his father's thought, which he probably did.
"I'm fine." Vlad growled. "Target destroyed?" he asked in a cool, business-like manner. Alucard nodded. "Then we should go." Vlad said.
Vlad had only begun to cry when his mother tended his wounds. He grabbed onto her like he would never release her. She had cried a little as well, but her voice was steady as she told him what a brave boy he was. Alucard watched from the shadows as he always had, his secret way of truly knowing Vlad.
"You don't have to go on another mission, Vlad." Sara cooed, stroking his wild, black hair. Vlad shook his head, blood flying all over the bathroom. "I want to! I want to be strong! Like Father! Anderson hurts Daddy all he wants and Daddy never cries! I have to be strong like Father! Have to!" Vlad kept saying. Sara kept trying to silence him, but Alucard stepped in.
"Until you're older, you may only train with me. You're strong and brave, yes, but you have to become stronger before I'll take you on another mission. Allright?" Vlad nodded, trying to stop crying in front of his father. Alucard didn't try to wipe the child's tears away or scold him. He instead said eight words that followed the child for eternity.
"Keep crying. Don't become the monster I am."
At the Vatican, Alexander Anderson was looking over his son a final time. What Karen didn't know wouldn't hurt her. He sighed with relief. no cuts, lacerations, or broken bones. His son made a mess of Alucard's little bastard without getting hit himself. Wonderful. He'd buy the child something nice for that feat. Maybe a trycicle, like he had wanted since the beggining of the year.
Karen was waiting and jumped over her spot on the couch to get to Roman. She inspected him as well. Her threat involving a spatula and his balls, plus sheep shears, if Roman got hurt played in his mind.
Karen stopped at one spot under his blonde bangs. "Alex, he's hurt..."
Anderson flinched. "WHAT?!"
"He has a bruise. What happened?"
"Er.. a lew cert ung hist bret..."
"Quit mumbling!"
"alu... card...."
The spatula came whizzing out from behind Karen's back.
"Alex, c'mere..."
"God, protect Momma"
"God bless Mommy,"
"And guide Father and Sir Integra's hands as they do your work"
"And bless Daddy, and Father Maxwell"
"Help Uncle Corwyn and Aunt Seras and baby Riviera"
"Protect Mrs. Rachel and Miss Mary all through the night"
"Aid me so I may be strong and do your will"
"Help me to be a good boy so I can be a good Paladin"
"And it might not hurt to add"
"By the way, would you mind"
I'm in love! My BF gave me the link, and I'm on chapter 64: Hundred Swords 2, page 2, in Hellsing!
*reads over*
...Wow, I'm so Hirano!*
*Kohta Hirano is the writer and artist of Hellsing, and at the end of every manga volume, he leaves obscure and frightening messages --Ash
Ok, I may be crazy for Alucard, I mean crazy crazy...
But I can bet all you girls around here are crazy for him, too, now that you've seen this pix!! >_< HE'S MINE! Comments (5) |
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Reaching For You is finished. Done. And it had a hell of a lot more action than romance! More sex than sweetness! More secrets than honesty!
....Ok, I lied. A little. Only one bloody sex scene... Action: Hell yeah. Romance: A decent here-and-there sprinkling. Secrets up the a-hole. And honesty? Oh, hell no.
Well, I started reading Vampire Hunter D today! And I'm learning German! I can say Elder, Cruel, Count, Brother, My, Vampire, Love, The, Sister, Angelic, Angel, Beloved, Second, Mother, Princess, and Beautiful.
Don't ask, it's for another fan fiction.
I got kinda deppressed when I finished RfY.
So, I made a sequel.
About Vlad.
Rejoice, Ash >.>
Weird title, huh? @_@
For Ash, I suppose...
Dhampir I: Nightmares
"You look like a girl!"
"What a weird name!"
"You're such a freak! Can't even play baseball!"
"We heard you don't have a dad!"
"So, he's a BASTARD!"
"Naw, a p----!"
"Wanna run crying to mommy?!"
"Crybaby Cry! Crybaby Cry!"
(at ME laughing at ME)
(I'm tasting my own blood what was that pain mommy's right pain's bad real bad)
"Right into the dirt!"
(I want momma where's momma momma need momma)
"Little shit!"
(why am I always different why don't they accept me?)
"Did we mess up your girly clothes?!"
(daddy. daddy'll kill them all. they're the only shit around here.)
"Lookit him! It's pathetic!"
(yes look at me notice me don't leave me alone)
(If I'm alone, I'll DIE)
(In the darkness. It'll take me. Like it did everyone else when I sleep)
The other children were tormenting a lone little boy dressed in full red and black. A boy so hauntigly beautiful, it was unearthly. Any passerby would try to help him once seeing his dark green eyes, but then shudder and turn away once they got close enough to sense his aura, breathe in the stench of curses and blood that hung around him no matter what.
A taller boy, around 13, came towards the child and pulled his long black hair, twisting it painfully through his fist.
"Prissy ass British bitch. Hair's too silky. It ain't right!" he chuckled. "You're such a girl!" he stated, kicking the boy farther into the dirt.
(no no no no NO NO NO I won't go through this I'm better than them you want to fight me then you best bring an army with you you son of a bitch I wanna know how your mommy will feel when she see's the little chunks of you I couldn't get around to destroy you don't know who I am I'm Vlad)
(Vlad Dracul Alucard Walter Albion Aiden Aria Dante Tepes. Son of Alucard. Momma's Treasure. One Who Should Never Have Been. I AM NO ONE.)
Sara sat at the kitchen table of her parent's home, her grey eyes looking at the woods beyong her window. She sighed, rembering that in her youth she had gone through every inch of it, laughing like nothing was wrong.
Odd, considering those woods were her hideaway when her life was screwed up.
+I wonder if Vlad would want to go into the woods? He'd probably just run amock before dinner and come in a mess+
She laughed. Vlad was his father's child. Wild, moody, cocky, but occasionally kind. An AluChibi, Kayla called him.
Strangely, every time she thought of Vlad, her head throbbed. It confused her, scared her. She knew something was wrong, but Vlad would have spoken to her telepathically if he was hurt.
The throb, again.
/Sara, where's Vlad?/
Alucard's voice rang in her mind. It sounded concerned and wondering. She blinked. Alucard only used that tone twice before, each concerning Vlad and her own safety.
+He went out to play a little while ago. Why?+
/Something's wrong/
/He keeps calling for me. Find him. He's still looking for you./
+I will!+
She didn't have to be told twice. She was running for the door faster than she thought she could be.
(Dead dead dead dead o lovely blood lovely LUV-LEE LOVELY)
(Why did I do that? Daddy I want Daddy)
/Vlad? Where are you?/
(Daddy? I'm scared. I don't know what I did)
/It's ok. Your momma's coming to find you. What happened?/
(I got mad. Everything got red, then dark. There was blood, Daddy. Blood everywhere. It's everywhere, and I liked it...)
/What do you see?/
The connection between Alucard and his son was broken. Alucard cursed under his breath. He knew something like this would happen, just KNEW it.
Integra continued to question him, but he wasn't listening. He was off like a bullet to find some other way to see Vlad.
Seeing the corpses of those that had toyed with him filled Vlad with rage again. True rage, unmatched by any mere mortal.
The rage of Hell itself.
All went red in Vlad's world. He was ready to strike anything that came his way.
A figure moved towards him.
He smiled, fangs bloodied.
He hit the human, hard enough to draw blood.
+Spikes. Oh my God he impaled them. Oh my God no Vlad no... no...+
He saw the true world again, and he saw his mother, a deep cut across her left cheek from when he hit her.
+Why is my son the only one to suffer?
Alucard was vaguely asleep 6 months after the incident, his eyes focused on the child sleeping next to him. His hair had grown slightly longer, and his pale fingers were wrapped around his father's hair. Alucard sighed.
His son always had nightmares since the 'incident'. Only recently had they stopped being awful enough to make him wake up screaming at God knows what hour.
He would grow to be a terror of the night, however. The time that he impaled 5 children upon spears of shadows would be forgotten.
The word flashed in his mind like a neon sign.
Alucard banished the thoughts with a shudder.
What the Hell did all of that mean.
/It means Vlad's special. I knew that when Sara first told me she was with child. He'll do something. Good? Bad? Do I want to know?/
Alucard's eyes slowly closed.
A Savior.
A Dhampir.
The Vanquisher, the Promise of Heaven's Reign and Hell's Demise
Heh.. took me 4 hours... Ash drew some wicked pix ~__~
Ok, so I picked Karen and Kayla up and we went and saw Rattatoie (sp?). I laughed so hard, but I'll never go in a French restraunt >.>
But, the movie was good XD
Ok, so then we went to Pizza Hut with my mom, dad, and grandparents. I got some Bath and Body Works lotion, including my scent, Japanese Cherry Blossom. A lot of clothes, $300, 300 minutes for my cell phone, A lot of candles, some stationary, plush animals (^__^), and a mini-digital camera, and that was the main party.
Later, Wolfe sent me 13 groups of 3 'Kiss' stories.
Let's see, I've kissed,
Alucard (<3)
Scar (^////^)
Eaoden (^O^)
Riff (^__^)
Jann Lee
Eomer (@__@)
And Chas drew me some sexy Alucard pictures, and a couple of Maxwell pictures!
And Ashton's gift.. I was interrogated...:
Ash: Alucard or Eaoden?
Me: Both...
A: Sad or happy ending?
M: Sad, duh.
A: Love or hate?
M: Love.
A: Close or far?
M: Close, what's this about?
A: Bishonen or natural?
M: Bishie. Now, what in the hell is
A: Sexy or kind?
M: Kind.
A: Finally, wait for your favorite or get someone crappy?
M: What the Hell, Ashton?
A: Ok, fine, I'll see if Reenigirl will help!
M: WHAT THE HELL?! It's pronounced 'Reenigrl'!
A: Whatever... Ok, can you wait for your present?!
M: Why the hell are you asking Reenigrl-sempai?!
M:....What the f*ck?
Any idea why Ashton would ask Reenigrl for a present? I thought she lived in California, or at least she's there now. I mean, God, is he gonna ask her for seawater?! *sigh* Honestly, Ash is weird like that... I await her return and the update of Memories... She's cool! And her art is gorgeous! Go see her gallery, see it now! I've favorited most of her work, so go! Go now! You'll love it!
lol Seriously.
*looks over the conversation she just quoted*
...He wouldn't...
Would he?
I'll be back later...
1) Does the conversation sound like he was gonna ask for a request? From my fave artist? Oh, geez...
2) Ya'll having a nice summer break or whatever?
3) Should I start posting daily pictures I find?
4) Does my site look any better?
13! 13! 13! 13! 13! THIIIIIIIIIIIIR-TEEN! ><
Integra: Hm... *hands new blank check* Pay-per-work. *mutter* and if you made Alucard uke, I fear you...
Alucard: *whispers* Pee Im Ess*.
Integra: ? Is that a fraternity or smething?
Alucard: *clears throat* No, Master...
Me: ^__^ YAY. *runs off*
I'll tell ya'll how the party goes! Loves ya's all!
*PMS... Alucard, you sick man...
My fave song, my fave pairing. A gift for you peoples. Good song, actually... But, it's in German!
The lyrics:
Siehst du mich nicht? (Don't you you see me?)
Do you see me? (x2)
Do you see me?!
It is - your inner flame
In which I burn
Your inner voice
That only knows my name
It is the - thought of you
That is always with me
Longing for you (you)
that drives me insane
I'd give you my soul,
My heart, my light of life
I sacrifice myself to you
But - you don't see me
My inner monster
Was your victim
My monstrous heart
That only belongs to you
It is - my love for you
That's always with me
And slowly swallows my entire life
Chorus (x2)
I wanted to be everything for you
'cause I'm nothing to myself
Only you - give me a purpose to live